I evolved Underlord Hades and will keep him up as leader, will he be a decent help to people for the current mech? I'm going to level him further today with metal dragons.
Also I keep a set of 4 liliths/succubi, makes for easy for Wed and Fri dungeons! Had to do something with the duplicates, lol.
Alright he's only level 27 right now (from pengdras) but I will boost him really high today with metal dragons to help people out!
Such a baller.
What's the HP threshold you need to hit for the Master Level Dark Mech? Is it 12k hp?
It's in the criminally neglected JP table in the friends spreadsheet. I'm almost tempted to reroll for a Great Valk (which is in murakofest) tonight because my current account has not yielded me any good pulls aside from a second Valk, and I can easily clear dungeons until I get another three or four rare pulls in time for Godfest...Yeah, sucks not having my old stamina / unit resources to take advantage of it all. I'm stuck running Anket 4 on beginner because I can't handle normal with my team.
Trying to decide if I save my stones for the GodFests coming up, drop them on the FF gacha, or use them now and go for a Valkyrie. So much pressure to just buy some stones but I know that'll just shorten the shelf-life of the game for me. :/
Cosmo, can you throw your friend code up again? I need to add you again since my friend list was wiped.
Such a baller.
It's more than 12. I think it's closer to 12.5
For those that didn't already know, I just learned a new tip for Pendra raising. Pengdras need about 2550 exp to reach max level. Unless I have a bunch of fodder material from other dungeons, I usually feed them whatever else I get from the technical dungeons while farming them. The majority of fodder being Chimeras and Carbuncles. 1 Chimera and 1 Carbuncle of the same element is enough to max out a Pengdra. But evolved Carbuncles are rarer drops than Chimeras and I usually end up with just Chimeras to feed when the Carbuncles run out. But 2 Chimeras only provide 2400 exp, so it takes 3 Chimeras to max a Pengdra, and it goes over the 2550 exp needed by quite a bit, making it wasteful. Well I just discovered that if you feed 1 Chimera to another, it raises it to level 6, and that provides 2400 base exp or 3600 exp for the same element. So, it only takes 2 Chimera to max a Pengdra if you feed 1 Chimera to another before feeding it to the Pengdra. A 50% increase in efficiency!
You know what sucks about this? When you combine two Chimeras to feed a Pengdra and the Chimera gets a skillup. Feels like such a waste, especially when you had just combined a MSK to a ADK hoping to get a skillup.
You know what sucks about this? When you combine two Chimeras to feed a Pengdra and the Chimera gets a skillup. Feels like such a waste, especially when you had just combined a MSK to a ADK hoping to get a skillup.
Hmm seems I'm a bit short still. I need to get some more levels on my CDD and Light Ripper to help bump it up.
One thing good about Blue, Yellow and Dark mech runs is that you can have a double resist parties as well as major offense active skill on the partner leader so even for poor folks like me, we can still bust through the dungeon when we go all defensive. Which for is a must for master and legendary.
I'll probably try a legendary dark run.
Thinking of
Chaos Devil Dragon
Rainbow Keeper
Rainbow Keeper
Hades or dark neptune, whichever is availiable.
It's just something to make me not feel completely useless..
Never feel that way. Hell half of us wouldn't stand a chance without your help
Couple questions ...
Once you evolve rippers (5*) what is a good level to top out at if not maxing? I would like to spend some pendrags on other monsters. Not that I have many ...
If I were to get 4 (LOL) Succubus, should they be maxed out? Or only one? The rest at drop level?
Legendary is ~12500
master is ~8200
Finished my first Master dungeon today. No drop but was fun to check off another accomplishment. Definitely took a while but was in no real danger.
I'm surprised you guys need so many Succubi. For the Mask dungeon, I just carry one for poison and make sure I have 10000+ hp. Has worked pretty well for me so far.
That's the spiritUnderworld Hades to LV.50 after the first hour of metal dragons, will keep on truckin today! Gonna try master myself because I want the dark fully evolved chimera anyway.![]()
If you're talking about the last boss of Polar Night Tower then he "only" does 8.5k damage so there's no need for resolve. If you can't find blue resist then an Odin would work even better, or you could simply have enough health to survive the hit since you have five rounds to heal up.Mann, I need a lil blue real bad for the Polar Night boss. Farmed aurora drgon boss like 35 times. I know these bosses can drop them, it just takes a while.
Any strats for the boss besides a resolve team? I tried and the thing didn't even proc once.
If you're talking about the last boss of Polar Night Tower then he "only" does 8.5k damage so there's no need for resolve. If you can't find blue resist then an Odin would work even better, or you could simply have enough health to survive the hit since you have five rounds to heal up.
Btw, resolve is a guaranteed proc as long as your health was above 70% before the hit. (50% with Viper Orochi)
Can someone explain single poison and 10k HP for Mask dungeon? I've been really struggling to pass this one, but I can hit 10k easy and I even have 2 poisoners if I have to.
Yes, that's doable. And Hades or Dark Neptune would definitely be ideal helpers to make the fights go faster, Hades being the better of the 2. Is your Siren max skill? You'll be concentrating mostly on health management, and the higher her skill the better. Also, your minimum team HP needs to be at least 12,016 HP to survive the Mech's powered-up skill. Good luck!One thing good about Blue, Yellow and Dark mech runs is that you can have a double resist parties as well as major offense active skill on the partner leader so even for poor folks like me, we can still bust through the dungeon when we go all defensive. Which for is a must for master and legendary.
I'll probably try a legendary dark run.
Thinking of
Chaos Devil Dragon
Rainbow Keeper
Rainbow Keeper
Hades or dark neptune, whichever is availiable.
Haha! Yeah, I've had it happen a couple of times, but you just gotta ignore it. It's bound to happen when you do it enough times. It's just a psychological thing, though. It's like feeding a Pengdra and getting a SUPER bonus. It's easy to curse over the bonus being wasted, but there's no way to predict it. It all averages out, eventually.You know what sucks about this? When you combine two Chimeras to feed a Pengdra and the Chimera gets a skillup. Feels like such a waste, especially when you had just combined a MSK to a ADK hoping to get a skillup.
Exactly.or when you get an 'excellent' while maxing out a Pengdra. Pisses me off.
I find between levels 40-50 a good compromise before level-ups start taking a lot more exp to achieve. Though, sometimes you'll need to level-up just to reach a certain minimum HP threshold.Never feel that way. Hell half of us wouldn't stand a chance without your help
Couple questions ...
Once you evolve rippers (5*) what is a good level to top out at if not maxing? I would like to spend some pendrags on other monsters. Not that I have many ...
If I were to get 4 (LOL) Succubus, should they be maxed out? Or only one? The rest at drop level?
Do you have Pal pulls saved up? It's rare to get a Lil' Dragon drop in the regular dungeons. I've gotten all of mine through special dungeons and Pal pulls. In fact, I just got another Lil' Blue Dragon from the Pal machine, today. Didn't need it so I sold it, but it's probably your best chance until a special dungeon that it appears in comes around.Mann, I need a lil blue real bad for the Polar Night boss. Farmed aurora drgon boss like 35 times. I know these bosses can drop them, it just takes a while.
Any strats for the boss besides a resolve team? I tried and the thing didn't even proc once.
Ice Ogre is already at its final form via regular evolution. Though, he can be evolved via busty(poor translation?) evolution into 2 possible dual color Ogres. Instead of using the Evolve option, you input the correct combination of monsters into the Fusion screen, and when you submit it, it'll give you the option of evolving or doing regular fusion.Guys, how come I can't evolve my Ice Ogre? He is almost maxed out but his portrait is black for evolving.
Thanks cpp. I think my Lilith might cause me trouble though. She's level 70 so her HP might put me in trouble for resolve, that was why I was wondering about the 10k HP thing.
I tried the resolve the way you described last week, it worked but did not go as easy as I wanted to.
I guess I'd prefer the 1 Lilith yeah, maybe I'd need an extra 3-orb hit to get the job done with 4 blues, could be a problem.
I need your help. I want to be able to complete Keeper of Rainbow - Master, Room of Mask - Expert, Shine of Sprites - Expert because I need those evo materials. I have been trying but I keep losing and wasting precious stamina. Below are my best monsters. Surely I should be able to complete those dungeons, right? Any tip? Which team should I use, etc? Sorry for the long post.
Any tips for running rainbow keeper with the current roster/monsters? I've read a bit on the strategies and I don't have a poison or any high leveled rippers:
Titan (maxed lvl)
Crystal Dragon (16)
Holy Dragon (10)
Black Dragon (1)
I tried to do hades hades leader/helper, but died super early on. Do I still bring those rippers anyways?
I think you should wait until you're stronger. What do you need Rainbow Keeper for just out of curiosity? You might be able to do it with Titan / Healer leaders, but it's going to be an exercise in frustration. Probably going to take you 2 hours or more for the dungeon, and the drop isn't even 100%, so there's a good chance you'll leave empty handed.
I need your help. I want to be able to complete Keeper of Rainbow - Master, Room of Mask - Expert, Shine of Sprites - Expert because I need those evo materials. I have been trying but I keep losing and wasting precious stamina. Below are my best monsters. Surely I should be able to complete those dungeons, right? Any tip? Which team should I use, etc? Sorry for the long post.
Can someone explain single poison and 10k HP for Mask dungeon? I've been really struggling to pass this one, but I can hit 10k easy and I even have 2 poisoners if I have to.
Think I'm going to take a crack at a master mech. I've never done it before and the only 5* healer I have is Alarune (wish I had a siren) and I'm definately going to have to go dual resist.
So, CDD (27), Alarune (55), Verche (god version, 4), Light Ripper (33), Fairlion (3), Underlord Hades (please keep him up Xelios).
Is that doable?
I rely on healing by matching alot, so I'm not skilled in manual healing which this would require. My HPs are going to be low as well.
Think I'm going to take a crack at a master mech. I've never done it before and the only 5* healer I have is Alarune (wish I had a siren) and I'm definately going to have to go dual resist.
So, CDD (27), Alarune (55), Verche (god version, 4), Light Ripper (33), Fairlion (3), Underlord Hades (please keep him up Xelios).
Is that doable?
I rely on healing by matching alot, so I'm not skilled in manual healing which this would require
(please keep him up Xelios).
How much hp do you have? The dragon can hit for about 32000 hp before resist.
Oh it's 8200? Then I am fineIIRC, it's around 8200 on his big attack with double resists. If you can survive that, then you can do it. You just need some basic matching skills and patience. Much, much easier if you can bring some nukes. Tbh, nukes more important than any heart changer (e.g., siren, lion, etc) if you can match well enough.
I an Aldi thinking of trying Rust Mech on Master again with this team:
Rainbow Keeper
Rainbow Keeper
Hades/Neptune (resist)
But this doesn't even put me above 12,5k HP (only 12k). Should probably level up my dragons... (Currently 30 and 39)