So is that a good way to rank up? How many stones / rank were you spending? I'm like 108 but it goes really slow now. I'd be willing to spend 20 stones to get 20 ranks, for sure
It's not the best exp/stamina ratio(only about 400exp/stamina compared to over 500exp/stamina for some of the normal dungeons), but it's certainly the fastest way to level with the right team until you can consistently beat Zeus dungeons and such, and since last weekend was 1.5x gold for the dungeon, I was pulling in between 200K-240K gold per run. So, overall it was a very efficient dungeon for me. I ran a Wood/Water dual ADK leader team and just brute forced it through the dungeon. I usually run a Wood/Dark team, but Dark obviously wouldn't work in this dungeon, and I found the Water Dragons(Ice Mech and Aurora) were perfect against the Fire bosses which usually give my ADK teams fits. Without Light/Dark orbs, combos came in bunches, and I never took more than 2 turns max to beat each of the last 2 boss stages, no matter what 2 random elements the final boss would be.
I didn't keep track of how many stones I spent, but obviously the higher the rank you are, the more exp required for each successive rank-up. Just using the
wiki to calculate an estimate, I'd say you'd need around 35+ stones to rank from level 108 to 130 playing Master Tri color with other dungeons sprinkled in to use up leftover stamina. 20 stones definitely wouldn't get you there. It would take around 113 dungeon runs assuming an average of 9800exp per run.
Sorry if my quick calculations are off. If someone else wants to do the math and correct me, please do.