Hey boots
Vodafone and Wind (now NOVA) always had...ridiculous MB (MB, not even GB) limits on their respective a la carte programs (Cosmote too), we're talking about 600MB (Wind) -1 GB tops (Vodafone ) per month (12€) - I still remember my buddy saying to me " man, there was this craazy Wind promotion running back in December '22 where they gave us 3GB for free ! " when I last visited Greece back in February '23, needless to say, I lol'd

Here in Italy, I'm paying 10€ a month for 500GB and unlimited voice calls and sms - don't know how much you're paying for your monthly contract but I think that that's gonna be around then 30+ euros mark, correct ?
Same thing also when it comes for internet at home : i used to pay 40+€ a month for a 100Mbps FTTH connection (Cosmote) while here in good ol' Italy I'm paying 22€ a month for a...1Gbps FWA connection
The internet situation in Greece is years behind the rest of Europe unfortunately due to the usual "cartels" that be...
Anyways,.sorry for the off-topic , take care, Cheers friend !