Edit: Dammit, he edited it so it didn't look stupid anymore...
Uhh, go PS3?
Reilly said:Well, it's only really delayed in Japan. A fall 06 launch was what people were expecting and that is still happening.
TheTrin said:Linux out of the box makes me want to touch myself in naughty places.
While the simultaneous tri-territory PS3 scheme may sound much like Microsoft's international launch of the Xbox 360, Sony plans to avoid the shortages that befell its competitor. Kutaragi said that the company plans on producing at least one million units of the console each month in order to keep the supply channel full. He said the goal was to ship 6 million PS3s worldwide by March 2007.
Reilly said:Well, it's only really delayed in Japan. A fall 06 launch was what people were expecting and that is still happening.
It can, and from what I've heard, it will. Mac OS X is Linux-based so you're already sorted on that frontcvxfreak said:I've never used Linux, but can Sony then tout PS3 as a PC?
JoshuaJSlone said:I thought you were one of the fans of up-front losses on hardware? This is just the necessary evening things out by screwing the late adopters.
I thought 360 ran Halo in hi-res or something?But if they're comparing it to Xbox 360's taking of a standard resolution image and just upscaling it, that's nothing.
aaaaa0 said:Gamespot article is up... they say Kutargi said 6 million units BY MARCH 2007.
2 million at Nov launch worldwide? One million each month thereafter?
If true, massive shortages GET!
Jonnyram said:It can, and from what I've heard, it will. Mac OS X is Linux-based so you're already sorted on that front![]()
But the PS3 will do it by emulation too, right? I don't think their putting chips in there to take care of it. We'll see... if it runs FFXI, I will be *very* impressed.Fafalada said:Comparing with XBox shouldn't be taken literally anyhow - it's a big stretch calling that backward "compatible" in the first place.
cvxfreak said:Don't you mean Unix?
Unless they're the same. :lol
That's great! I was looking for that particular 'added' effect.Reilly said:
Juice said:I realize Sony has already claimed they could start manufacturing final units last Tuesday, but to compare to the 360, it's now March--have they shipped 6 million worldwide yet?
Jonnyram said:But the PS3 will do it by emulation too, right? I don't think their putting chips in there to take care of it. We'll see... if it runs FFXI, I will be *very* impressed.
Jonnyram said:It can, and from what I've heard, it will. Mac OS X is Linux-based so you're already sorted on that front![]()
marc^o^ said:Awesome demonstration of Sony's savoir faire. They'll sell their 6 million PS3 at launch within 3 weeks. As I predicted, Sony embracing online gaming will make xBox live a mere commodity and not a key factor of success anymore. Blue Ray/Linux/best developper support/PSP connectivity/Playstation brand... makes Microsoft dream fall apart. The PS3 is not even out and it's sooo easy to already figure x360 will not compete with PS3 numbers. The Dreamcast analogy was true, Sony's hype is invincible. I'm glad Nintendo took a totally different route and did not go in frontal with Sony this time.
Linux for the win BTW, it won't be stressed enough.
PS3 & Revolution combo for the win. I should start saving money NOW!
Diablos said:If they sell it for $400 they are pretty much set. I'm sure they are aiming to match MS's best offer with something better for the same price.
I hesitate to call what 360 is doing "emulation" - at least not emulation of hardware. It's more like running various game profiles.Jonnyram said:But the PS3 will do it by emulation too, right? I don't think their putting chips in there to take care of it. We'll see... if it runs FFXI, I will be *very* impressed.
Fafalada said:I hesitate to call what 360 is doing "emulation" - at least not emulation of hardware. It's more like running various game profiles.
Anyway what's so special about running FFXI? I can think of a dozen PS2 titles right away that should be more complicated to run (if running in software emulator that is).
Who knows, everyone is going to react differently. Plus you have to consider MS will probably drop the price of the 360 and will naturally become very competetive around the time of PS3 launch.TheTrin said:If they added a throwaway game in the package and raised the price to $450, would anyone really complain?
Juice said:By the by, I hope this piece of irony helps burn the midnight oil for you:
I have a Psyc test I have yet to study much for in just over 5 hours. It's on sleep and its deprivation. *Irony!*
Guess this'll make me an expert!
//pretends he ever gets more than 3 hours of sleep a night anyway.
Beezy said:I fall asleep for 3 hours and this thread grows by 13 pages. As I'm browsing through those pages, it grows another 2 pages! I thought Nintedo fans were bad. You guys are fucking crazy. It was all worth it though thanks to these posts:
P.S: I guess Ninja Scooter won't do my homework now.![]()
Mrbob said:Yes there will be shortages, but at one million a month Sony will be able to fill up demand much quicker than MS ever accomplished. Remember MS only shipped about 2.5 million units in the same time span Sony will be shipping 6 million. Kuturagi also said one million a month is the minimum target.
True... it's much the same as having a multi config autoexec.bat, right?Fafalada said:I hesitate to call what 360 is doing "emulation" - at least not emulation of hardware. It's more like running various game profiles.
It's tied to the PS2 HDD. I really can't imagine how they'll get that running, even if they have a HDD built-in to the PS3 hardware. I guess they can put hooks in for the PCMCIA calls, but it will be pretty messy, I reckon.Anyway what's so special about running FFXI? I can think of a dozen PS2 titles right away that should be more complicated to run (if running in software emulator that is).
kevm3 said:$500 dollars with a 60 GB hard drive is a go... without is a no go.
lunlunqq said:
mckmas8808 said:Can somebody explain the GPS PSP feature to me please? What does updates every second mean? Do I need to be in a WiFi area at all times? And how will that be possible?
You're normally pretty informed about things, but you're incorrect there.Fafalada said:I hesitate to call what 360 is doing "emulation" - at least not emulation of hardware. It's more like running various game profiles.
cvxfreak said:I'm using the 360 pricing as my guide here, too.
mckmas8808 said:Can somebody explain the GPS PSP feature to me please? What does updates every second mean? Do I need to be in a WiFi area at all times? And how will that be possible?
gofreak said:You shouldn't, they're quite different systems. $500 with the HDD would be an absolute steal, but methinks it'll be more like $399-$449 without it.
Yeah, I think most of us did at first. But here's what's said on Bungie's site:Fafalada said:I thought 360 ran Halo in hi-res or something?
How is the resolution change achieved technically?
For Halo and Halo 2, it happens in the "frame buffer" where Full Scene Anti Aliasing is applied. That image is then scaled for the best mix of image quality and compatibility.
Yeah... how are they basing a golf game around this? I know people around here were postulating some GPS ideas like having different Pokémon available based on your current position, but what would be fun for golf?Vaandaviii said:It's just a navigator, like the ones of the PDA's or in the cars. It doesn't need Wifi for anything, it's just GPS.
All I/O on PS2 happened inside IOP - there was no way for EE to access the hw by itself, and Sony has already demonstrated replacing IOP with a completely different chip with almost no loss in compatibility (at any rate it didn't affect FFXI at all).It's tied to the PS2 HDD. I really can't imagine how they'll get that running, even if they have a HDD built-in to the PS3 hardware. I guess they can put hooks in for the PCMCIA calls, but it will be pretty messy, I reckon.
Razoric said:no one cares what you have to say douche
Ken Kutaragi said:"PS3 is for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one.'"
Gaia Theory said: