Rodent Whores
You have a perfectly good mouth$699? I'll need two assholes to make extra money

You have a perfectly good mouth$699? I'll need two assholes to make extra money
where did you find that?
IMO it's too early to tell what the leap will be. I want to see next-gens 'the order 1886' (graphics wise, though I loved the game) before I can tell what these machines can do.
TBH, I would have preferred that devs/whoever to stick to 1080p/60/120 and add a load of bells and whistles, then go 4K with the pro versions. I feel that the industry has leapt to 4k way too soon and have backed themselves in to a corner.
IMO it's too early to tell what the leap will be. I want to see next-gens 'the order 1886' (graphics wise, though I loved the game) before I can tell what these machines can do.
TBH, I would have preferred that devs/whoever to stick to 1080p/60/120 and add a load of bells and whistles, then go 4K with the pro versions. I feel that the industry has leapt to 4k way too soon and have backed themselves in to a corner.
Anybody knows the latest we'll get the price for these?
I'm assuming once Sony announces the price, MS will soon follow..
Yep, that's what I think will happen too. Of course, theyre not gonna bleed as deeply they did in the seventh gen(Ps3 & 360). The trade off is just not there to the same degree anymore. This is still a business, not an ego trip.I am guessing Microsoft may go very aggressive with their pricing this time round, they may be prepared to take a bigger hit on their console profit, to go for maximum market share and make money on the software and online services etc.
Man this price talk has me concerned for a couple of reasons. First is anything above $500 is insane IMO, and I think 500 is too high for a console system, especially when we are not taking drastic visual leaps and bounds from our current batch of systems. Second, and Also Fuck off if controllers get up to $80 bucks. This gens controllers (at least PS4) have been dogshit and aren't even worth 65 bucks that they currently want. For 80 that thing better not die for a week and I never want to hear the term stick drift again.
Also, can't get hyped about overspending without any concrete info about the system, cause honestly for 500 bucks...this better be fully disc backwards compatible back to the PS1. I've always felt anything over $400 in todays market for a home console is asking to fail. Parents will not be rushing to buy a 500-600 dollar console for their household, and nothing new is hitting the market in the systems to make them look at it like a media device the way PS2 was a DVD player, and the PS3/4 were Blu-Ray players.
Consoles are meant to be cheaper alternatives to PC Gaming, and give families a couch gaming experience. Gaming PCs get cheaper by the year, and these consoles want to charge more, but offer me less in comparison?
I don't see it, current model(s) cost $59.99, at best I'd expect a $10 price hike.
No way this thing can be $699? Right? Please dont tell me theres actual legs to these rumours.
These fake prices might as well just be a PR hoax. It's a great strategy: as a company you plant all these fake prices on websites, then announce the real price of 499 and everyone is gonna be like: wooow, look, it's JUST 499!
As close to the chest as the design of the console was were even first party developers or certain executives didn’t even know what it looked like, chances are very likely that retailers don’t even know the price yet either, least of all Play-Asia.
Especially with the seemingly cat and mouse game Microsoft and Sony are playing with each other.
We shall see, however.
So, who ultimately would have approved of the PS5's official design? Kenichiro Yoshida, Jim Ryan, or Mark Cerny?
PS5. Can you give us any insight into how the console design made its way out to the public?
Eric: I’ll give you a little story. Many months ago, I was in Tokyo. I got an invite to a meeting with Jim Ryan, our President [and CEO], and a bunch of other people. Pretty small group. And it was on a floor in the Sony headquarters building that I’d never been to before. The subject of the meeting was, “design.” So I thought I was going to a design meeting. And I got to this floor, and… there were a few doors you had to get through… you finally end up in this mini vault, a walk-in vault type of thing. There are these nice lights up above shining down. And there it was. Everything you saw today… PlayStation 5 was there, both units. The whole line of peripherals.
And while I think everybody got a good view today, with all the shots you saw in the show. When you see this thing in person, there are a lot of nice, surprising features… it’s gorgeous, it’s just a marvel. I think people are going to love having in their home, it’s something they’ll want to show off.
599 would be a disaster
imagine 699
Im considering the ps3 reveal price, and what happened then at the timeI don't think it would be a disaster. People who can't afford one still have a wealth of gaming options.
People expecting it to be $499...I don't think they realize how expensive the SSD alone is, assuming it is as cutting edge as it's made out to be. $600 is very likely.