Got me thinking of you
after tweaking the back-end, my mobile browser finder is cranking at about 1 good scan per 10 seconds and no empty scans.
I don't want it used by non neogaf members so Quote to see access password here :
Any idication already of when they are going to fix the three step-bug? This is just taking really long ...
They really need to move pokestops from Cemeteries
Like there are enough pokestops in my neighborhood for walking, but they are all in the graveyard
servers are down for me ( google )
So my Android phone keeps blocking this, saying it isn't safe. How do I make it understand, that I want to access the site no matter? I have looked in settings but can't find anything.
It only works the first time for each evolution.
servers are down for me ( google )
It only works the first time for each evolution.
PTC login is still down.
Ah damm...Alter Hut!
You live in DUS?
Anybody noticed when you toss a ball it magically curves off extremely to the right or left? Its made catching nearly impossible for me.
Damn I thought it was me being high.Anybody noticed when you toss a ball it magically curves off extremely to the right or left? Its made catching nearly impossible for me.
Anybody noticed when you toss a ball it magically curves off extremely to the right or left? Its made catching nearly impossible for me.
Damn I thought it was me being high.
So that DOES happen huh?
Anybody noticed when you toss a ball it magically curves off extremely to the right or left? Its made catching nearly impossible for me.
Throw faster with shorter finger movement or curve yourself.
I just think you can't do two in a row. So you can't do Jolteon>Jolteon
but you can do Jolteon>Flareon>Jolteon
you must do another evo between each one.
You can curve it willingly, but I´ve read somewhere that at certain levels the balls will start curving by themselves. Because of this, it´s best to learn early how to throw curve balls and always use them. Besides, I think they have a better chance at capturing Pokémon.
Hm, any particular reason?
Where I'm at in the world cemeteries are beautiful places not only used for those mourning, but also a nice place to go for a walk, and for me personally when I have something I need to think deeply about.
On the other hand, if they're all in the cemetery things could get crowded.
At least we aren't holding down and the B button...So is there any evidence that curving the ball or throwing great balls increases the capture rate?
So is there any evidence that curving the ball or throwing great balls increases the capture rate?
I just dont see it as a place to go to on the regular
great balls absolutely
curved, don't think so, and it doesn't really matter because by the time it makes a difference you need to throw curves all the time anyway
Sorry I was a bit misunderstandy, I didn't mean throw great balls but having a "great" or "excellent" throw. Does this increase the chances?
The servers have been amazing for the last couple of days, not a single crash and everything goes smooth without lag.
Nope. It doesn't. The only thing it does is increase the amount of XP you'll get. +50 I believe.
The circle (coloured) around a Pokemon indicates how tough it is to catch one.
Green = OK
Orange = Difficult
Red = Hard
I thought that Great etc. does increase your chances. Same for Curveballs. Am I wrong?
Ah damm...
Yeah, everybody knows that all good people come from Düsseldorf.
Anybody noticed when you toss a ball it magically curves off extremely to the right or left? Its made catching nearly impossible for me.
No one knows until there is some data to proof it or devs say something.
Is it normal that when i catch a pokemon the mini map showing the location it was caught isn't showing? The map is replaced by a blank white box below the date of capture.