Finally got enough charmander candies to evolve into charizard this morning, feels good man.
I can't seem to find a reliable area around me for them...
Finally got enough charmander candies to evolve into charizard this morning, feels good man.
I can't seem to find a reliable area around me for them...
Same. Have only seen a handful of Charmanders around here, and haven't seen so much as a shadow of Charmeleon or Charizard on the nearby list, haven't even seen them on a tracker yet. Have caught many of the other starters, we need some dang Charmanders around here.
Charmander and its evolutions - Ocean View Fishing Pier, Thirsty Camel, Oceanfront (Neptune's Park, 24th St. Gazebo)
Anecdotally I've seen quite a few Squirtles in that stretch from the Pagoda down to Town Point Park, but that's just me. Think I caught two or three just last night down there. From the chatter around I missed out on a Lapras though...
The thing with the HR Go Reddit is it isn't updated too much and posts here indicate nests change every month or so. Think the data is outdated at the moment. The only bonafide nest I know of right now is the Clefairy nest at Town Point Park, have caught like eight there in the last couple days.
Don't go into that parking lot of the condos adjacent(to the south) to the Pagoda, some of the residents were out in full force last night over people trespassing to catch a Dratini, and eventually the cops came out and patrolled a bit. People were grumbling about it, but technically the residents are right, it is private property and it is behind a gate, even if the gate can be circumvented.
Mygawd, another shitty 10 km egg. So far I got Onix, two Hitmonlees, an Electabuzz with a fighting move and just got a Pinsir with once again a stupid fighting move. -_- I want useful Pokemons.
Lol. I also got 2 Hitmonlees, an Electabuzz and two Onix. On top of that a frikkin Jinxy
Only real good one I got was a Lapras.
The dream. :>
The dream. :>
Pokemon Go |OT 3| 15 Million Ran Away.
There's a Squirtle spawned by the Pagoda right now lol. You got about five minutes.
It was in my first 10 km egg...which was actually the second egg I ever hatched.... so yeah things have been going downhill![]()
You and me both, I have one 10k Egg right now but I try to stay realistic with my luck on eggs
Sooooo probably another Eevee....
Damn, would be hard to find enough candies to power one up lol.
Well, this just happened! 82% IV too. Caught randomly on my way into work. Biggest CP catch for me yet. Pokedex now at 110.
The thing with the HR Go Reddit is it isn't updated too much and posts here indicate nests change every month or so. Think the data is outdated at the moment. The only bonafide nest I know of right now is the Clefairy nest at Town Point Park, have caught like eight there in the last couple days.
Or every week or sothe Botanical Gardens were swarming with Voltorbs last week, but last night (they do Thursday events) I was surprised to see Exeggcutes had replaced them. Ended up with enough for a third Exeggcutor unexpectedly.
Today starting better than yesterday
Is there seriously no fucking way to track pokemon? I don't get it. When are we getting a new system? I'm tired of walking aimlessly around to never find anything but rats and birds.
There is. The in-game tracking system works just fine, even if it doesn't give you any hints about the direction you have to take.
Pokemon GO's latest update has a number of references to features that are not yet active. Today we're having a peek at a variety of elements that will likely be launching in the game within the next couple of updates as they're already a part of the released game code. This includes references to trading Pokemon, catching Legendary Pokemon, and notes on new items that'll be released in the in-game store.
New Store Items
The Pokemon GO store is relatively limited at the moment, allowing users to purchase incense, lures, egg buckets, and some expansions to Pokemon holders and backpacks. In the very near future, we'll be seeing more items here.
"Cool" Incense and "Floral" Incense can be seen in the code of the newest version of Pokemon GO. As with everything we'll be mentioning here in this article, these names wont necessarily be on the front end of the game, instead very possibly just here as a placeholder for the final name in game.
Code in the newest APK has Egg Incubators marked as type 2 or 3, and we've not yet seen type 1. Either that type was removed from the game early on in development, or there's a new type of Egg Incubator on the way.
Trading Pokemon
We've known that Pokemon would eventually be able to be traded - just like the Nintendo handheld console games - but we've seen no reference in the game's code. Until now.
Four clues suggest that trading is coming very soon:
Trade Search
Trade Offer
Trade Response
Trade Result
It's likely users won't need to be immediately next to one another to be able to trade. Something like leaving one's Pokemon at a Gym to battle on their behalf may be in order.
New Legendary Pokemon
Pokemon like Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres have been spotted in the code of the game. They're in the game, too - just not quite released to the public. We've known about them, as well as Legendary Pokemon Mew and Mewtwo, since before the game was released after Beta.
Now we've discovered another stepping stone between here and the special events in which these Pokemon will be released. While before we were only able to see "Activity Catch Pokemon" in the code, there's now reference to "Activity Catch Legend Pokemon."
So-called "Forts"
Mention of "Forts" in the newest code for Pokemon GO made us think there'd be a whole new category of location in the game soon - however, our most recent analysis suggests that these are just references to either Pokemon Gym locations or Pokestops, where applicable.
Code for Forts includes "Deploy Pokemon" and "Recall Pokemon" - which either suggests that users will be able to take Pokemon back out of a Gym they've already assigned them to, or just references a Gym battle, in which a Pokemon can be recalled to deploy another.
Buddy Pokemon
Notes on "Buddy Pokemon" can be found in this newest update. Reference to "Buddy Candy Awarded" and "Buddy Walked Message" - so we wouldn't be extremely surprised to see something like Pikachu following our avatar in Pokemon Yellow business going on - though probably without the animation, to save on battery.
A tiny baby Pokemon following you around all the time, getting happy, growing closer to you day by day?
Sounds like... Eevee evolutions for Gen 2, doesn't it?
Google VR
As we discovered back in March of this year, Pokemon GO will have a virtual reality component. The Pokemon GO app file contains a folder called "VR", inside which can be found two folders: platform and Cardboard.
This Cardboard folder contains files which reference Google Cardboard, aka the name for Google's virtual reality platform before it changed to Daydream. Codes are the same. VR is coming!
Yep. Not to mention despawn times. It works in an open field, but there are too many different types of urban layouts that the triangulation method disregards that would welcome even a slight hint of direction. Thankfully they are already working on something better.I wouldn't say it works "just fine"
The methodical way of using it takes way too long, and it assumes that you're free to walk in any direction without houses, etc. blocking the way
I wouldn't say it works "just fine"
The methodical way of using it takes way too long, and it assumes that you're free to walk in any direction without houses, etc. blocking the way
Today has been a legit nightmare as far as catching anything. Everything is breaking out and running away. Everything.
Edit: And again...
And it's been like this on the last 3 weeks almost a month or so. Zero new pokes hatched to register on the pokedex and ZERO 10km eggs so far. I haven't gotten a single 10km egg since I begin playing. I'm done with egg hatching :'(
10k eggs are the absolute worst anyway. Especially if you are in an area where Eevee are in the top 10 of most common. I only want 5k eggs anymore.