Persona 5 |OT| Lupin The Fifth. Label spoilers properly! (see post #4621)

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So far so good on hard... though I'm not in the second dungeon yet.

Trying to decide between normal and hard myself. Don't want to turn the game into a grind, and also got spoiled that second dungeon
is almost too difficult on hard?
. Still want the combat to a proper challenge.


Guys how do I read or watch dvd's? I have tv and everything but I can't find the option, same for reading.


Neo Member
Trying to decide between normal and hard myself. Don't want to turn the game into a grind, and also got spoiled that second dungeon
is almost too difficult on hard?
. Still want the combat to a proper challenge.

Even on "Easy" I was still met with a challenge. Conserving exp, keeping the party alive, trying to reach the endpoint of a dungeon as soon as possible... I can't imagine doing it on "Hard" or "Challenge". On "Easy", it's not until the
sixth dungeon
I feel like I'm not constantly struggling.
Is it just me or does anyone else find Igor's voice to be a bit...weird? It almost seems like there's some kind of a static behind it when he speaks or that there's this odd choppiness to it.

I'm really enjoying the English voice acting so far in the game. I haven't played a JRPG in English in a long time and this game has done an excellent job, but Igor's voice just sounds so odd to me when he speaks. And I should clarify that this isn't just because they changed his voice actor.


Neo Member
Guys how do I read or watch dvd's? I have tv and everything but I can't find the option, same for reading.

To read books, go to the counter on Leblanc, the marker will be between Sojiro and the telephone.

For DVDs, you need to hook up the TV and the DVD player, then go rent the DVD.


First dungeon question:

I made it to the 4th safe room, which is just before a mini boss, which fights you in front of the big statue of the gym teacher. That's an easy fight, but after that there's so many enemies on the way to the tower that I drain all my resources and die before I make it to the next safe room.

I've been trying to get past this for the last hour and it doesn't seem to be possible, do I need to level up first perhaps? (Lvl 8 atm) Any other tips?


Neo Member
First dungeon question:

I made it to the 4th safe room, which is just before a mini boss, which fights you in front of the big statue of the gym teacher. That's an easy fight, but after that there's so many enemies on the way to the tower that I drain all my resources and die before I make it to the next safe room.

I've been trying to get past this for the last hour and it doesn't seem to be possible, do I need to level up first perhaps? (Lvl 8 atm) Any other tips?

This is where I keep struggling in all my new playthroughs.
Basically, you can either power through or level up, but this won't solve the problems you will face: healing your party while maintaining exp to down enemies before they kill you.

But you can also slowly avoid the enemies on the way to the tower, in the courtyard-like open space just before you climb the tower. The enemies on the tower itself are harder to avoid, and you will need to fight some of them to gain further access. The good news is, you're almost at the end, but it's still an uphill battle to that point.
Got a notice from gamestop that they upgraded my preorder to the steelbook, so I guess that is cool, told me to come by at 9pm on Monday to pick up the game.

Honestly I'm still reeling from the idea that I am gonna be playing this game, when I thought I was gonna have to wait a couple years at least.

I visited the real thing. I can relate.

Tell me more iwakura senpai.


TYH edition not shipped by Amazon yet is making me nervous.

Same, talked to amazon support this morning to see if I could coax an early shipment but they are still just promising delivery date of Tuesday (which of course would happen with this one since I've literally received every other pre-order on Monday).


Same, talked to amazon support this morning to see if I could coax an early shipment but they are still just promising delivery date of Tuesday (which of course would happen with this one since I've literally received every other pre-order on Monday).

At least its Tuesday. Im getting mine on Thursday.


It's not just Sakamoto, it's Takamaki, Kitagawa, Makoto, and almost every name in the game. Granted it doesn't actually bother me much, but it's very much present.

Are the other names all pronounced like Sakamoto or differently? I only heard the Sakamoto line and the voice actress said that they were told to pronounce it that way from Atlus directly, which is quite nuts, why would they do that? And hearing how almost everyone seems to misspell the names this seems to be the truth. Atlus deliberately wanted to set a tone by pronouncing Japanese names that way, I wonder what they were thinking, perhaps they didn't like the way Japanese names sound in English when unaltered?
Trophies are out.
Yeah this game is going to take me another 2 playthroughs to Platinum, might have to just wait for a quide o_O
Very similar to P4G though.

Interestingly enough, nobody has gotten the platinum yet, there's a hidden trophy and the not surprising Persona Compendium.


Neo Member
Are the other names all pronounced like Sakamoto or differently? I only heard the Sakamoto line and the voice actress said that they were told to pronounce it that way from Atlus directly, which is quite nuts, why would they do that? And hearing how almost everyone seems to misspell the names this seems to be the truth. Atlus deliberately wanted to set a tone by pronouncing Japanese names that way, I wonder what they were thinking, perhaps they didn't like the way Japanese names sound in English when unaltered?

No other mispronounced names bug me as much as Matt Mercer's Yusuke saying Goemon's name. Sugita's pronunciation of Goemon had more conviction to it.


Unconfirmed Member
First dungeon question:

I made it to the 4th safe room, which is just before a mini boss, which fights you in front of the big statue of the gym teacher. That's an easy fight, but after that there's so many enemies on the way to the tower that I drain all my resources and die before I make it to the next safe room.

I've been trying to get past this for the last hour and it doesn't seem to be possible, do I need to level up first perhaps? (Lvl 8 atm) Any other tips?

You can stealth your way past most of the enemies between the chapel and tower, with just a few exceptions. You may want to jump back to an earlier part of the dungeon and beat up some enemies for some items if need be, though. You're right about where I hit a wall, too, and it took some grinding for items and maybe one level downstairs to be able to just barely claw my way to the treasure at the end.

If you're able to get to the tower, you're really really close to the end.


Ryuji is best bro.

Minor first hours "spoiler" :
If Morgana's true form is anything else than a fat guy wearing a fedora I'll be disappointed. Thanks for that, internet.


Neo Member
Trophies are out.
Yeah this game is going to take me another 2 playthroughs to Platinum o_O
Very similar to P4G though.

The trophies also confirmed what Deadly Sin is tied to which bosses. Most of what's been accepted as true has been proven false. It's funny, since last year when the Japanese version was released, the info of the real lists of Deadly Sins has been posted by people who had actually played the game, and I was one of them. But people kept saying "Oh, that must just be shitty translation" or "That's trophies, not info from the game itself so it's false". Had tons of people on GameFAQS opposing me because of it. Even the TVTropes pages insist on listing the wrong ones. People are dumb.


Are there any difficulty mode related trophies?

Don't think so from a quick glance at them. I only played P4G on normal and got my Platinum trophy there, granted I don't really care about trophies, my account only has 2 or 3 platinum ones. I like a challenge but I also like to overpower everything at some point in the game, so I will chose normal once more for P5.
Trying to avoid spoilers and whatnot as far as story goes so forgive me if this has been answered in here already; but how's the selection of demons/personas look? Anyone interesting that the past games haven't had in them aside from the main chracters' personas?
Interestingly enough, nobody has gotten the platinum yet, there's a hidden trophy and the not surprising Persona Compendium.

Mr. Persona himself, Andrew Goldfarb (of IGN), has definitely gotten the platinum already. Maybe people just need to sync now that they're up or something



Just picked up my copy! The steelbook is gorgeoussss..


Yes! I made it to the next safe room finally.

it surely helps to have an ice spell to counter all those knight enemies in the first dungeon
Ryuji feels like a mix of Kanji and Youske from P4.
But really liking the cast of P5 so far. I haven't met all of them yet as i am still early in the game. I still can't decide who is a better mascot character Teddy or Morgana.

Deleted member 518609

Unconfirmed Member
I don't understand how anyone could like Ryuji. If I had an option for kicking him out of the group, even with the hit to our back-up, I absolutely would.

I don't understand how anyone could not like Ryuji.
Despite being treated like shit his entire life and always being screwed over, the guy is selfless and through the entire Kamoshida arc, the main driving force behind his anger isn't revenge; it's his inability to just let others suffer the same way he did.
Compared to him, Yosuke looks like a piece of shit - not that Yosuke really needs to be compared to anyone to look shitty.
I wouldn't call him best bro though, that's
Sounds like playing on Normal is a safe bet. Drop it down to easy if it gets punishing after the first few dungeons.

I just don't want to run into another Shadow Mitsuo situation. I'm still bitter about that shit. I don't have the time to grind to the appropriate level (I was severely underleveled).
Persona 3's Crying Table made me stop playing for months.

Yeah I'd say it's been a few months since I hit the Shadow Mitsuo wall. My first Persona/SMT game, too. I was absolutely loving it up until that point. Wish I had taken my friend's advice and played it on easy or very easy instead of normal. I was so invested in the story and characters up until that point, and felt like the mechanics were satisfying and the gameplay was just challenging enough until I started hitting the later dungeons.

I'm really looking forward to P5, but I don't want it to hit me upside the head all of a sudden during a normal run.
Is there an achievement/unlock for beating the game on Risky/Challenge/whatever it's called? Apparently it's the same as Hard but with slower grinding and more damaging crits so I'd rather just stick to Hard if not.

Deleted member 518609

Unconfirmed Member
Is there an achievement/unlock for beating the game on Risky/Challenge/whatever it's called? Apparently it's the same as Hard but with slower grinding and more damaging crits so I'd rather just stick to Hard if not.

No. None of the trophies are difficulty related, and there are no in-game rewards for one over the other either.


I don't understand how anyone could like Ryuji. If I had an option for kicking him out of the group, even with the hit to our back-up, I absolutely would.

What's with the hate? Seems like a pretty cool guy so far. Perhaps a little emotional and rough around the edges, but cool, nonetheless. Only a few hours in, though.

Really enjoying the atmosphere in the game, gets you all submerged into the world and all.


TYH edition not shipped by Amazon yet is making me nervous.

Same, talked to amazon support this morning to see if I could coax an early shipment but they are still just promising delivery date of Tuesday (which of course would happen with this one since I've literally received every other pre-order on Monday).

I don't think I've ever gotten confirmation of shipment for a release day game until like a day before it should arrive, so I don't think you have anything to worry about unless you don't get confirmation of shipment by Monday.

Got a question for you folks.
I'm mostly an SMT main game fan, how about the Persona series though?
I know it shares the same monsters from the SMT main line series, but the music and everything is different, would be Persona 5 a game for me?
Played SMT 3, 4, and the SMT DS games, also SMT 4: Apocalypse.


I don't understand how anyone could not like Ryuji.

I think he was doomed from the start for me because he reminds me of too many of the personality trails I hated in Junpei. Ryuji
flies off the handle way too easy, takes the "adults are evil" stuff too far, and his inability to ever control his temper constantly puts the entire team into worse—and potentially dangerous—situations. I felt he had way too little growth over the course of the game, and never did anything to make me come to like him. Also, I hated his motivations for wanting to continue as the Phantom Thieves once things got going. I think that character needed to be there, and it makes sense, but I just couldn't stand HIS way of bringing that to the story. I constantly wished I had more dialog options to go directly against what Ryuji was saying.

I think, putting myself in the shoes of the MC, I'd never want a friend like Ryuji in really life, so it was super hard for me to relate to him or feel anything positive toward him. (While Yosuke was someone I could be friends with.)

Every time there was a text from Ryuji that I could then totally ignore, it made me a little happy inside. :D
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