Hello! I'll be getting my Horizon bundle tomorrow.
Quick question for you veterans:
As someone with very little VR experience is it too crazy to jump into GT7 right away? Or should I ease in with some other titles first?
I don't wanna get dizzy and puke on my lap

Thank you!
I found GT7 pretty dizzying initial even in a slow car, but it's still cool, I just couldn't handle more than a single race at first, others don't have trouble, but the best advice is to do short sessions and don't force yourself through it.
Horizon with snap turning and low vignetting at first is pretty good way to ease in, but again shorter sessions, and then you can turn vignetting off, I still prefer Horizon with snap turning even now - just don't use that dumb marching in place to move, analog stick is way better. And enjoy the scenary/objects/looking around for stuff to find and play with, otherwise you'll just have climb after climb after climb.
I found RE8 a good gateway game too, going from snap turning, to regular movement w/ vignetting to no handicap options, everything off. Just pace yourself day by day, the nausea will go away, I had no problems after a week.
Games like Moss, Puzzling Pieces and a few others such as Demeo where you're not moving around so much in VR are pretty safe. Kayak was hard for me at first, along with Star Wars.
Headset comfort is tricky too. At first I had it way too tight and had marks over my nose and forehead, you should never get marks on your nose, the weight shouldn't be there. Eventually I got better at wearing it, and also wear a thin sweatband to help prevent it leaving any marks on my forehead. They're still there but minimal now, and the comfort itself was never an issue.
Just be prepared for it to be really fun and awesome, but there is a learning curve, and it's not as incredibly clear as you'd expect, but when you're in game you quickly can forget. Hell I forget I'm in my house anymore when it's on, it's just so immersive and good for the price IMO. Do get RE8 though! It's such a great experience, I highly recommend it.
Edit: And keep in mind it's not a race - I find it a lot more fun to take your time in the games and have medium / shorter sessions, and be ok with that, than to expect to spend 6 hours and finishing a game in one sitting. With 30-45 minute sessions, it'll take me a good 40 tries to get through RE8, but it's always enticing and exciting to head back in and see just a little more before the horror and creepiness of it all gets to me, feels so great facing my fears a little bit each time haha.