Slings and Arrows
I'm in for godfall. Solid launch title
did they say that's what this was? then why say anything at all. They literally said no PS5 announcements.
For those that missed it
- Crash 4: It's About Time
- Hitman 3 / VR
- Braid: Anniversary Edition
- The Pathless (PS5)
- Spelunky 2
- Genshin Impact
- Aon Must Die
- ANNO: Mutationem
- Bugsnax
- Star Wars: Vader Immortal
- Control Expansion 2: Awe
- Auto Chess
- The Pedestrian
- Hood: Outlaws and Legends
- Temtem
- Godfall
Personally Genshin Impact was my favorite showing. Came outta nowhere for me, but it's fully on my radar now.In for Aeon Must Die!
Godfall is that type of game that's going to benefit greatly because it's going to be a console launch title. Hope they don't mess up this golden opportunity.
Everything looked like cookie cutter, mobile game ports and free to play hot garbage.
Nintendo save us
For as impressive as Godfall looks visually, it's gameplay looked very boring.
Everything looked like cookie cutter, mobile game ports and free to play hot garbage.
Nintendo save us
What did you think of Aeon Must Die?Crash 4 and Spelunky 2 looked pretty good. Hitman 3 will be bought of course.