Whats the drop rate of 2x Rainbow keeper?
I ran it twice and got it to drop once.
I'll probably run this all day since its metal dragon day.
At least it only takes me 15 minutes per run (The first time I did a rainbow keeper dungeon it took me 2 hours) with
Noble mech
Lightning holy
Gravitation Earth
Chaos Devil
Odin helper
Pretty brainless. Charge with single match(combos that too long), nuke repeat.
Tried Rainbow keeper for the first time with something similar to that, strolled to victory and got the drop. Now i have to get a pesky mystic stone knight that refuses to drop for me. Disappointed i didn't get the light mech dragon drop when i beat it on master Xo. I don't know if i will get lucky again on that one with the dragon's 6k attack skill and constant double strikes