Only had time to play for 5-6 hours last weekend.
Definitely a step up from PSVR1.
Tried Kayak VR in which I experienced motion sickness in the tutorial pool. First time for me. Interesting, will return to it.
Resident Evil 8 is nice, much 'cleaner' than 7, but I played for 30-45 minutes max, so I haven't seen anything yet. Not a horror person, but I played 7 completely in VR, awesome experience, so I have to play 8, too, I think
Gran Turismo 7 is everything I hoped for. Not into racing games anymore. Last time was maybe Gran Turismo 2 back in the day. When I heard 7 is a 'return to form' or at least feels old school in that way I bought it and had fun for 10-15 hours...then came the VR upgrade last week and I have to say it's the game I'm most impressed with. Depth perception on a TV is nonexistent for me in racing games, so I have to either use markers or the mini(road)map, both of which I dislike. In VR I can turn the hud completely off and just drive and anticipate corners in a much more natural way...who would've thought, right

it's just childlike fun to race on these tracks and 'be there'...if I still have fun after 10 more hours or so, I'm tempted to buy a wheel
No Man's Sky. What can I say? One of my favourite games and for me the one most suited to be played in VR. Still a blurry mess for anything outside your immediate area, but I don't care. The sense controllers are a very nice addition. (The move controllers absolutely sucked.)
The 'swoosh' sound bug is gone, very nice.
The 'drifting hud' bug is gone, yeah.
And the starship is controllable in comparison the to PSVR1 Version with the move all is good. I will log a couple thousand more hours into this game...and this time I can switch betweend VR and pancake on the same save, I'm very happy with the headset, just for this game alone. Everything else down the line are cherries on top.
To the recent discussion about smooth/snap turning.
For me smooth all the way. I want to play as I would on a normal tv, just in VR. Haven't had a problem besides Kayak VR yet. Running around, jumping from mountains, jetpacking across the's awesome. I feel a bit queasy after a one hour session, but nothing like the sickness I had after the Kayak session.
Easy to endure, but I'm curious if it will get better and easier. I will mostly have time to play in VR on the weekends and don't know if these constant breaks will hinder further development of my VR legs. We will see