I left off anything I didn't want at all or already owned on another platform if it's an older game.
Definitely Want:
-Witcher 3: I loved the first two games and this seems to be adding several features I would have loved to have had in previous iterations.
-Hotline Miami 2: This has been reported as "more Hotline Miami with some upgrades". Hotline Miami was easily one of my favorite games of the year, and I would be perfectly fine with just "more Hotline Miami" even without the upgrades.
-Dragon Age: Inquisition: I even had some fun with Dragon Age 2, and this looks like a massive improvement in every way possible, so I can't imagine myself not getting it eventually.
-TitanFall: Everything about this looks good and a lot like the kind of multiplayer shooter I feel has been missing for quite some time, however I want either a beta or positive impressions from people I trust on the final game to be sure.
-Child of Light: I've liked what I've seen of this, but Ubisoft has no track record in this genre and Western made JRPGs have had a very hit or miss success rate.
-Destiny: This looks like an MMO version of Borderlands + Halo. It would be hard for this to not appeal to me, though the people I play Borderlands online with game primarily on PC, and this kind of game is usually not fun solo. Notably positive impressions could sway me though.
-Reaper of Souls: Diablo 3 was quite disappointing for me, but at least the list of added features and changes sounds very similar to what I would have liked to see changed with the base game.
-The Division: The MMO version of Borderlands + Tom Clancy. However, given how new AAA Ubisoft IPs turn out on their first entry, I'm remaining cautious, especially since we haven't seen any non-scripted gameplay yet.
-Infamous: Second Son: I have not played a previous Infamous game, but this looks like it could be fun. I would ideally want to play a demo first to see if it's really something that suits my taste though.
-Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes: The main issue this game will have is convincing me to buy it instead of just waiting for MGS5. I'm interested in the concept, but this is a pretty expensive ass standalone release.
-Octodad: Charlequin played this and told me it was excellent, and it looks like a lot of fun. I just need to hear that the final product is varied and entertaining for however long it is, since a 5 minute impression of a game can vary heavily from a 5 hour impression.
-Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare: Basically everything I have seen about this certainly looks great, but it's hard for me to tell if a multiplayer shooter will be fun without playing it in a beta or hearing from someone with similar taste to me.
-Quantum Break: I need to see gameplay first, but the four seconds they showed looked like something I would enjoy and I really liked the Remedy Max Payne games.
-The Evil Within: I really like most of Shinji Mikami's games, and really like Survival Horror games, but I am somewhat skeptical as this is a new-ish studio and they've been hiding this pretty hard.
-The Witness: I quite liked Myst, and I really liked Braid. However, the gameplay they've shown so far hasn't inspired me with a ton of confidence, but puzzle games don't often make great trailers.
-Thief: This doesn't look like a great Thief game, or even an especially good Thief game, but it does look like it could be a fun game if we put the brand to the side for a moment.
-Transistor: My main complaint about Bastion would be that the combat wasn't very engaging. This looks to have made some good strides in improving that, so this could hit a lot of high notes for me.
-Valiant Hearts: I'm a big adventure game fan and this is a fantastic setting for one. However, since Ubisoft hasn't made something like this before with this team, I would need positive impressions first.
-Watch_Dogs: As I mentioned before, Ubisoft's first attempts at a new AAA franchise don't always go so hot lately, and this game seems to get periodically downgraded. However, the core concept is something that appeals to me.
Wait & See:
-Deep Down: The monetization model of this game will be rather important to determining if it's actually fun. So far the gameplay videos have not looked very good outside of the visuals either.
-Daylight: Horror games depend heavily on implementation, so this is something I'd definitely need to see great impressions of first.
-Dyling Light: The concept of this game is great, but Techland's track record is definitely not.
-Halo 5: I would like to see more significant evolution in this franchise to really win me back. Reading things like "We took out the cool new weapons because not enough people used them and replaced them with unusual looking shotguns instead" does not inspire me confidence, however if I see something that looks notably different to me in a positive way, I would be open minded.
-Mad Max: I had quite a bit of fun with Just Cause 2 for a few hours, but it got pretty monotonous after that. I would need to see something rather impressive out of this or fantastic reviews/impressions to be interested.
-Sunset Overdrive: Insomniac has been very hit or miss for me lately so I would need to see a lot of positive things about this to consider it. The game is basically not revealed so I don't have much to say.
-The Crew: I don't really like most driving games, but a co-op driving game with various missions in theory could appeal to me.
-The Order: 1886: Most things I read about this do not inspire me with confidence, as it seems to be doubling down on most of the things I hated about cinematmic shooters last generation. I'm not entirely opposed to the concept though as I did enjoy at least some of the ones I played.
-Wolfenstein: In theory, making a game in the style of old Wolfenstein games would be a fantastic idea. I'm not convinced they will nail the feeling though from the gameplay videos so far. Also Wolfenstein multiplayer was excellent and they're missing that.