I am replaying PoE in PC and my goodness this soundtrack is amazing. Super underrated in the soundtrack department. I think this is one of the best soundtracks I have heard in a game. Its up there with Witcher 3, FFVII, Chrono Cross, FFIV etc. IMO.
So when should aim to do the White March? Should/Can it be done after the main story?
Anyone got a link to some good up to date Builds. I was thinking of doing a Druid but a lot of the ones I find are before the 3.0+ patch.
It has 15 levels and yeah, they get pretty difficult.Man, how deep does that dungeon under the castle go? I'm on level 3 now and i'm struggling at lvl 7 with the ogres lol.
It has 15 levels and yeah, they get pretty difficult.
You're not meant to do the Endless Paths in one go, there are a few shortcuts back to the top so you don't have to walk all the way down everytime you go in. I think the third level has a shortcut.
Something odd is going on with my Paladin, I've respec'd into a heavy Defensive build and done something like 17 cons, 17 might, 18 int, 17 res but notice that in my character sheet it shows might as 15 and cons at 12...do you think this is just bugged?
I tried just doing a respec but nothing changed, I also checked for anything that could be negatively reducing my stats but nothing active is.
Just following up if anyone has any ideas? It's like my starting stats aren't actually sticking except for Int and Res.
So you dumped Dex and Perception down to 3ish? If so, then I dunno, sounds like a bug. If not then I wonder if it's some kind of display error, because you need to totally dump two stats to get the other 4 up that high.
Just following up if anyone has any ideas? It's like my starting stats aren't actually sticking except for Int and Res.
Yeah exactly. No matter what I do it doesn't display properly, the interesting part is that I don't think the attributes themselves are actually being applied because for example, Eder has 16 Con and his Health/Endurance are very high whereas mine are lacking behind, assuming it's taking the default 10 for me.
I quickly took a look on the PDX forums and it seems others have the same issue: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/foru...ributes-not-updating-with-respec-ps4.1042046/
I only play the game on PC otherwise I'd try test myself - it works fine on PC though so yeah what you're experiencing isn't intended behaviour. The game is pretty good at telling you why attributes don't apply or how they work but if it's bugged it won't. For e.g some people get confused when they add two items that have the same stat bonus such as item X with 3 str and item Y with 2 str, the game will only take into effect the str from the item with the highest str equipped (it doesn't combine) - when this happens if one opens the character panel under active effects it will say "Suppressed" for that particular attribute from the item, again this is not what you have but just thought I'd mention it for others that may read the thread and are new and experience it.
Just following up if anyone has any ideas? It's like my starting stats aren't actually sticking except for Int and Res.
Man, the story of the Grieving Mother is so damn interesting.
Should I be hiring adventurers from the bar? So far I recruited two. I have the wizard from town and the guy who smokes a pipe too.
Am I doing it right? Also, can anyone give me tips for my monk? No need for a second weapon set I take it? Lightest body gear possible to keep attacking fast? Anything else leveling/stat distribution wise?
It's up to you, you'll find companions to fill your empty slots (there's one companion for every character class in the game), but you can use them as temporary stopgaps. Or if you prefer you can rock a whole party of hirelings if you're into rolling your own party as opposed to using pre-created npc's.
I played a monk myself. I used my hands for the whole game, didn't need any weapons. As for armor, I kind of teetered between medium and heavy armor. While your monk needs to take damage to build his resources, with light armor he's going to take a bit too much damage in some of the harder encounters. I found even with heavy armor I was never short on Wound points to spend. Early on though you can get away with lighter armor.
Yeah. Eder's probably my favorite companion, but Grieving Mother's story is the one I found best.
Thanks for this!
How do Grimoire's work? My wizard has two books he could equip, but I am unsure of if I should be selling old books as I find new ones?
Any particular standout Monk abilities I should try to get right away?
How do Grimoire's work? My wizard has two books he could equip, but I am unsure of if I should be selling old books as I find new ones?
Any particular standout Monk abilities I should try to get right away?
This is the truth.As for this best companion discussion, you guys are nuts. The best companion is obviously Durance. Not only does he have the best dialog, the best voice actor and the coolest look. He's also a freaking Healer, and the point in the game in which you get him, that's like giving air to a drowning man.
As for this best companion discussion, you guys are nuts. The best companion is obviously Durance. Not only does he have the best dialog, the best voice actor and the coolest look. He's also a freaking Healer, and the point in the game in which you get him, that's like giving air to a drowning man.
Not going to dive in fully till I've finished Wasteland 2 (nearly there, I think!), but I have been dabbling in character creation and looking at the systems to prep a build. I'll probably be starting off on Easy till I get a hang of the controls.
Few build questions, if you don't mind:
- I take it that equipment is entirely dependent on Class/Background/Culture combinations rather than selected? Is the game generous enough with early equipment not to worry about this?
- Are any of the Monk's skills/abilities synergistic with weapons? Not keen on face punching. Thinking more stabbing sides with a spear or battering bonces with a bo staff.
- Ciphers seem really interesting, though I've read they aren't all that wonderful with melee weapons. What are the inherent weaknesses of the class in terms of melee that I'll need to look out/compensate for?
- I remember Kensai in BG2 being a lot of fun, though there doesn't seem to be much in the way of sword master builds here. Any tips on which class to pick to get a Kensai style build (one handed, low armour, high DPS) or is that a pipe dream?
- How dependent are Rangers on their animal companion? Do I need to split the focus of my build to make the most out of this build?
Equipment is not selected. I don't find that it matters very much since you get a decent amount of equipment early on or, worst case, can buy some. Anything that starts with heavier armor or a 2 handed weapon can save you a bit of early gold I suppose if those are the paths you want to go down. I wouldn't worry too much.
I think only one ability, The Long Pain, requires that you punch stuff.
Ciphers have only average base accuracy and deflection and below average health gain. They also don't get a proper melee ability so they can only auto attack. Melee Cipher is a fine build and lots of fun, just be prepared to micromanage more than most classes and/or occasionally get owned.
Fighters get to further specialize in weapon sets so you could kinda sorta roleplay one as a Kensai. It's obviously not optimal but I bet it could work just fine.
You can ignore pet talents if you want but I don't think it's optimal. Ranger pets can do some serious damage with a few talents invested in them.
On Easy or Normal I would say just pick what sounds cool and you can make it work. A bit less so on hard, but still doable. Really only PotD requires optimizing your builds.
So console guys, how're you finding it? Should I rebuy this on console to finally play it properly or just play the PC version which I'm yet to dig more than 1 or 2 hours into.
So console guys, how're you finding it? Should I rebuy this on console to finally play it properly or just play the PC version which I'm yet to dig more than 1 or 2 hours into.
I guess it depends why you only put a few hours into the pc build.
It would be expensive if you already own the game.
So console guys, how're you finding it? Should I rebuy this on console to finally play it properly or just play the PC version which I'm yet to dig more than 1 or 2 hours into.