**NOTE!!!: This is a parody. Well, the OP is. When I come across mind-numblingly stupid posts on ResetERA, like the below from user (tool) Firmus_Anguis, I like to poke fun at them. However, we can have a genuine discussion about Sony & Japan Studio with more substance than the drivel in this OP, obviously
(the below are Firmus_Anguis's words, NOT mine. You couldn't pay me to be this stupid)
Sony really fucked up with this, IMO... Them strictly looking at the bottom line and completely ignoring the artistic value these smaller games brought to the table is a tragedy.
The internal power struggle at Sony might've just been about this. What made PlayStation so great weren't just the AAA-games - the smaller, quirkier titles carried their weight too and were always a part of that legacy.
We know what the current leadership thinks of their legacy...
Either way, Jim Ryan is a f*cking shithead mostly because of shit like this:
Shawn wasn't insensitive when it came to this stuff. He's actually pretty awesome.
Didn't mean to derail, but I really can't stand Jim Ryan and I have a feeling (and a Schreier article supporting said feeling) that stuff like this is mostly his fault.