PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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My friend brought this up to me today and had me wondering. What happens if Trump like just died from high blood pressure before election day?

Does Trump/Pence stay on the ticket with the notion that Pence would be sworn in as president and pick a new VP?

Yes, I believe so.

Or.... I'm not sure if that law kicks in only after the president-elect dies. Probably something not addressed because an assumption would be a presidential candidate that has died before the election wouldn't be elected.

But yes, the president-elect dying causes the VP-elect to become president. From there, the president would appoint a VP with Senate approval. Prior to the 25th amendment, the VP slot would just stay vacant.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16

Make it happen (still 135 too many EVs for trump)


I remember when everyone was panicking the first day of the DNC that the booing by the busters were going make Trump win. Seems so distant now.


Hillary needs to run the Children ad here in Utah. I guarantee Utahans would eat that up. I see it on CNN sometimes, but she needs to push it here.

I think I'm gonna go canvas for Hillary. Utah has god awful turnout, and I'm betting especially so this election, so a few more votes could tip the election here. I want to rub it in Trump's face as much as possible, make it as big a landslide as possible.

At least the women will eat it up, then let the white men vote over the scraps between Trump and Johnson.


So much has happened today that while recounting the day's events I had to stop and think hard if the purple heart thing happened earlier today.

Opening scene:

Marfa, TX
Civolo Creek Ranch
February 13, 2016

{Scene: a hunting lodge bedroom. The opening shot is a close-up on a hand, hanging loose over the side of the bed. We hear birds chirping outside in the morning sunlight. There's a knock at the bedroom door.}

Another knock.




We hear the bedroom door open.

"Oh my god.."

{back to black, roll credits}

8 months earlier

{Shot: an escalator.}

Just wanted to say I would watch this film in the theater.
My friend brought this up to me today and had me wondering. What happens if Trump like just died from high blood pressure before election day?

Does Trump/Pence stay on the ticket with the notion that Pence would be sworn in as president and pick a new VP?

See my post above yours, but the VP candidate has no special privilege before the election. He would have to be selected by the national committee as the party candidate.


Howard Fineman
Howard Fineman‏ @howardfineman

#PaulManafort just told me @JohnJHarwood report wrong -- that all is ok on the #Trump Train. From outside of course it looks like no rails.

What did he expect him to say?


I saw this. Very surprised!

He was actually losing in all the polls, so this was somewhat expected but good news. He tried begging Paul Ryan for his ag. committee seat back but got told to take a hike. Naturally, one of the things he campaigned on while booting Boehner was stopping the Speaker from handing out committees like that


Howard Fineman
Howard Fineman‏ @howardfineman

#PaulManafort just told me @JohnJHarwood report wrong -- that all is ok on the #Trump Train. From outside of course it looks like no rails.

What did he expect him to say?

Dishonest Liberal Media™


My friend brought this up to me today and had me wondering. What happens if Trump like just died from high blood pressure before election day?

Does Trump/Pence stay on the ticket with the notion that Pence would be sworn in as president and pick a new VP?

Not exactly. Assuming it's close to election day (perhaps during the early vote period) and ballots can't be changed, it's ultimately up to the electors; here is one person's thought on the matter:
UPDATE: One other scenario people have been asking about that was not addressed is "what happens if a candidate were to die very close to the election". There would probably be nothing that could be done. Ballots would have been printed and there would be no time to fix them. Even electronic voting probably wouldn't be able to be changed statewide in time. So what would probably happen is that the party of the dead candidate would tell voters "go ahead and vote for him and your vote will actually count for xxx". They would then instruct their electors to vote for xxx for President and yyy for VP. But the scenarios above would definitely be in play after that point.


My god, I hope we do get a documentary called Donald that follows the campaign inside and out.

Like Mitt, that was a good one, and really humanized Romney in my eyes, though I doubt it would do the same for Trump!


Howard Fineman
Howard Fineman‏ @howardfineman

#PaulManafort just told me @JohnJHarwood report wrong -- that all is ok on the #Trump Train. From outside of course it looks like no rails.

What did he expect him to say?

You know somewhere, there's a 30 something (bitter) gay man sat at the Hillary headquarters FUMING because he missed Hedwig, the White Party and a weekend in the Hamptons so he could write up all the oppo research on Trump. AND NO ONE IS USING IT.
That's too much hopium. Take it back a notch.

I don't know. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that Trump wouldn't work hard to defend states like Arizona or Missouri because it would be an admission that he is losing. I think he will just keep his head in the sand and get his ass blown out.
I don't know. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that Trump wouldn't work hard to defend states like Arizona or Missouri because it would be an admission that he is losing. I think he will just keep his head in the sand and get his ass blown out.

It's not only that...but I don't think he can defend. He doesn't have the resources. Or the surrogates. It's literally him, Pence and his spawn. No one sane is coming out to stump for him, no one with any national presence anyway. I mean, how do you defend Arizona when you're being out spent like 20:1 in freaking Florida and Ohio?! LIke, what is your game then?

I'm so happy.


How can Trump's staff be suicidal when he doesn't even have a staff. It's like Manafort, Pearson, Hicks and three other people.
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