does the pope have a place in the non-catholic sects of christianity?
Ultimately the pope is a mouthpiece for centuries of unchanging Catholic dogma. People respond to his words and actions as the absolute center of that universe, and all the baggage it carries. Pretty words are one thing but this is an act by a sitting pope. He can kiss all the babies in the world but open endorsement of shitting on our constitution is more than just talk.
does the pope have a place in the non-catholic sects of christianity?
does the pope have a place in the non-catholic sects of christianity?
The Catholic church opposes gay marriage. Who was labeling the Pope as a progressive?
Wow, some of you guys...
Just because someone doesn't share your ideals doesn't mean they stop being human beings.
The Pope cares about everyone. He'd probably hug out some ISIS members in forgiveness.
does the pope have a place in the non-catholic sects of christianity?
I'm still confused why people are upset over this meeting. Kim Davis, for better or worse, made major headlines waving her religious shield.
Considering Francis has come out in favor of gay rights multiple times, I'm not surprised he met with her to discuss her actions. Their meeting does not mean the Pope supports her in any way; if he did, her statement about their encounter would likely have championed that fact -- to an obnoxious degree.
I'm still confused why people are upset over this meeting. Kim Davis, for better or worse, made major headlines waving her religious shield.
Considering Francis has come out in favor of gay rights multiple times, I'm not surprised he met with her to discuss her actions. Their meeting does not mean the Pope supports her in any way; if he did, her statement about their encounter would likely have championed that fact -- to an obnoxious degree.
I put my hand out and he reached and he grabbed it, and I hugged him and he hugged me. And he said, Thank you for your courage. 
Sounds pretty supportive.
I imagine his popeularity will decrease.
People are probably losing their shit because we were finally to a better area with the majority standing against people like Kim Davis who bully others with different sexuality. The Pope standing "with" her is pouring fire on the issue again and giving those same hateful people who rooted for Davis another pillar to stand on.
It's irritating and sets us back.
Edit: Forgot to say that this is such an expected thing in the first place that many probably saw it coming, but it's still stupid.
I don't understand the Kevin Eubanks reference.
Indeed. Pope needs to be The Pope at the end of the day. He's still more progressive than any other Pope to date. But let's not feign surprise.He's an opponent of gay marriage and considers it intrinsically immoral. The fact that he loves gay people regardless just means he follows Christian dogma in that regard (hate the sin, not the sinner). He very much considers homosexuality a threat to conventional families and was pretty forthright about it as recently as his trip to the states. He's undeniably on Davis's side here.
I don't understand the Kevin Eubanks reference.
It's a PR stunt. There's a lot of politics involved. He probably doesn't want to burn his bridges with the Catholic church all the way. I think he has pissed off enough people and needs to do little things like this here and there to stay in power.
Kind of wondering what exactly he told her, since we basically got all the details from crazy Davis.
He probably told her to park his car
This completely blown out of proportion. The Pope, like any major leader, meets a lot of people. Progressives saying this means the Pope is cool with every retrograde facet of the antiSSM movement is no different than conservatives claiming he supports every facet of communism because he visited Cuba and met the Castros.
Kind of wondering what exactly he told her, since we basically got all the details from crazy Davis.
I think this was a carefully planned stunt. I think they more or less tricked the Pope into meeting her (possibly in a larger group), and I don't think the Pope intended to make any political statement of support. Kim Davis and her handlers are liars and I'm not going to trust their self serving statement of what happened in a secret meeting (which they went immediately public about).
This completely blown out of proportion. The Pope, like any major leader, meets a lot of people. Progressives saying this means the Pope is cool with every retrograde facet of the antiSSM movement is no different than conservatives claiming he supports every facet of communism because he visited Cuba and met the Castros.
It's verified in the Op by the Vatican...has this been verified? It seems so surreal...
It was a bad joke in the same vein that Jay Leno would make, but the Eubanks photo would make more sense if somebody else quoted them and responded with that.
Technically, Jesus was a convicted criminal who refused to let other people do their jobs.
Kim Davis modern Jesus Christ confirmed,
people still treating the papacy as some kind of authority in 2015 is mildly amusing i guess
The Catholic church opposes gay marriage. Who was labeling the Pope as a progressive?
I mean he's still the Pope. He still supports "traditional" marriage.
With that said I think he's a bit of a coward ideologically for secretly meeting with her.
If that's what you believe and you're the Pope own it. Don't just flaunt those ideals that you think will be happily received while scurrying in secret. That's just shady.
Jesus Christ would've used Eye of the Tiger too. Survivor be damned!