Posts like this are what make these forums fanboy garbage at times. If anything sounds unintelligent it is fanboy dribble like this. One game, no matter how hyped up, does not make a generation. Remember the hype around Lair? Or The Order? Neither games set the bar for the PS3 or PS4. The new Halo isn't going to set the bar and neither is Rachet and Clank. My guess is Halo is going to look pretty good when it comes out and play stellar. And RE8 will probably be pretty equal between platforms..![]()
If you're going to apply your reasoning to the xbox, then it's a lot of shit made for idiots.
And again the same delirium of the incredible powers in wonderful DirectX, the incredible software that only MS can do ... Made for PCs, where nobody on the PC cares about this shit only "xbox fans"
A graphics gameplay that loses to killzone SF 2013, and still running on PC
CGs without date
idiots: wow, that hidden power must be incredible, so hidden that NO ONE SAW.
PS5: Gameplay, engine running on PS5
idiots: wow, you have to see this, RDNA1, super heat, garbage hurrr durrrrrrr
it is because of this low intellectual level of the average xbox consumer who writes on the internet, that the xbox is in this ridiculous state of 4 months before the launch has ONE GAMEPLAY ON THE PC and the rest are CGs FAKES without date.
Also I get the criticism of MS showing CG but Sony fans have eaten that same shit up for years at E3. The collective pant splooging when the FFVII remake or Shenmue 3 announcements happened was worse exponentially and that was with a graphic title screen.