Where's the street-wise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need
I missed you buddy
Where's the street-wise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need
‘Hey, hey craaaaaacka! Cracka!White devil! F*** you, white devil!” The guy looks remarkably like Snoop Dogg: skinny enough for a Vogue advertisement, lean-faced with a wry expression, long braids. He glances slyly from side to side, making sure his audience is taking all this in, before raising his palms to his clavicles, elbows akimbo, in the universal gesture of primate territorial challenge. Luckily for me, he’s more like a three-fifths-scale Snoop Dogg, a few inches shy of four feet high, probably about nine years old, and his mom — I assume she’s his mom — is looking at me with an expression that is a complex blend of embarrassment, pity, and amusement, as though to say: “Kids say the darnedest things, do they not, white devil?”
Kevin Williamson is shocked his party is racist? Has he read his own work?
Oh great, Ted Cruz lost the constitution again.NRO's twitter feed:
Byron Tau ‏@ByronTau 4h4 hours ago
Cruz volunteer just told me "We just lost the constitution because of the media because people like you."
Where's the street-wise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need
Republicans get crazier each presidential primary.Guys i just realized that great feeling of trump dominating poll after poll and taking his competitors down one by one is gone forever. Now all we have left is one big night 7 months from now. I wonder if there will ever be a primary like this again.
Where's the street-wise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need
You know I really can't understand people.freaking out now that Cruz is out about the possibility Trump could be president when Cruz would be a far worse option. Even up until today I feel like most people didn't know just how horrible his policies were. It's a good thing he is such an unlikable shitstain
Because I get to hide behind the privilege of being a white male, I agree with you. From purely self serving reasons, I was always more scared of Cruz than Trump. I don't think Trump has issues with LGBT people. That's totally lip service. He knows his base. Cruz is a true enough believer that he really terrified me.You know I really can't understand people.freaking out now that Cruz is out about the possibility Trump could be president when Cruz would be a far worse option. Even up until today I feel like most people didn't know just how horrible his policies were. It's a good thing he is such an unlikable shitstain
You know I really can't understand people.freaking out now that Cruz is out about the possibility Trump could be president when Cruz would be a far worse option. Even up until today I feel like most people didn't know just how horrible his policies were. It's a good thing he is such an unlikable shitstain
The core truth Trump has laid bare is that Republican voters are powered by a resentful nationalism more than a principled conservatism. "Republican politics boils down to ethno-nationalistic passions ungoverned by reason," writes Jonathan Chait. "Once a figure has been accepted as a friendly member of their tribe, there is no level of absurdity to which he can stoop that would discredit him."
Man nothing pleases me more than Carly Fiorina becoming a punchline for political jokes for the next couple decades. She managed to lose the same election TWICE!
I guess it wasn't going to really hit me until one of them got nominated.
But I kinda laughed and shrugged off Donald Trump for a while. I thought he was a buffoon (a racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, nationalistic buffoon) who would ultimately get crushed in the race for the presidency. I didn't do anything necessarily to help him (I haven't even voted yet!), but I definitely wanted him to win the nomination because I believed he would have the greatest chance to do the worst against Hillary.
I still believe all of this above. But there was a sobering moment when Cruz dropped out that I realized that this is happening. It's not just speaking in abstract terms about a possible Trump vs. Hillary election. This is real. This is happening. This is going to be the two people on the ballot come November. And it's a moral obligation to do whatever we can to make sure that Trump never ends up in the Oval Office.
I don't think he'll win. But I can't look into the future and say for certain. And I know that there will be two people on the ballot in Novemberwho will be POTUS. One of those will be Trump. He's closer to being the leader of the free world than anyone else right now, besides Hillary. And that's terrifying.that are not Jill Stein or Gary Johnson
It's also only the second time Gary Johnson has run for President. Third parties are generally better off if they can get someone to run twice because of the name recognition boost off of the first time. Yet they resist this for purity reasons.I was really surprised to learn this is only the second time Jill Stein has run for President. I don't know why, but it feels like Jill Stein and Gary Johnson have been on every ballot since I was eligible to vote.
Well that didn't take long
5 Reasons Bernie Sanders Wins Big With Cruz Dropout by Seth Abramson
Spoiler alert: all 5 reasons are moronic and delusional
Saw this on my feed from HuffPost, 5 reasons why Cruz maybe calling quits might be good for Sanders.
I actually believe 5 might be a possibility, no matter if it is slim.
Well that didn't take long
5 Reasons Bernie Sanders Wins Big With Cruz Dropout by Seth Abramson
Spoiler alert: all 5 reasons are moronic and delusional
This can't be real.Saw this on my feed from HuffPost, 5 reasons why Cruz maybe calling quits might be good for Sanders.
I actually believe 5 might be a possibility, no matter if it is slim.
Well that didn't take long
5 Reasons Bernie Sanders Wins Big With Cruz Dropout by Seth Abramson
Spoiler alert: all 5 reasons are moronic and delusional
Saw this on my feed from HuffPost, 5 reasons why Cruz maybe calling quits might be good for Sanders.
I actually believe 5 might be a possibility, no matter if it is slim.
Saw this on my feed from HuffPost, 5 reasons why Cruz maybe calling quits might be good for Sanders.
I actually believe 5 might be a possibility, no matter if it is slim.
Yep, time to Make America Great Again.I urge everyone to get everyone they know registered to vote.
All this talk about VPs and I still haven't the faintest idea who Trump may pick. It's going to be crazy.
I guess it wasn't going to really hit me until one of them got nominated.
But I kinda laughed and shrugged off Donald Trump for a while. I thought he was a buffoon (a racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, nationalistic buffoon) who would ultimately get crushed in the race for the presidency. I didn't do anything necessarily to help him (I haven't even voted yet!), but I definitely wanted him to win the nomination because I believed he would have the greatest chance to do the worst against Hillary.
I still believe all of this above. But there was a sobering moment when Cruz dropped out that I realized that this is happening.
All this talk about VPs and I still haven't the faintest idea who Trump may pick. It's going to be crazy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J265im6Ef8sAll this talk about VPs and I still haven't the faintest idea who Trump may pick. It's going to be crazy.
No joke, an old work colleague pmed me on Facebook to ask if I thought Trump could actually win, because he was scared (I have the reputation of being the guy who knows about politics).
If I could see him getting Florida, I'd be scared, but I don't.
The Keepin' it 1600 podcast made a joke about a possible Jim Webb pick, it's both funny and kinda terrifying.All this talk about VPs and I still haven't the faintest idea who Trump may pick. It's going to be crazy.
It's like I can't share anything with you guys with being made fwun of or taking it personally. I am just a Trump or Sanders voter that wants Sanders to win... Is that so wrong?sorry that the article was posted before, at least mine is he original URL.
I'll, I'll be okay, but I'm with Sanders until he says it is over.
Yep, time to Make America Great Again.
Unless democracy defeats the Clintonista coup obviously.