Must.. Resist.. Dumb.. Joke.Man ultra balls were expensive shit. Might as well be half.
I don't think it's based on anything concrete but I always had better luck catching legendaries with Great Balls anyway.
Must.. Resist.. Dumb.. Joke.Man ultra balls were expensive shit. Might as well be half.
I don't think it's based on anything concrete but I always had better luck catching legendaries with Great Balls anyway.
What is she doing?
Also, it does seem like nobody is paying any attention to Sanders anymore. Even NPR is referring to Clinton and Trump as apparent nominees.
That's the PRO MEMBER price.Why is it $26 for the worst version of Mario 64
Party realignment isn't my theory. Like everybody has been talking about it for months.
Look what you all made me do
ohhhhhI bet Ryan wants to distance himself from Trump as much as possible so Hillary can't use the "he supported Trump. Trump!" argument in 2020 against him.
I learned recently that the way Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow was programmed, there is no difference in the likelihood of catching a Pokemon whether you get them under half health or if they even have just a sliver of HP left.
That's right, all those years of nudging a Pokemon's HP down ever so slightly without making them faint were for nothing!
I bet Ryan wants to distance himself from Trump as much as possible so Hillary can't use the "he supported Trump. Trump!" argument in 2020 against him.
Why is it $26 for the worst version of Mario 64
This is a better image:Sorry
In other news, this is the woman primarying John McCain.
Defense of Donald Sterling[edit]
Ward defended Clippers owner Donald Sterling, who was banned from the NBA for life and fined $2.5 million by the league after private recordings of him making racist comments were made public.[18] Ward stated that he had a right to free speech under the first amendment, and should not have lost his ownership of the team.[19][20]
Chemtrails conspiracy[edit]
On June 25, 2014, Ward, in response to concerns from a vocal minority, held a town hall meeting in Kingman, Arizona, part of the district she represents, to have an exchange about environmental quality, but also discussed the Chemtrail conspiracy theory. [21] Ward also brought in a spokesperson from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality to answer questions on soil and water quality, including questions concerning the Chemtrail theory. She was quoted after the meeting saying, "I'm not sure there's anything that Arizona can do, but it's good to get the information out." [22] Ward told KNTR radio on June 27, 2014 that although she doesn't "believe in Chemtrails" herself, it's her "responsibility to address the concerns" of the varied groups of her constituents and "a town hall made sense." Ward, however, also stated in an interview in March 2015, "I don't really have any opinions about 'chemtrails' one way or the other. I think that environmental quality, though, is very important."
Mario had given into the corruption that runs the ESTABLISHMENT in the Mushroom Kingdom. I need to see the transcripts of Luigis speeches to big Goomba. The business model of the Mario Brothers plumbing company is fraud.I just matched your $27 donation to Mario. Anybody match me?
I missed you, Benji.The Republican base has been anti-foreigners for at least twenty years or more.
At least back to Prop 187. Hell, Buchanan in '92 was a lashing out at Bush for moves towards treating foreigners and darkies better.
With gay marriage "settled" that's one leg of the stool missing.
im tired of your terrible ass opinions m8, get some taste plz thxAlso Mario 64 is shitty.
Yeah, that's what I mean. I thought the half-HP applied to all the balls but either way....You use Bernie Math to figure that out? Because you're wrong. The catch formula is very different in gen one but HP is a major part of the formula.
Basically what happens is this: The effect of reducing HP diminishes with lower catch rates, and the effect of inflicting status diminishes with higher catch rates. Regardless of catch rate, reducing the HP does not increase chances of capture at less than ½ HP with Great Balls, and ⅓ HP with other balls.
I see quite a fewAlso Mario 64 is shitty.
It's B. JESUS.Does mashing the A button help... Cause I do that....
I haven't posted all night. How many tequila shots has Adam had tonight?
I see quite a few
A B whatever you haven't lived my struggle.It's B. JESUS.
You should play dynasty warriorsDoes mashing the A button help... Cause I do that....
It's B. JESUS.
Beyond these shores, a new world is being born for which our government is unprepared, and we are unprepared. The dynamic force shaping that world is nationalism.
From Ukraine to Croatia, old nations are breaking up, new nations are being born. And as we Americans have always stood for freedom and self-determination, we should not fear the future. We should be the first to welcome them into the family of nations. For they all look to America as the ideal of what they too might one day become.
In the Far East, however, nationalism has taken on a different and harder aspect. The rising economic power of Japan has filed a claim to displace the United States as the dominant power of the 21st Century. In Europe, many of the ancient states are signing up to exchange their national birthright for a limited partnership in an economic co-op called the EC. In Holland, a conservative prime minister is today being pressed to lead the Mother of Parliaments into yielding up to bureaucrats in Brussels what generations of British soldiers fought to preserve.
We Americans must not let that happen here.
We must not trade in our sovereignty for a cushioned seat at the head table of anyone's New World Order.
The first challenge we face, then, is economic, presented by the rise of a European super state and a dynamic Asia led by Japan. The 20th Century was the American Century, but they intend to make the 21st, the century of Europe or the Century of Asia.
So, today, we call for a new patriotism, where Americans begin to put the needs of Americans first, for a new nationalism where in every negotiation, be it arms control or trade, the American side seeks advantage and victory for the United States.
The people of this country need to recapture our capital city from an occupying army of lobbyists, and registered agents of foreign powers hired to look out for everybody and everything except the national interest of the United States.
It is time also to take a hard look at the welfare state.
Over a quarter century we have poured hundreds of billions of dollars into Great Society programs. Whatever the motives of those who built this mammoth state enterprise, our financial loss has been exceeded only by the social catastrophe it created. High school test scores drop almost every year, as the levels of violent crime reach new heights. Narcotics have ravaged a generation. Our popular culture of books, movies and films is as polluted as Lake Eerie once was. The welfare state has bred a generation of children and youth with no fathers, no faith and no dreams - other than the lure of the streets.
To our economic crisis, however, we Americans know the answer.
It is to end the steadily rising drain of wealth and resources to Washington; to ease up on - not add to, Mr. President - the tax burden on American business; to unleash, not tie down, the genius and energy of American enterprise. As for the predatory traders of Europe or Asia, who have targeted this or that American industry for dumping and destruction, if I am elected, they will find themselves on a collision course with the President of the United States.
When we say we will put America first, we mean also that our Judeo-Christian values are going to be preserved, and our Western heritage is going to be handed down to future generations, not dumped onto some land fill called multi-culturalism.
At the root of America's social crisis - be it AIDS, ethnic hatred, crime or the social decomposition of our cities - lies a spiritual crisis. Solzhenitsyn was right. Men have forgotten God. Not in the redistribution of wealth, but in the words of the Old and New Testament will be found not only salvation, but the cure for a society suffering a chronic moral sickness.
But as we search for the answers we all used to know, we need to take back our streets from the criminals.
Why am I running? Because we Republicans can no longer say it is all the liberals' fault. It was not some liberal Democrat who declared, "Read my lips! No new taxes!," then broke his word to cut a back room budget deal with the big spenders. It was not Edward Kennedy who railed against a quota bill, then embraced its twin. It was not Congress alone who set off on the greatest social spending spree in 60 years, running up the largest deficits in modern history. No, that was done by men in whom we placed our confidence and our trust, and who turned their backs, and walked away from us.
Pat Buchanan announces for President, December 10, 1991.We can win the future and we can hand down to those who come after us a country as great and grand and good as the one that was given to us. But first we must take America back.
So we are taking this campaign not just to Republicans, and not just to conservatives. Every American is invited to join, the middle-class of both parties, and of no party. For the establishment that has dominated Congress for four decades is as ossified and out-of-touch with America as the establishment that resides in the White House.
This race will not be about personality; and this campaign will not get into personalities.
George Bush served bravely in America's great war. He is a man of graciousness, honor, and integrity, who has given half a lifetime to his nation's service. But the differences between us now are too deep.
He is yesterday and we are tomorrow. He is a globalist and we are nationalists. He believes in some Pax Universalis; we believe in the Old Republic. He would put American's wealth and power at the service of some vague New World Order; we will put America first. So, to take my party back and take our country back, I am today declaring my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the President of the United States.
Pat Buchanan has a unique advantage over all the other candidates of both parties. The man can't be embarrassed by anything he said or did in the past.
But Buchanan can shrug it off. So what else is new? Would anyone think he wanted to go to South Africa to immerse himself in Zulu culture?
If anything, disclosure of this letter could give his campaign a temporary boost.
Think. Where are the next big primaries being held? Where is Buchanan hoping to make his biggest splash and make Bush's political life even more miserable? That's right, in the South.
So how will news of this letter be greeted in the roadhouses, diners, and around the gas pumps?
Will Bubba say to Junior: "Doggone, I see where it came out that ol' Pat wanted to be ambassador to South Africa 'cuz he thought he'd get on just fine with that racist, oppressive, mean government that's been shootin' all them native Africans just for stickin' their heads out of their shacks and wantin' to vote and have a say in how they live."
"Yeah, I saw that, Bubba, and I am just shocked out of my boots that Pat would even imply that he condoned such cruelty to men, women and children just because of the color of their skin. I am deeply disappointed in Pat."
"I, too, am gravely disillusioned."
Sure, and they'll ask the waitress for a slice of quiche.
That's the advantage of being Pat: burping up any thought that pops into your head and never having to say you're sorry.
He's now telling his Southern admirers that AIDS is nature's way of punishing gays for their sins. He hasn't told us if the virus that killed Mozart was nature's way of punishing him for being a madcap.
If any other candidate said that, he'd be accused of being a vicious gay-basher. But there's no point in making a big deal out of Pat being a vicious gay-basher because he's proud of it.
So, in a way, he's the most honest candidate out there. And maybe the least troubled. What a hater. It's almost squirting out of his ears. But it doesn't have to squirt out of his ears, because he lets it all pour out of his mouth. Compared to Buchanan, David Duke is a mealy-mouthed waffler.
That's why I'm glad Buchanan is running. A few months ago, I thought Duke would serve the scholarly purpose of being the nation's Hate-O-Meter. Count Duke's votes, I said, and you'll get an accurate reading of how many hard-core haters there are in this happy land.
But Duke sort of wimped out and faded. Maybe it was the face lift that turned people off.
As it turns out, Duke wasn't needed. Buchanan is doing the job far more effectively. By the end of the primaries, we'll have a Hate-O-Meter reader with a plus or minus factor of about two people. The statistics will be invaluable to social scientists, if they can stop trembling long enough to read them.
Thursday - May 5, 2016 at 10:11 pm
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Graceless, yes, but not unexpected. The Bushes have many fine qualities. Losing well, however, is not one of them.
And they have to know, whether they concede it or not, that Trump’s triumph is a sweeping repudiation of Bush Republicanism by the same party that nominated them four times for the presidency.
Not only was son and brother, Jeb, humiliated and chased out of the race early, but Trump won his nomination by denouncing as rotten to the core the primary fruits of signature Bush policies.
Twelve million aliens are here illegally, said Trump, because the Bushes failed to secure America’s borders.
America has run up $12 trillion in trade deficits and been displaced as the world’s first manufacturing power by China, said Trump, because of the lousy trade deals backed by Bush Republicans.
The greatest strategic blunder in U.S. history, said Trump, was the Bush II decision to invade Iraq to disarm it of nonexistent weapons of mass destruction.
The war Bush began, says Trump, produced 5,000 American dead, scores of thousands wounded, trillions of dollars wasted, and a Middle East sunk in civil-sectarian war, chaos and fanaticism.
That is a savage indictment of the Bush legacy. And a Republican electorate, in the largest turnout in primary history, nodded, “Amen to that, brother!”
No matter who wins in November, there is no going back for the GOP.
Can anyone think the Republican Party can return to open borders or new free-trade agreements like NAFTA?
Can anyone believe another U.S. Army, like the ones Bush I and Bush II sent into Afghanistan and Iraq, will be mounted up and march to remake another Middle East country in America’s image?
Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom are history.
What the Trump campaign revealed, as Republicans and even Democrats moved toward him on trade, immigration and foreign policy, is that Bush Republicanism and neoconservatism not only suffered a decisive defeat, they had a sword run right through them.
They are as dead as emperor-worship in Japan.
Yes, but he's not paying his hosting bills apparently: http://www.jeffbossforpresident.org/Is Jeff Boss still running for President?
I will be the ballot for President of the United States on the General Election as an Independent in November 2016. I was on the ballot for U.S.Senate from NJ on November 4, 2014. I witnessed the NSA arrange the 911 attacks. I now have over 500 people on DVD saying the NSA gave them $20,000 to keep quiet, after they got my campaign literature that I witnessed the NSA arrange the 911 attacks. I also have over 40 afffidavits from quality people saying the same thing. I have over 20 U.S. servicemen in uniform saying they to were threatened by the NSA. I even have Al Gore on DVD confirming the NSA did the 911 attacks using a NSA secret code. Not one main stream media will run my story or my paid for political ads. I have been on the ballot in the past for President 2008 & 2012 in some states/U.S Senate( 11,000+ votes) 2008,2014/Governor of NJ 2009 (16,000+votes in the Democratic Primary) /Governor of NJ 2013 , Congress 2010 & State Senate 2011, Mayor of Guttenberg, NJ. In order to see the content you must move to the bottom of the page, after clicking on the subject. The NSA has tried to kill me numerous times for whistleblowing of which I have the proof. I now have a top person from the NSA confirming the NSA is trying to kill me. I will also be running for the 3rd time for Congress in 2016 from NJ. i will be running for Governor of NJ in 2017.
$15.00 minimum wage. Legalize Marijuana and Tax the sale. Free Internet College for all under and graduate degrees. It is time that anyone who wants to be a lawyer, nurse, doctor, or any degree is free on the internet for all NJ residents, including books. Lower Property taxes. Union jobs back . No killing at the animal shelters. 50,000,000+ of new modular apartments where the rent is no more than $200 for a 1 bedroom. No more car insurance a $400 flat rate insured by the State. No state tax for city & state workers. We will make the schools in the best in the world. Fund Autism reearch. No cell phone towers within 1000 yards of any home. Dogs allowed in restaurants and clubs like they are in France. Equal rights for everyone. Get rid of the Patriot Act. I want to get our constitution and freedoms back. Anyone who wants to own a gun legally, should be allowed to own a gun, but all new guns must have a safety so the gun may only be used by the owner . I have a lot of other great ideas to make this country the best in the world again.
Elect me, and you get two for the price of one, Mr. Clinton says of his lawyer-spouse. And what does Hillary believe? Well, Hillary believes that 12-year-olds should have the right to sue their parents, and Hillary has compared marriage and the family as institutions to slavery and life on an Indian reservation.
Well, speak for yourself, Hillary.
This, my friends, is radical feminism. The agenda that Clinton & Clinton would impose on America – abortion on demand, a litmus test for the Supreme Court, homosexual rights, discrimination against religious schools, women in combat units – that’s change, all right. But it is not the kind of change America needs. It is not the kind of change America wants. And it is not the kind of change we can abide in a nation that we still call God’s country.
One year ago, my friends, I could not have dreamt I would be here tonight. I was just one of many panelists on what President Bush calls “those crazy Sunday talk shows.”
But I disagreed with the president, and so we challenged the president in the Republican primaries and fought as best we could. From February to June, President Bush won 33 of those primaries. I can’t recall exactly how many we won. I’ll get you the figure tomorrow.
But tonight I do want to speak from the heart to the three million people who voted for Pat Buchanan for president. I will never forget you, or the honor you have done me. But I do believe, deep in my heart, that the right place for us to be now, in this presidential campaign, is right beside George Bush. This party is my home; this party is our home; and we’ve got to come home to it. And don’t let anyone tell you different.
Yes, we disagreed with President Bush, but we stand with him for the freedom to choose religious schools, and we stand with him against the amoral idea that gay and lesbian couples should have the same standing in law as married men and women.
We stand with President Bush for right-to-life, and for voluntary prayer in the public schools, and we stand against putting our wives and daughter and sisters into combat units of the United States Army. And we stand with President Bush in favor of the right of small towns and communities to control the raw sewage of pornography that so terribly pollutes our popular culture.
We stand with President Bush in favor of federal judges who interpret the law as written, and against would-be Supreme Court justices like Mario Cuomo who think they have a mandate to rewrite the Constitution.
My friends, this election is about more than who gets what. It is about who we are. It is about what we believe, and what we stand for as Americans. There is a religious war going on in this country. It is a cultural war, as critical to the kind of nation we shall be as was the Cold War itself, for this war is for the soul of America. And in that struggle for the soul of America, Clinton & Clinton are on the other side, and George Bush is on our side. And so, to the Buchanan Brigades out there, we have to come home and stand beside George Bush.
Hey shillary, read all of his promise instead of lying about his agenda:Free internet college? I'm a firm supporter of online and distance education... But calling it internet college feels like it'd be a degree in Reddit studies.
Which would probably have been more useful than my degree
Free Internet College for all under and graduate degrees. It is time that anyone who wants to be a lawyer, nurse, doctor, or any degree is free on the internet for all NJ residents, including books.
I'm not sure if that's better or worse... But duck ya on the books part. I still have books I wrote reports on I never read even though they cost sixty bucks.Hey shillary, read all of his promise instead of lying about his agenda:
In my day, we bought them online and sold them back to the school's bookstore for profit.I'm not sure if that's better or worse... But duck ya on the books part. I still have books I wrote reports on I never read even though they cost sixty bucks.
Patty Patty Buke Buke!Knew Benji was a Buchananite.
The Republican base has been anti-foreigners for at least twenty years or more.
At least back to Prop 187. Hell, Buchanan in '92 was a lashing out at Bush for moves towards treating foreigners and darkies better.
With gay marriage "settled" that's one leg of the stool missing.
Did that really come from Trump
Did that really come from Trump
i feel like half of you guys lost your joke detector or somethingDid that really come from Trump
In my day, we bought them online and sold them back to the school's bookstore for profit.
Graduated just after they discovered the internet and slashed what they paid back for the books even more, whew.
i feel like half of you guys lost your joke detector or something