Christie offers basically nothing to Trump besides someone else who is as loud and obnoxious as he is.
Sure, but you're applying logic to a situation devoid of it.
Christie offers basically nothing to Trump besides someone else who is as loud and obnoxious as he is.
So do people who are all up in these bathroom bills just think trans-people are playing dress-up or something? Do they just fundamentally not understand the concept of transexuality? Also why is it always "little girls" people are worried about when the vast majority of people using these public restrooms will be grown ass women. This feels insulting from like every possible perspective.
In terms of exiting the race well:
1. Scott Walker
2. Jeb
15. Cruz
16. Rubio
Have you ever worked labor, ever? Agriculture, janitorial and cleaning positions, most factory jobs...What jobs are both so necessary that society needs them to function and so poorly paid that they would disappear if people were freed from the threat of death?
Have you ever worked labor, ever? Agriculture, janitorial and cleaning positions, most factory jobs...
Jeb! trying to answer questions after Trump calls Hillary a cunt or after Trump says Hillary killed Vince Foster would be worthy of being on PPV.
Same as people being against the Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal.What cracks me up about the transgender bathroom issue is: Where in the world do these people think "they" were using for restrooms before this controversy started? Why did no one care then?
It's normal for controversial issues to become politicized, but this is an example where something only became controversial because it was politicized. In those circumstances, it's challenging to think people are arguing in good faith.
Its gotta be Christie right?
Trump played Ted like a fucking fiddle in Indy. Seriously, this shit was actually masterful, no sarcasm
I don't think changing degrees should void free tuition. Having a limit on it, maybe, but I think most people don't know exactly what they want to study when they start, or don't like what they thought they'd want to study as much as they thought they would. That shouldn't be punishedIMO
Free tuition should not include repeating a semester or rebooting into a different degree.
I'm okay with free tuition of tge student manages to completing it one shot
In France you have student lifers who stay and just change programs for eternity
I was thinking Tom of Finland actuallyI like how their interpretation of a creep looks like a guy straight out of Grease.
Like tells you something about what age the people getting these ads are.
I concur with the thought in principle. At least, I find it preferable that people do not walk around with a constant fear of destitution. But my point is that, by necessity, more can be done in a society that is not forced to cope with millions of people not working rather than everyone contributing in some capacity. Not even communism proposes an opt-in labor society.
I think it's bold to claim that people will do good, productive work on their own. In fact I think that needs quantifiable evidence. Decades of poor welfare policy before institutional reform under the Clinton administration does in fact prove that when given the choice to not work, a sizable portion will not. And welfare was not even enough to survive. What more if everyone is provided with a basic income suitable for all kinds of living!
I don't believe you. I believe that people are typically required to work in order to live but I don't believe that there is a single job besides government work programs (and even then, that is a stretch) that exists entirely because people have to work, so we must find something for them to do.
Have you ever worked labor, ever? Agriculture, janitorial and cleaning positions, most factory jobs...
Trump played Ted like a fucking fiddle in Indy. Seriously, this shit was actually masterful, no sarcasm
They weren't really necessary if they disappear before firms raise wagesHave you ever worked labor, ever? Agriculture, janitorial and cleaning positions, most factory jobs...
Jon Lovett @jonlovett
It's hard to keep at the front of your mind that Trump is a national emergency.
Nick Corasaniti @NYTnickc
Final ad $$ in Indiana Dem primary, according to @CMAGAdFacts:
@BernieSanders: $1.6 million
@HillaryClinton: $0
Looks pretty innocuous to me since everyone seems to be waiting their turn for a single-toilet bathroom.
What about Buffalo Bill?
But seriously, if Silence of the Lambs is any indication, fear of the gender noncomforming is deeply ingrained in our society.
Lol TedTrump played Ted like a fucking fiddle in Indy. Seriously, this shit was actually masterful, no sarcasm
can someone explain to me why Halperin still shows up on TV?
Benchmark Politics ‏@benchmarkpol 1m1 minute ago
Possible record turnout being reported across Lake County. Would be instrumental to a Clinton and Trump victory
Trumps really going to be the Nominee.
10 months ago people were saying he would never get to this point.
I think we're witnessing something that will be recorded in the anals of history.
Macho explain.Benchmark Politics ‏@benchmarkpol 19m19 minutes ago
You have GOT to watch Allen County, Indiana closely. If either candidate wins it by >5%, Indiana is theirs.
The Right is so fucking mad at Cruz right now for having enabled Trump for so many months. They're really just unloading on him right now on Twitter.
I am still pinching myself. This is really happening. The GOP base has finally lost it, and at the best possible time. The only way this could be better is if this had happened in a redistricting cycle.Trumps really going to be the Nominee.
10 months ago people were saying he would never get to this point.
I think we're witnessing something that will be recorded in the annals of history.
Macho explain.
I don't know what he's talking about. It's where Fort Wayne is but if his assessment is that its the most populous county that's the rest like how Indiana will vote, he's wrong.
I wish I wasn't at work so I could watch this. 😩I'm watching the Ted Cruz daily recap on Morning Joe, LOL the laughter.
Everyone but Halperin is laughing
I wish I wasn't at work so I could watch this. 😩
Same as people being against the Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal.
"I don't want to be in the army with a GAY GUY! He might check out my ass!"
It's like, are you just a complete fucking moron?
I thought Ted would've been a much harder final boss.
He's the equivalent of Shadow Link at the end of Adventure of Link, where getting to his boss chamber is more difficult than the actual final fight.I thought Ted would've been a much harder final boss.
so what counties are we looking at for tonight?
I wish I wasn't at work so I could watch this. 😩
Record turnout in Lake County. If that were true, it would be over.