If i really liked Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition would I like Pillars or are they nothing alike?
Depends on what you liked and what you disliked (if anything) about Divinity.
The tone of Divinity was very much tongue in cheek. Pillars takes itself much more seriously in terms of narrative. That's not to say there isn't any comedy, but Divinity is like 90% comedy, Pillars is like 5%. and I personally didn't like Divinity's tone after the first few hours.
Frankly I think the writing, overall plot, and characters are leagues bettern than DIvinity. I don't think I recall anyone from Divinity outside the Twins, the wells, and ZixZax. I definitely remember every companion in Pillars, and all the main characters as well as many of the side characters.
There's a lot more reading in this game though, and the majority is NOT voice acted. That's a big change coming from Divinity:OS, where dialogue is all voice acted, and there is a lot less of it. Pro tip: there are a lot of characters with a gold background around their name. These feature short little backstories written by kickstarter backers that you can peer into. They have nothign to do with the main game and are 100% optional. So if you want to avoid reading fatigue, you cna safely skip these. I found many of the interesting, but skippable.
Another big difference is, of course, combat. It's rela time with pause in Pillars while turn based in Divinity. Divinity's combat also involves a lot more interaction witht he environment.
Now, I personally prefer real time combat with pause in a game like this, for numerous reasons, but people have died asserting which is best. I would, however, imagine that aturn based system is prbably going to be a hell of a lot easier to dela with with a gamepad than a real-time one. So this might be an issue for some, especially on consoles.
Divinity 2 is looking to solve some of the issue sI had with the last game, so I'm relaly looking forward to it, but not as much as I'm looking forward to Pillars 2!