Full article on Politico, but the gist is pretty clear, Pruitt is gonna change the review to fit in line with the climate deniers agenda:
Can the world handle all this freedom? The US showing the other shit tier countries how it's done once again
Full: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/11/pruitt-climate-report-epa-241546
Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt said his staff will gauge the accuracy of a major federal science report that blames human activity for climate change just days after researchers voiced their fears to The New York Times that the Trump administration would alter or suppress its findings.
Frankly this report ought to be subjected to peer-reviewed, objective-reviewed methodology and evaluation, Pruitt told a Texas radio show Thursday. Science should not be politicized. Science is not something that should be just thrown about to try to dictate policy in Washington, D.C.
Can the world handle all this freedom? The US showing the other shit tier countries how it's done once again

Full: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/11/pruitt-climate-report-epa-241546