LOL mister obvious has come to rescue saving the new year already

"We just spent 7.5 billions for nothing! We don't believe in Bethesda games at all"
Now I really wonder how they're going to make the deal work for them.
In 2021 they'll publish PS5 exclusive games which is laughable.
Bethesda has basically only two games planned for the whole generation Star Field and ESVI. And what happened with Cyberpunk has probably changed the landscape of what will be considered acceptable from them as well, things like Skyrim PS3 or Fallout76 will be buried by the media so this will have an impact on dev times as well.
Then they have to make everything profitable somehow and it's not clear how they're going to do it making these huge games that took 5-7 years to be developed available almost for free on Gamepass.
It will be easier with smaller teams like Arkane and Tango whose games do not sell really well traditionally and will be refocused on smaller projects (episodic as well?) that can work on Gamepass.
Interesting times ahead but more on the business side of things.