User 463088
daveweigel ‏@daveweigel 9m9 minutes ago
Pounding thunderstorm in Philly is shutting down a Jill Stein rally. The DNC's nefarious methods know no bounds.
Bet she loves that environment thing now huh!
daveweigel ‏@daveweigel 9m9 minutes ago
Pounding thunderstorm in Philly is shutting down a Jill Stein rally. The DNC's nefarious methods know no bounds.
daveweigel ‏@daveweigel 9m9 minutes ago
Pounding thunderstorm in Philly is shutting down a Jill Stein rally. The DNC's nefarious methods know no bounds.
Hillary controls the weather.
I really hope some reporter has the balls to ask any of these people if they even know what's in the TTP and why they are against it.
Even nature doesn't like Jill.daveweigel ‏@daveweigel 9m9 minutes ago
Pounding thunderstorm in Philly is shutting down a Jill Stein rally. The DNC's nefarious methods know no bounds.
daveweigel ‏@daveweigel 9m9 minutes ago
Pounding thunderstorm in Philly is shutting down a Jill Stein rally. The DNC's nefarious methods know no bounds.
To be clear, I don't think many people in this thread actually think hardcore Bernie Bros are going to ruin the convention (hopefully I don't eat crow later tonight). What they do think is that this fringe group are being whiny children, creating bad optics (since that concept is all the rage again
) and that Sanders could have done more to head this off at the pass. I think most people are just annoyed/saddened/angry along that axis and criticizing these people along those terms more than "THIS WILL COST US THE ELECTION!" (though I doubt it helps
daveweigel ‏@daveweigel 9m9 minutes ago
Pounding thunderstorm in Philly is shutting down a Jill Stein rally. The DNC's nefarious methods know no bounds.
Aha! I was right. The NOW-CAST has a much more aggressive trend algorithm, which would explain why it's so fucking nuts. I'd go as far to argue it's wrong to put it in but it's kind of impossible to prove since no one votes today.
Basically, the nowcast is junk. It's supposed to say "what would happen if the election were today," but considering the "trend line" basically throws out tons of polling to make some weird trend argument, it's broken down into a poll unskewer.
I've never heard of a pollster or poll modeler saying there should be inputs other than "what do the polls say right now" when making a prediction for a vote today. It's kind of insane, no? Maybe a very very very slight trend at best.
Put it another way. Silver's model is arguing if the election were held tomorrow, Trump would have almost a 60% chance of carrying Pa. despite the fact that a polls-only model (not his, but one without a trend) would predict a Hillary win with about 95% chance.
Does that make any sense to you?
Of course, this is all happening because 538 is losing money and he needs traffic or ESPN is going to can his ass like Simmons.
My point is that if the NowCast is especially prone to swinginess of national polls (because there is none at the state level!), then it's a useless toll to put out there in July. It means nothing because it's trends are to aggressive to make mathematical sense.
Wang and Silver both agree that the polls don't mean too much now. But Wang has also been trolling Silver for months (including today) because he's basically a pundit now ignoring proper election analysis.
My problem is that Silver's model isn't very good if it can't really accurately forecast the election by now. At this point, anyone can accurately predict the election on Nov 5 if it's pretty obviously one way or another. There's nothing interesting there.
Silver's model is schizo and I don't like that. A good model should be stable and change gradually as inputs change. It shouldn't be affected this much this quickly by a few polls.
But Silver isn't a classically trained statistician at all (unlike say Wang) so I notice he continues to get certain things wrong and I believe this is another one of them.
So what's the lineup tonight in prime time?
Or Michelle-Bernie-Warren?
So what's the lineup tonight in prime time?
Or Michelle-Bernie-Warren?
That's free homeopathy for everyone!
So what's the lineup tonight in prime time?
Or Michelle-Bernie-Warren?
So what's the lineup tonight in prime time?
Or Michelle-Bernie-Warren?
Roy isn’t happy about this: He believes it means the Democrats will dominate national American politics for some time. But he also believes the Republican Party has lost its right to govern, because it is driven by white nationalism rather than a true commitment to equality for all Americans.
“Until the conservative movement can stand up and live by that principle, it will not have the moral authority to lead the country,” he told me.
His history of conservatism was a Greek tragedy. It begins with a fatal error in 1964, survived on the willful self-delusion of people like Roy himself, and ended with Donald Trump.
“I think the conservative movement is fundamentally broken,” Roy tells me. “Trump is not a random act. This election is not a random act.”
“Conservative intellectuals, and conservative politicians, have been in kind of a bubble,” Roy says. “We’ve had this view that the voters were with us on conservatism — philosophical, economic conservatism. In reality, the gravitational center of the Republican Party is white nationalism.”
The power of Satan knows no bounds.
That's surprising. I remember Avik Roy being the dude that the Republicans threw out there to trash Obamacare, or at least used his criticisms.
Nicole Wallace going in on Bernie. She's blaming his refusing to drop out when he had no chance.
You'll have to click to see the video:
Matt PearceVerified account
Protesters climbing over the fence one by one to get arrested. It's so orderly, the police tell them when to go.
You'll have to click to see the video:
Matt PearceVerified account
Protesters climbing over the fence one by one to get arrested. It's so orderly, the police tell them when to go.
They're taking their nappy. They be back later.Just tuned in! Not hearing the bernboos. Did they get it sorted?
You'll have to click to see the video:
Matt PearceVerified account
Protesters climbing over the fence one by one to get arrested. It's so orderly, the police tell them when to go.
Clinton betrayed Bernie voters. Kaine supports TPP, is in pocket of Wall Street, and backed Iraq War.
You'll have to click to see the video:
Matt PearceVerified account
Protesters climbing over the fence one by one to get arrested. It's so orderly, the police tell them when to go.
You'll have to click to see the video:
Matt PearceVerified account
Protesters climbing over the fence one by one to get arrested. It's so orderly, the police tell them when to go.
Did I miss Franken? They didn't show him on CNN.
I mean, he flat-out said during his 60 minutes interview that he holds Pence and Clinton to separate standards because reasons (read: no reasons actually provided), so...This literally is his VPs positions
Did the DNC just turn into a Demi Lovato concert?
So they're doing it solely to brag that they were arrested for the cause? Is this the apex of hipster douchbaggery?
This literally is his VPs positions
did they really put Demi Lovato right after people talking about drug addiction?
Well, she did have her own speech about drugs/mental health.