How is it inaccurate
It's probably been asked before, but what are the best places to use incenses? I feel like I used one today in the least optimal area. My first one was only slightly better, and I still have 3 more to burn.
I won't be buying these things, but I still want to get the most out of them.
I am very happy after catching a wild Rhyhorn, because Ground/Rock types are super rare in my area. I've been seeing a few Vulpix and Growlithes, but I have no idea where the hell Charmander is. Squirtles are everywhere, and I saw a Bulbasaur silhouette in one of my parks.
The game is fun right now, but my activity will slow down once I get around level 20. I'm level 18.5, and I have actually held down a few gyms. It will be even easier, so that will help towards getting incubators/lucky eggs.
Look, not saying you're a liar, but your either mistaken or something weird it's going on with your game.
I've hatched a lot of eggs,
Two of my friends have hatched over 500 as well. So that's about 1500 eggs that I personally know first hand that have hatched. We've never hatched anything odd like Pokemon that aren't from different egg groups, and we've never hatched region locked. It just doesn't happen. We live in Los Angeles btw
It guesses your trainer level based on the information you give it, but it could be out by three or four levels and so the data it returns is completely meaningless.
I did, the Pokémon is not there.
huh? data is not completely meaningless at all. you just need to sometimes use the refine feature.
the higher CP the pokemon is, the less possible IVs it suggests as there are less possible variations.
at level 28 i can get the IV correct for a pokemon with high CP after 1 or 2 refines.
the data it returns might seem meaningless though if you try to check the IV of a very low CP pokemon, as it will return a shit load of data. if you use the refine function you can still get the correct IV tho.
You're refining and refining so the site can try to work out what level you are. If you use The Silph Road, you can just tell it to begin with.
how? i'm using it right now and it is giving me 4 possible pokemon levels
try for yourself
cp 227
hp 53
power up 2500 dust and 2 candy
unless i'm doing something wrong, both sites require refining
I'd need a screenshot of your Pokémon and your trainer level for TSR.
after my disappointments from my 10k eggs I decided to finally get a venasaur... I spent the last 4 hours farming bulbasaurs and finally got to evolve my egg hatched one that has a pretty good iv...
the icing on the cake was that he has his best moveset
here ya go
So when you put that into TSR and put the bar in the right place, you don't get specific figures?
Like, not a range?
there are multiple spots on the bar that match the exact information i provided
check for yourself
as a result, there is no one "right place"
Took me 15 minutes to find that nearby Gastly. I fed the thing a Razz Berry, threw an Ultra Ball, it broke out of the ball and fled right after. I'm level 24, I need way too much XP... And now this crap?
I did, the Pokémon is not there.
There is a right place, you just have to know where it is.
I make it 22/30 for atk/def, and 10/15 for stm.
For the same info, PokeAssistant gives you however many options of which that is one, but TSR requires no candy/stardust to find out.
what did you set the CP slider at?
also what does 22/30 for atk/def mean? the game data doesn't combine atk/def, they assign an individual number out of 15 to each
22/30 for atk/def means nothing. it could mean your attack is anything from 7 to 15, same for defense
you need to be able to provide the exact value for atk, def, and stamina
saying 22/30 for atk/def is providing a huge range
edit: just to clarify, the info you provided produces many possible IV combinations...if i refine i can get the exact values for all 3 IVs
Wish I knew a place to farm Bulbas :T one away from an Ivy finally. Also saw a wild Ivy last night found him used berry/ultra 2 times no go. On my third it was another berry/ultra and got a Great hit and nothing. Then he ran, he is ons of my favorite Pokemon and I think this game knows it lol. One day....
Also my 3rd 10K egg was yet another Eevee.....3/3 lol
Took me 15 minutes to find that nearby Gastly. I fed the thing a Razz Berry, threw an Ultra Ball, it broke out of the ball and fled right after. I'm level 24, I need way too much XP... And now this crap?
the nearby site from here is so good
and if i press on the pokemon i can view him in google maps where he is exactly.
22/30 means your Pokémon is basically junk, I guess is what I was saying. It doesn't matter where the numbers are.
The Silph Road knows exactly what level your Pokémon is and so, as I understand it, gives the same information as you'd get from the apps that pull IVs from the game.
Now tear your way through all those water held gyms!
but this is completely untrue. TSR is unable to tell exactly what level your Pokemon is (for the weedle it gave a range of 4)
You tell it what level you are, that's what the arc is for. If you can't work out the correct place on it, fair enough, but it'll give you the correct information if you give it the correct data first.
the nearby site from here is so good
and if i press on the pokemon i can view him in google maps where he is exactly.
Do you want me to change it?Bummer. Are Ghastly's rare near you?
You and your Maid Waifu avatar
Dat Palutena <3
HereHow do you do this?
Tell me about it, I went out to buy some notebooks and stuff for university which starts on Monday, it's been an hour and I haven't bought shit yet, I keep finding something to catch lol.the nearby site from here is so good
and if i press on the pokemon i can view him in google maps where he is exactly.
Do you want me to change it?
Bummer. Are Ghastly's rare near you?
I have zoomed in version ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).Just missed a Bulbasaur =/
Well that depends. Think you can top that one? ;o
I'm not going to quote everything, but I believe you are misunderstanding.I think this is where you are confused. Pokemon level and trainer level are two very different things.
Also, keep in mind that you believe you did it correctly yet were only able to provide a range of IVs
I'm not going to quote everything, but I believe you are misunderstanding.
POKéMON level and Trainer level are different things, yes, but you know both of them ( Trainer level you can straight-up see, POKéMON level you can determine by matching up the CP arc in one of the apps that does that. ). In addition to that you know the CP and HP. Those four statistics you can nail down to their exact value without any outside help. You put those values into Silphroad and they can determine your exact Stamina IV and your exact combined ATK / DEF IV. There is currently no way known to separately calculate the exact ATK / DEF IV values. Silphroad does not require refining on your part as you can determine all of the needed values exactly and without the need to invest stardust / candies.
Also, just to mention this again; you are doing the 'refining' by powering up your POKéMON using dust and candy - which, aside from it not being feasible for a large number of players that simply do not get to have the luxury of tons of candies and stardust, is again completely unneeded because you can match up the CP bar to get the exact POKéMON level -, the site / app you are using does not do that.
We have no indication if the calculator that gives the 'ranges' with specific seperate ATK / DEF IVs bases those ranges on any actual data or if it is simply guesswork.
Nope, I tried Silph Road on my starter Charmander and the Stamina IV was wrong. The Attack + Defence was right, but ir would be much better breaking that down into individual stats.It guesses your trainer level based on the information you give it, but it could be out by three or four levels and so the data it returns is completely meaningless.
The Silph Road knows exactly what level your Pokémon is and so, as I understand it, gives the same information as you'd get from the apps that pull IVs from the game. Someone else would have to verify, though.
Nope, I tried Silph Road on my starter Charmander and the Stamina IV was wrong. The Attack + Defence was right, but ir would be much better breaking that down into individual stats.
I don't know how Silph Road's one narrows it down to one result when there's multiple possible combinations for a particular level. But I know it's wrong.
LOL what. The difference between levels on the CP bar is huge for lower levels. The level of the Charmander reported back by Silph Road is the same as what's reported back by the spreadsheet calculators. I've double checked this.You entered something incorrectly, then. All you need to know for the stamina IV is the HP and Pokémon level. From there, it can calculate the combined attack and defense IVs (but not individually).
Yes, sites can pull from the API for exact stats on your POKéMON, but I believe most if not all of those sites have since been blocked from accessing the API, and we were talking about calculating from user input, not pulling from API. Aside from that, we're talking about https://pokeassistant.com/main/ivcalculator here, right? They don't seem to be pulling the data from anywhere. Perhaps it is based on data that was pulled from the API at some point, but then at the very least it seems very much incomplete, and without knowing for sure on what it is based, that makes it unreliable.Once again, the bolded part of your post is wrong.
There are sites and apps that pull in game API data and can provide exact atk/def IVs
He even acknowledges it, I think he was just under the impression that TSR can do it too, which it can't
He claimed TSR can provide the same results as apps that pull API data, which is just false
Are you sure you put everything in correctly? I assume you are comparing to IVs pulled directly from the API, not ones you calculated elsewhere? Did you input the exact POKéMON level or did you eyeball the arc on Silphroad?Nope, I tried Silph Road on my starter Charmander and the Stamina IV was wrong. The Attack + Defence was right, but ir would be much better breaking that down into individual stats.
I don't know how Silph Road's one narrows it down to one result when there's multiple possible combinations for a particular level. But I know it's wrong.