The controls on vita are not good but didn't have any problem with the ps4 version. Game is great and totally worth 10 bucks!
The controls are the same except for r3 and l3 buttons right?
The controls on vita are not good but didn't have any problem with the ps4 version. Game is great and totally worth 10 bucks!
Guess it is not cross buy which would have been cool.
Lil harder to bite on that for $18 than SOMA for $6, imo. Niche games I'm experimenting with gotta be under 10.
Which of these will appear later on PS+ for free though
What other games is this similar to?
Same questions for Teslagrad and Salt & Sanctuary...
Please fill me in peeps!
Are the controls for Darkest Dungeon manageable? Heard it was real horrible but I really like it on the go..
Is the Witness worth it?
The controls are the same except for r3 and l3 buttons right?
Really want to wait for the Vita version of Cosmic Star Heroine. Unless the PS4 version is crossbuy?
Really want to wait for the Vita version of Cosmic Star Heroine. Unless the PS4 version is crossbuy?
It's cross-buy.
To give an update on the Vita version, I'm pretty sure that you could play through the entire game on Vita right now HOWEVER you would have to save/quit a lot since right now, playing it for too long eventually results in the system running out of memory. Not sure if this is due to a memory leak or memory defragmenting but in any case, I need to fix this before we put it up.
Cmon....not one post that Patapon has a release date???? FEVEEEEERRRRR
NA: August 1st
It's cross-buy.
To give an update on the Vita version, I'm pretty sure that you could play through the entire game on Vita right now HOWEVER you would have to save/quit a lot since right now, playing it for too long eventually results in the system running out of memory. Not sure if this is due to a memory leak or memory defragmenting but in any case, I need to fix this before we put it up.
How is 2064 Read Only Memories?
Did you vote Trump? If so, I wouldn't recommend it.
Agreed, it's an underrated little title. Lovely art style, neat puzzles and exploration.If you don't have Teslagrad, it's an amazing game. Completely worth $1.50.
Yes, but the Vita version is still being ported.Is Cosmic Star Heroine cross-buy? I'm looking forward to the Vita version.
The controls on vita are not good but didn't have any problem with the ps4 version. Game is great and totally worth 10 bucks!
The controls are the same except for r3 and l3 buttons right?
Yes.Weird. I'm just seeing preorder stuff. Is Hellblade going to be digital only?
Weird. I'm just seeing preorder stuff. Is Hellblade going to be digital only?
How so? What is this game, exactly?
Full list
Is Darkest Dungeon any good? Thinking about picking it up.
Inside at 10 and witness at 16, are they good pickups?
did all the issues with the snk ports get fixed? i know last blade was missing some graphical effects. and do they work with ps3 sticks?
Here is everything.There are 100+ entries, so that's not the full list.
Anything notable missing?
It's still not everything. For PS4 it's the same incomplete list.
If Salt and Sanctuary is a cross buy, then I'm definitely picking that up.
How much of a Metroidvania is Salt & Sanctuary? I'm looking for more of a SoTN and Shantae and The Pirate's Curse and less of a Strider(PS4) and Metroid.
I guess a giant and varied map, cool abilities and maybe lots of different weapons.
How is 2064 Read Only Memories?