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--PS5 reportedly struggling with Resident Evil 8: can barely run it at 1080p/60

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Dr Bass

Off top but has anybody noticed the graphics in RE8 look noticabely worse than RE7 or RE3 Remake


New engine or what

Dunno, but I didn't realize Mark Hamill had a role in this one.


On paper, still looks like MS built more powerful console. There's no doubt Series X will be a beast. Though It'd be interesting to see at what price point. The thing is, we have already seen games running on the PS5 dev-kit, but as far as I am concerned nothing run on Xbox SX. There's just nothing there right now to really compare the two. I guess we won't know until first batch of multiplatforms comes out. To think that Sony built an esoteric architecture, that is hard to develop for, is just not realistic. Surely, one of very important design goals would have to have been performing well with 3rd party multiplatform games. PS5 struggling to hit 60fps @10 1080p has nothing to do with the Ps5 hardware, all has all to do with an incorrect information or information taken out of the context.
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Has a tiny dick and smaller e-peen
Some people just don't get it. Xbox Series X is more powerful than PS5. This is true, nobody is denying this. BUT, the devil is in small details. The difference between these console is very very small (16-18%), that's the smallest difference ever between competitors, and that's just raw specs on paper. Real-life difference in games is supposed to be even smaller (the versions might be almost identical). That's what trustful insiders like Mat, Jason told us all along.
Spreading FUD bulshit like Dusk Gulem (that Series X is MUCH MORE superior than PS5, 12 vs 9) is wrong, and those poeple deserve to eat shit for that.


Neo Member
So what’s the series s going to run it at .. 480p?
yea, the whole post reeks of bullshit, I mean he started it of by saying the series x was going to be cheaper than the ps5 because of game pass Profits.


Gold Member
Is it perhaps the Ray tracing causing issues? If so, I hope that these games have a toggle to turn it off similar to how you can turn HDR off.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
On paper, still looks like MS built more powerful console. There's no doubt Series X will be a beast. Though It'd be interesting to see at what price point. The thing is, we have already seen games running on the PS5 dev-kit, but as far as I am concerned nothing run on Xbox SX. There's just nothing there right now to really compare the two. I guess we won't know until first batch of multiplatforms comes out. To think that Sony built an esoteric architecture, that is hard to develop for, is just not realistic. Surely, one of very important design goals would have to have been performing well with 3rd party multiplatform games. PS5 struggling to hit 60fps @10 1080p has nothing to do with the Ps5 hardware, all has all to do with an incorrect information or information taken out of the context.

It would be logical to assume the PS5 is extremely easy to get to grips with for any developer who has already worked on the PS4. The PS5 s a direct continuation of the PS4 and PS4 Pro, so compiling PS4 code to run on the PS5 should be extremely simple. Developers will need to learn about the new features (3D sound, new controller functionality), 3D engine creators will have to add support for raytracing and such, but it should be possible to ignore all of that if your game doesn't need all of that.
Who gives a crap on all this sony is smart and there R&D team is better then Microsoft put this to bed and let the games amd multiplatform games do the talking ahen they release. So mods can lock this stupid thread. For any1 sake it could be the new Lockhart since its only 4tf


And xbox series s does not have problems?:messenger_hushed:
Apparently XBOX Series S has no issue. It will probably run this 1620p at 60fps in sleepmode, whilst PS5 struggles with 1080p.
That has to be the dumbest rumor I've read here in a while.

Why the hell would Sony feel the need to release a "killer" for a console that posed no threat to them whatsoever? And why would they wait until Q4 2019 to release it, leaving only a year before the console it is supposed to kill gets replaced by an even faster model?
Besides that console which Sony developed a killer for is already dead and defunct.....So straight fudding with that rumor...
Yet you PS trolls bash a game like Halo Infinite which is months from release and just needs polish. The hypocrisy of you people is nauseating.
Infinite is a launch game from an MS first party studio. RE 8 is not, it's from a third party studio and it's not releasing this year or early next year, it's probably a year away at the very least......RE8 just recently transitioned from a cross-gen release to a bit more focus on the next gen machines with heightened ambitions, so the developers are putting the hardware through it's paces......

The funny thing is, people are too gullible. Isn't it curious that you have seen no game running on Series X hardware yet, but according to Golem RE8 and other games are all running at 4K 60FPS on Series X whilst PS5 struggles? That makes no sense and is so far removed from what we've heard from other devs. That's literally setting yourself up for a fall by overhyping the Series X again, just like people overhyped MS Studios, Halo Infinite and MS's readiness for next gen before their last few showcases.

They overhyped Raytracing on Series X, but where is it? Not a single game shown with RT.......Yet PS5 is the only console which has shown pretty much all of it's games using RT. Aren't you curious that RE8 was shown on a PS5 and not a Series X, we have seen nothing on Series X even this late, if it was so good, MS would be flailing that flawless performance all in your face.....So yes, what we saw was RE8 running at 4K native and variable framerate on PS5, not 1080p, but we have not seen a blip of RE8 on Series X, if they ever showed it, it would have been on PC like they did their entire show on the 23rd. That should be clue enough. RE is running so great, everything is running so great on Series X, Series X is an RT beast at 25TF, but where are the receipts......?



Games are "moving to streaming" eh.....well that's so interesting. :pie_eyeroll: This does beg the question why games developers are seemingly unable to adapt to the "move to streaming" to make their games run better on a system that is, from what I'm told, better at "streaming" than XSX.

But I do stand corrected on the TF. Sorry, The PS5 is indeed a 10.2 TF machine that can't hit native 4K at 30fps. Which is still not surprising because the GPU is too weak for native 4K.

I do wonder why Sony cheaped out on the GPU. I mean they've been dominant this gen. The PS4 sold at a profit very soon after launch. Surely they can afford to give their dedicated fans something that actually hits a next gen display standard, especially when the platform performance standard is a meager 30fps.

GT7 - Native 4k at 60fps with ray tracing
Ratchet and Clank - native 4k at 30fps with Ray Tracing

Your FUD game is weak, go back to discord and get better arguments.
Lol no. It will be extremely close.

Its not even sure one console has an advantage, but if so it will be really small, not 4k vs 1080p.

More like both 4k60 with one 2160p native and the other 1800p reconstructed (checkerboard).

Basically you won't see anything different on multiplatfotm games unless you freeze the game and counts pixels while zooming like DF does.

As usual, 1st party will be far superior on PS5 though and they'll look a lot better than anything on XSX, but it's due to budget and talent, more than to the platform itself.
Laughs at you in Flight Simulator 2020. Microsoft already have the “next gen” crown and it will launch on the 18th of this month.


None of that is relevant...

Cache scrubbers are for exactly that; cache. It has little to do with the I/O transfer speed. And not hindering GPU performance is not the same as increasing GPU performance. It reduces cache latency which can help the GPU if it is stalling. If the GPU is not stalling, it will not increase performance of the GPU at all.

The decompressor is part of what allows high transfer speeds, but has nothing to do with the GPU. It offloads the CPU for decompression, but the CPU still needs to feed the GPU from RAM, and both the CPU and GPU cannot exceed their native capabilities.
Priority levels on an SSD are again, exactly that; priority levels. Things with higher priority get loaded first, and the lower priorities get loaded later in order. This in no way elevates hardware performance of the GPU or CPU.

You're just repeating PR talk without understanding what is actually going on. But I guess we have to live with that. Just carry on.

I'll just say that if the PS5 is having issues at 1080p/60, it is either a devkit issue or a software issue. It should be more than powerful enough for that. I wouldn't be surprised if variable clocks are actually influencing this.

Is that why this thread exists?
Not sure where you sourced cache scrubber info. Latency and stalling? Nope

The scrubbers are designed by Sony in anticipation of ram being altered frequently by loading from ssd. They prevent needles cache deletion when addressed ram is altered, I.e not throwing out the baby with the bath water, only underlying changes not already cached will be required to refresh cache. These required changes are informed by the i/o operation from ssd.

Needless cache refresh means more I/o between GPU and ram slowing down the effectiveness of the GPU.

It’s an efficiency gain, how much so in the real world remains to be seen.

Handy Fake

Well that doesn't sound good.
To be honest it's a whole lot of hullabaloo about nothing.
Either the dev hasn't explained himself properly or Golum has explained it badly. He did seem to embellish it all a little as evidenced by his backtracking but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
It just seems to me, when the whole thing is boiled down to its bare bones, that when they ported the game to Xbox it ran fine with little modification, but when they did the same to PS5 it was struggling with the code. Which is understandable when you first move code over and haven't set about optimising it for a new system.
The Xbox architecture is probably more suited to the code as it was originally written is all. The PS5 with its different API and chipset more than likely just needs some code changing to get working efficiently.

In a nutshell, kind of what you'd expect.

Nothing to do with power or wotnot, just different systems.
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MS and Sony fanboys are both gonna have fun damage controlling aren't they?

Funny how I'm sure there would be an opposite reaction from both camps if it were the other console..


Sony fans really don’t have anything to damage control at this point. We’ve seen games running on PS5 and so far so good. And we know there’s more to come. Most games shown don’t look too far of and we apparently have a ton of moneyhatting coming.

Xbox have their “most powerful console” but we haven’t seen a thing running on it. The most promising games still look a couple of years off and Halo looks like crap. But, hey, we have Gamepass.


Oh, so you worked on the PlayStation 5?

You have experience in developing with PlayStatio 5 dev kits?

No, you don't.

If it was irrelevant, then it wouldn't necessary at all.

You're CLEARLY not even paying attention.

Who said decompressor has anything to do with the GPU? I never said it. I basically said they went better I/O performance instead of going for the highest CPU \TF count.

One of the most requested features for next gen consoles was the SSD, and they made it a priority to get data on to memory faster instead of focusing on the higher TF figures.

You're not a tech expert and neither an I, so don't pretend to be one.

You haven't worked on these consoles. You're just fans of consoles like the rest of us that are getting out information from guys like Digital Foundry, RedGamingTech etc.

We know you don't know more than these guys. They went over this several times already, so I suggest watching their videos again.
I don't have to have any more experience with developing or designing these consoles to know how they generally work, any more than I need to have experience building a Lamborghini to know how engines, gasoline, breaks, wipers, radiators and so on work. Maybe you should try understanding things for once, rather than being dismissive of facts that hurt your feelings.

This thread is about an unsubstantiated rumor.
By someone with apparently a good track record.

Not sure where you sourced cache scrubber info. Latency and stalling? Nope

The scrubbers are designed by Sony in anticipation of ram being altered frequently by loading from ssd. They prevent needles cache deletion when addressed ram is altered, I.e not throwing out the baby with the bath water, only underlying changes not already cached will be required to refresh cache. These required changes are informed by the i/o operation from ssd.

Needless cache refresh means more I/o between GPU and ram slowing down the effectiveness of the GPU.

It’s an efficiency gain, how much so in the real world remains to be seen.
And what do you think the result of that is? Right. Lower latency, because rather than flushing the whole RAM, you adapt what needs to be changed. It is more efficient because it reduces latency and stalls. But thanks for unintentionally agreeing.
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Sony fans really don’t have anything to damage control at this point. We’ve seen games running on PS5 and so far so good. And we know there’s more to come. Most games shown don’t look too far of and we apparently have a ton of moneyhatting coming.

Xbox have their “most powerful console” but we haven’t seen a thing running on it. The most promising games still look a couple of years off and Halo looks like crap. But, hey, we have Gamepass.



NaughtyDog Defense Force
I don't have to have any more experience with developing or designing these consoles to know how they generally work, any more than I need to have experience building a Lamborghini to know how engines, gasoline, breaks, wipers, radiators and so on work. Maybe you should try understanding things for once, rather than being dismissive of facts that hurt your feelings.

Looks like your argument just got shut down and you don't have anything else to say. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Off top but has anybody noticed the graphics in RE8 look noticeably worse than RE7 or RE3 Remake


New engine or what

Same Engine

Deep Down I believe that Capcom is going to find ways to pull it off by 2021. Deep Down I hope they will optimize it appropriately for PS5 and Xbox Series X.


If it's true its probably something to do with PSVR. You'd think VR would need considerations around it if its mode is exactly the same as the single player experience, like Resident Evil 7.


I don't have to have any more experience with developing or designing these consoles to know how they generally work, any more than I need to have experience building a Lamborghini to know how engines, gasoline, breaks, wipers, radiators and so on work. Maybe you should try understanding things for once, rather than being dismissive of facts that hurt your feelings.

By someone with apparently a good track record.

And what do you think the result of that is? Right. Lower latency, because rather than flushing the whole RAM, you adapt what needs to be changed. It is more efficient because it reduces latency and stalls. But thanks for unintentionally agreeing.
You bypassed any details of how cache scrubbers play a part in the system efficiency and just said cache = efficiency. You may as well just have have said scrubbers = good. The scrubbers are intrinsically linked to the PS5 I/o.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
You didn't say ANYTHING that was relevant to what I said. But... If this is what you need to believe to sleep at night, go ahead.
Because you started telling me things that had nothing to do with my post. You simply weren't paying attention.
oh sheeet, PS5 weaker than PS4 confirmed.......
It's the variable clocks, they go close to zero all the time!
Yea this insider is full of shit...

while, it is 100% possible that the game is having trouble on PS5, he states that game runs perfectly on XboxX .. which is horse shit as none of the games at July 23 where running on xbox series x.. they were running on PC.

Meaning, if a studio as close to MS as 343i is "supposed" to be are ...lets say "not up to speed" ... surely Capcom isn't either....
This is suspicious.
Part 2648 of operation defend the PS5 at all costs begins....
Well, there is not much to "defend" as you say, there is a port that runs pretty well on the ps4 (base and pro) and now it looks like it's running worse than on previous gen consoles... we have seen many native ps5 games so far and nothing like this... even if the PS5 is a 9.2TF machine it would still offer 2/3rd the performance of the series x, no way it should run that much worse than on series x (however the sacrifices would start to be visible).
Off top but has anybody noticed the graphics in RE8 look noticabely worse than RE7 or RE3 Remake




New engine or what

Another Halo Infinite is in the hoven.

This has to be the strangest console generational transition ever.

And that guy looks like Mark Hamill.


GT7 - Native 4k at 60fps with ray tracing
Ratchet and Clank - native 4k at 30fps with Ray Tracing

Your FUD game is weak, go back to discord and get better arguments.
Well, first party studio vs third party studio. The first party studios had much more time to make their games ready for something like this show, while third-party studios had ... a vague spec and not that much time. The game is not out yet and it will be month/years until it gets released. The SDK get's better, ...
As the xbox series x/s still uses a Windows underneath and the game is developed on e.g. DirectX 12 which is well known for a while, it would be much easier to port it over to the xbox series x. But that will change over time, when also third party developers hat time to work with the SDK for a while.
Some people just don't get it. Xbox Series X is more powerful than PS5. This is true, nobody is denying this. BUT, the devil is in small details. The difference between these console is very very small (16-18%), that's the smallest difference ever between competitors, and that's just raw specs on paper. Real-life difference in games is supposed to be even smaller (the versions might be almost identical). That's what trustful insiders like Mat, Jason told us all along.
Spreading FUD bulshit like Dusk Gulem (that Series X is MUCH MORE superior than PS5, 12 vs 9) is wrong, and those poeple deserve to eat shit for that.

The devil is in the details, but I think people are expecting a 16-18% difference are in for a rude awakening. If the GPU was capable of running a rock solid 2.23ghz like most people here seem to think, Cerny would have said that. The fact that the rosiest language the marketing team could come up with is "we expect the GPU to run at or near those speeds most of the time" most likely means the system will rarely, if ever, be running at that frequency.

Especially because they felt compelled to add in "or near" when describing the GPU. Which they didn't feel compelled to add when describing the CPU. Makes me think those GPU clocks may be a bit of smoke and mirrors and not exactly practical nor achievable under typical circumstances. Time will tell, but the carefully worded marketing speak leads me to believe the real world performance delta is going to be larger than most people are anticipating.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
More than a difference in power (which I think exists) this seems to suggest an easier development on Series X, at least for this game and its engine. What Dusk Golem says is believable, the trailer during the PS5 event was atrocious, frame rate all over the place, and some parts even had rough textures like the start in the woods.

We haven't seen ONE GAME running on the Series X dev kit yet. So why would you say this?


So months-old, reportedly, rumor hits a supposedly non-sensical information hungry Zombie crowd and has created the allegedly biggest information MEGATON ? Correct?
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Because you started telling me things that had nothing to do with my post. You simply weren't paying attention.
I quoted a specific sentence of yours, where you were basically said that the SSD difference is more important than the GPU difference. I directly replied saying that a GPU cannot punch above its weight, no matter how fast the SSD. Then you started spouting the same old SSD buzz words that people love to repeat, and they were not relevant at all to what I was saying. When I countered those, you starting with a bunch of appeal to authority and no true Scotsman fallacies to downplay my statements, and then you declare yourself some sort of victor. And now you have the audacity to tell me now that I am telling you things that are not the point of your post? GTFO of here. Ignore list it is.


You bypassed any details of how cache scrubbers play a part in the system efficiency and just said cache = efficiency. You may as well just have have said scrubbers = good. The scrubbers are intrinsically linked to the PS5 I/o.
You decided to jump in the 'discussion' between me and DForce, which would be fine if it was focusing on the original point. Basically the two of us agree on the latter subject, but, for some reason you must make an issue out of it. I am not obligated to supply all details at all times. Especially to the likes of DForce that can't tell the difference between basic hardware components nor any of their function.

I will now be leaving this thread.
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