Phil Spencer interview - Says that their intent is for all Xbox games, including Call of Duty, to be available on Xbox Game Pass Day One


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Turnaround with respect to what metric exactly?

Get back to a satisfactory level of growth (in all dimensions) heading into a year where they don't have a Starfield to boost interest in their platform.

If Playstation are expecting PS5 sales have plateaued, it follows that Xbox is going to do the same. If, a year on from the ABK acquisition everything is flat, hard questions will start getting asked inside of Microsoft.

Its not a matter of whether MS can afford it, it becomes a principle of why they are keeping billions tied up in an underperforming unit.


Xbox is dead?
The original ideia of xbox is dead and gone.. its not competition for anyone anymore.. is basically dead in europe and always being dead in japan ... so yeah is not literally dead in the Us... but pretty soon we might get MS gaming instead of xbox as alteady been leaked ...they are going third party eventually and if they do their hardware business is going to change

But if you want to take literally no.. xbox is not dead..


Gold Member
The original ideia of xbox is dead and gone.. its not competition for anyone anymore.. is basically dead in europe and always being dead in japan ... so yeah is not literally dead in the Us... but pretty soon we might get MS gaming instead of xbox as alteady been leaked ...they are going third party eventually and if they do their hardware business is going to change

But if you want to take literally no.. xbox is not dead..
They are on the ropes in the 12th i'll give you that. Putting out next to no software, and what little you do is largely broken and unfinished, then they deserve what they get.

Going third party will do nothing for their bottom line if they continue to put out trash like Redfall and Forza Motorsport.

Can they turn things around? I'd say so, but it would take a change in management to do so in my opinion.
He say also day one on Gamepass PC....

What it tells me is that its main objective is to increase Gamepass subscriptions and at the same time also manage to provide reason or reasons to promote XSeries as a product.
At least to give reasons to current users to continue in the ecosystem.

If this is going on PC as well COD revenue is going to crater


Gold Member
If this is going on PC as well COD revenue is going to crater
Whilst i dont disagee with you, there will be some funky shit going on. It'll be the base edition only. They will release the game to ultimate edition users a week "earlier", no beta access unless you purchase, "discounted" battle pass for paid users etc etc.

Not enough to offset lost sales, but still.
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They are on the ropes in the 12th i'll give you that. Putting out next to no software, and what little you do is largely broken and unfinished, then they deserve what they get.

Going third party will do nothing for their bottom line if they continue to put out trash like Redfall and Forza Motorsport.

Can they turn things around? I'd say so, but it would take a change in management to do so in my opinion.
Imho, Nothing is going to change in their development pipeline if the priority dosent comeback to being selling shitloads of good games in the market, whatever they choose the market to be, but this experiment of gamepass is a failure and for the life of me I cant think why they dont pull the plug on it, i just dont know the legal ramifications of it .... the legal bindings they have to deal with the clients that already bought gamepass for 3+ years


Gold Member
Imho, Nothing is going to change in their development pipeline if the priority dosent comeback to being selling shitloads of good games in the market, whatever they choose the market to be, but this experiment of gamepass is a failure and for the life of me I cant think why they dont pull the plug on it, i just dont know the legal ramifications of it .... the legal bindings they have to deal with the clients that already bought gamepass for 3+ years
It just boils down to games at the end of the day, as i'm sure you and everybody else on this board and in the known universe understands. Everyone apart from MS.

Gamepass would be a lot healthier for them if they did 30-45 day retail window like the Cinema.
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If this is going on PC as well COD revenue is going to crater
Those are his words. Intention to bring two ABK, Bethesda and XGS games day one to Gamepass console and PC.

It is clear that they prioritize increasing Gamepass subscriptions while the $70 PS5 and Switch or Switch 2 versions help pay off.
Without forgetting the microtransactions these generate y other and with other incentives that encourage the purchase (early access, rewards, exclusive maps or modes....)


Imho, Nothing is going to change in their development pipeline if the priority dosent comeback to being selling shitloads of good games in the market, whatever they choose the market to be, but this experiment of gamepass is a failure and for the life of me I cant think why they dont pull the plug on it, i just dont know the legal ramifications of it .... the legal bindings they have to deal with the clients that already bought gamepass for 3+ years
I too hate paying less for games, it's terrible for consumers. In fact $70 is not enough for a single game (Capcom is right), games should cost at least $100 (+$50 of day-1 DLC) and never drop their price.


I too hate paying less for games, it's terrible for consumers. In fact $70 is not enough for a single game (Capcom is right), games should cost at least $100 (+$50 of day-1 DLC) and never drop their price.
I guess you are ok with paying less and playing filler unfinished subpar games ... more power to you I guess.. hooray
COD on Gamepass day one is a big mistake imo especially if people are willing to spend billions of dollars on it each year. If this does happen, I’m expecting Gamepass to increase in price considerably.


If they can lock in that dual entitlement across Xbox and PC I'll be very happy. This article mentions it but its still not clarified as far as I know.

With gamepass almost all games you get are available on both PC and Xbox .. no matter the publisher
No way! a world without gamepass would be so bleak..

Spencer is a cunt. A cunt begging to be fucked and PS have been all too eager to get in there.

What Xbox needed was a pitbull(s). J. Allard and co knew what they were doing when they launched Xbox 360.

Gamepass is the only shining light when it comes to Xbox. Everything else is a case of 'throwing shit at a wall and see what sicks' affair. I'm not a fan of Phil fucking Spencer. Comes across like someone who's begging daddy for the money so he can buy his way to success.

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Spencer is a cunt. A cunt begging to be fucked and PS have been all too eager to get in there.

What Xbox needed was a pitbull(s). J. Allard and co knew what they were doing when they launched Xbox 360.

Gamepass is the only shining light when it comes to Xbox. Everything else is a case of 'throwing shit at a wall and see what sicks' affair. I'm not a fan of Phil fucking Spencer. Comes across like someone who's begging daddy for the money so he can buy his way to success.


Please tell us how you really feel…

Alan Wake

So it is painfully clear that Xbox is moving away from physical media ("what the customers want"). I understand that the disc drive does make the console more expensive, and when you take into account that only about ten per cent of Xbox games are sold on disc it all makes sense. The customers have spoken. As a collector I still think it's regrettable.


I think it would be great to be able to play CoD, but I don't see how the price of Game Pass Ultimate wouldn't go up as a result.

The price already effectively went up when they nerfed the conversion rate of Xbox Live Gold. That however was more of an "indirect" price increase and there didn't seem to be really any good reason besides Starfield not having been released and there being big hype around the game.

So it wouldn't be a huge surprise if they directly raise the price this time. Especially since CoD is huge and there's a better excuse this time.
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Lmao all their games being day one on game pass is part of what helped them into this mess in the first place and he’s doubling down on it.

I’m starting to think Phil is not good at his job.


I'm surprised. This is gonna cost them a lot of money I would assuming. But they have the Activision books now so they van pinpoint exactly how much sales they will lose of they do this.


I think it was a save guess that buying ABK would be the cheapest way for MS to get COD on GP in the long run.

Still, I don't see this working out really well. Probably will mean more monetization and lower quality for COD.


“Our intent is the full portfolio of games from ZeniMax, Activision Blizzard and XGS—Xbox Game Studios—will be on Game Pass, day one,” he said. (Day one = when they also go on sale.)

The anthem needs a refresh with more Phil-isms. <3 you game pass.
Game pass!!! Game passsss!!!! Ya???? Psn really sucks ass!!! Asss!! Yeah??? Yeashhh???

Todd Howard shootin from the tower why y’all ponies scared!!


That's one way to lose money on it.

A. People are gonna play it where friends are for one.
B. If you do get someone to choose gamepass instead- they arent buying the game. Its a sub but i guess you activate the "engagement" metric.

This is gonna lead to reduced game sales and i dont think it's gonna create some massive jump on consoles due to A. and people's established eco-system.


“Our intent is the full portfolio of games from ZeniMax, Activision Blizzard and XGS—Xbox Game Studios—will be on Game Pass, day one,” he said. (Day one = when they also go on sale.)

The anthem needs a refresh with more Phil-isms. <3 you Phil’s balls.
Fixed for you bro.


My intent with every year is to lose weight, get in shape, spend more time with family, start my novel, and make more money.

And yet here I am on Gaf all day. Saying you intend to do something is meaningless.
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