Politics... be always careful what you wish for.

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This is a opinion piece and a warning for whoever may find this valid.. those who dont, can roll their eyes and move on .... I wont enter in debates or discussions but If I feel that maybe I reached 01 person and made their life better or helped in any way, specially the younger generations, thats mission accomplished.

First, my back ground, Im Brazilian, 42 years old, divorced, 02 kids, Im well educated, speak portuguese, french and English, I have a good profession and make enough money to have a good life for me and my kids.

Dont know how much you know about Brazil but we are a medium to poor country, with about 200 million people, multiple races and ethnicity, and have for the past several years been governed by the extreme left, more specific by the labor party, after years of left rule and communist politics the country entered a collapse finally having the ex-left president and leader of the party being arrested for multiple accounts of corruption with several members of the labor party and multiple private companies owners also being arrested in what is one of the biggest cases of corruption ever known to man in terms of the money circulated (tens of billions of dollars), even the current left president at the time from the labor party was impeached and finally a more right leaning comservative candidate was given the chance after more than 14 years under straight left rule. But he was not the smart guy on the block plus covid plus the crescent social/woke move by younger generations able to vote and everything changed.

The corrupted ex president with multi convictions was let loose by the corrupted superior court formed mostly by judges put there by his party, the right social climate allowed this to happen plus the politic stablishment really felt the loss of the left/labor party corrupted system, even worst the superior court started to rule the country, even creating laws and diminishing the president power. The whole billionaire corruption trials were disband, guilty people got out of jail and all of them including the ex-president and leader of all were cleared of all charges by technicalities in our swiss cheese penal system. It was a perfect storm of unlimited power by the supreme court and a corrupted senate/parliament given them free rein...

The result was inevitable... with very shady elections, with 100% eletronic votes under supervision by the same supreme court, the leader of the gang, the former convicted extreme left president, was put out of jail and direct into a new presidency.. yes our president is a convicted criminal guilty by several judges of leading the biggest corruption case in hsitory....

Well the usual stuff is happening.. industry's leaving country, external investment stoping, economy diving and our currency in shambles, par for the course in extreme left countrys with high corruption in their systems.

And now the most danger and grave thing.. censorship... as you know twitter was banned ... as soon to follow any social midia that dont comply with the superior court and government supervision will get the same axe... all is falling in place for several years of dictatorship like CUBA or VENEZUELA, countrys that have dictators visit and befriend our left president for years as a model of good ruling. Censorship is where all ends ... free information is everything and when you dont have it anymore you loose control of your decisions.

My warning is this ... never put your votes and decisions for granted, never think something is to absurd or distant that could never happen to you, always think that everything has ramifications even your 1 vote, social ideologies are beautiful but freedom is the great thing of all and this can be taken from you under your nose with a big fucking smile on your face and then is gone and never coming back. Think that if now you can criticize the current power is because you have freedom, never ever put someone in power that say the things you want to hear but wont let you speak anymore or have your own ideas. Think that the persons leaving in a dictatorship countries once thought "well this will never happen here" ... and then they were fucked and trapped with no return.

Maybe sometimes is better having one person telling you things you dont agree but can be discussed on the most open way possible .. that having someone controlling every aspect of your life but saying beautiful utopian things you agree with.

Freedom is all.. free speech is all ... always .. always.. vote for freedom first and ideologies later... ideologies can always be discussed.. freedom cant. Once is gone.. is gone forever.

Sorry for any wrong grammar... this is obviously a very short story with a lot of details left out.

Im probably going to be called out by the left supporters since they are delusional and many ... but like I said is a opinion piece and a warning... take what you want from it or ignore all together...

Cheers for all of you.


Any ruling party will do their best to rob you, we've had the center-right Tories in the UK for the past 14 years doing just that, and now the center-left Labour are in charge and so far very little has changed, maybe less corruption? They've not had enough time to build on that 😂


Any ruling party will do their best to rob you, we've had the center-right Tories in the UK for the past 14 years doing just that, and now the center-left Labour are in charge and so far very little has changed, maybe less corruption? They've not had enough time to build on that 😂

Because they are the the left side and right side of a triangle owned by the top, Giving us the illusion that voting for a party matters.

And we definitely need to talk about politics on this form because politics affects all of our lives and the only reason we can't talk about politics is because a specific group of people when questioned about their beliefs and ideologies just start deflecting and getting abusive, And possibly the advertisers because they have a huge influence over them the advertising money may dry up for sites like this.
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