Quick Resume (capital R) is a new feature for Xbox this gen. It creates a quick save for 5-6 games at a time that you can resume whenever you want. I'm not talking about just putting the console in rest mode on PS4. There was no quick resume on PS4.
And even your description of the cards is still weird to me. So if you're in Demon's Souls and you're stuck somewhere and don't want to die and lose your souls, you can exit the game and use a card to get warped to a different part of the game? I still don't get it.
Actually, the ability to suspend a game and resume it in the state you left it in has been available since the PS4/Xbox One (i.e., you can suspend one game and return to it, or in current terminology, you can quick resume
one game only). Being able to do this with multiple games now doesn't change what the feature is. If you really want to use the "marketing" name to say it's something else, that's fine, but my point was that you can do that for one game for the systems being discussed. So I was clarifying that.
As for the activity card feature, no, it will not return you to the "last state" of the game, it will only be a quick shortcut to a specific area or level, depending on how the game is structured/designed.
you don't know what quick resume is, hermano. That's not it.
Lol. Stop getting hung up on the marketing name that has now been assigned to a feature that has existed since the previous generation (
one game only). The only key difference is that we can do it with multiple games on the Series consoles. On PS5, it is still one game. I am NOT saying the old consoles could do it with multiple games. I was just using the current name since that is what we are calling it for ease, but in hindsight, using the marketing name did more damage to what I was trying to say than I had anticipated.
My bad
Punished Miku
I re-read what you were saying and you already acknowledged the "one" game at a time. What threw me off was how you said you vaguely remembering them adding that in, so I just wanted to say it has been there since the start (well, maybe not right at launch, so I guess that is why you said "vaguely"). I will take back using the word 'quick resume' to describe it since that clearly didn't help.