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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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What is the HP required for master again? And none of my friends have up a dark Neptune or a Hades, wtf? :(

I put my Underlord Hades up if anyone wants to use him.


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Can anyone put up a preferably 40+ level Abyssal Neptune or Hades for me? I'll let you know when I've used it. Thanks!


I actually managed to clear Rust Mech Master thanks to a Dark Neptune!! No Mrch though :( Even on 2x. Did get the Chinera and a Carbuncle. Eill try again in an hour


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As much as I'm getting light monsters paralyzed I would have definitely been screwed going in with a light Hades.
As much as I'm getting light monsters paralyzed I would have definitely been screwed going in with a light Hades.

I atually wish they would tune down the paralyze a little bit. It's so goddamn aggravating. It doesn't even make things much more difficult, just much more annoying.
Yay, got it on my second run of 2x master. Really hate these damn mech dragon dungeons. They just take so long because of these stupid demons. Glad to be done with them pretty much forever.

I was sitting on quite a few King Metal Dragons in hopes of finally getting this drop, so I was able to power him straight up to Lv. 51.
man, we're losing Xelios? Damn. You'll definitely be missed!

To hell w/ that ADK dungeon. I ran it a dozen or so times and got 1 MSK drop. Few of those were with x2 up to.

Pumping through the Mech dungeon now, at least that gives me a ton of XP. I'm assuming it will go x2 during its last few hours up, right?


man, we're losing Xelios? Damn. You'll definitely be missed!

To hell w/ that ADK dungeon. I ran it a dozen or so times and got 1 MSK drop. Few of those were with x2 up to.

Pumping through the Mech dungeon now, at least that gives me a ton of XP. I'm assuming it will go x2 during its last few hours up, right?
I've come to loathe that ADK dungeon as well. I got one skill-up, ONE! And I've run the dungeon coutless times.. Urgh, what a waste of time.
I've come to loathe that ADK dungeon as well. I got one skill-up, ONE! And I've run the dungeon coutless times.. Urgh, what a waste of time.

in the beginning i thought it was cool that all difficulties had similar drop rate / stamina requirements. now i see thats because the drop was atrocious to compensate. going forward, i would much prefer all similar dungeons to have a 40 or 50 stamina difficult level with very high drop rate


Well, thank you Xelios. You're leaving and to celebrate your leaving, I did the mechdragon on master...

So I have evolved my lil dragon into a holy dragon and then yesterday got another lil dragon light. Any benefits to using the lil dragon in a power up fusion with my holy dragon? Really don't feel like leveling up and having the same dragon.


So I have evolved my lil dragon into a holy dragon and then yesterday got another lil dragon light. Any benefits to using the lil dragon in a power up fusion with my holy dragon? Really don't feel like leveling up and having the same dragon.
There's no point fusing it because the holy dragon will get a new skill after the final evolve so the skill up will disappear.


Woohoo! Rust Mechdragon GET! Had to use a stone, though. His Genocide move almost killed me everytime he used it (and he KEPT. SPAMMING. IT) and one time I forgot to heal up completely. Whoops. But well worth it. YAY


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Woohoo! Rust Mechdragon GET! Had to use a stone, though. His Genocide move almost killed me everytime he used it (and he KEPT. SPAMMING. IT) and one time I forgot to heal up completely. Whoops. But well worth it. YAY

Well, thank you Xelios. You're leaving and to celebrate your leaving, I did the mechdragon on master...

Congrats to both of you. I just completed Master myself and got the Dark Mech drop on the first run. Thanks cpp for the use of your Abyss Neptune. Have all the mech dragons now and the Moonlight Carbuncle was a nice catch 'em all addition.

Not that it matters a whole lot but it was fun to do everything this weekend without spending any stones at all. Feels good! I'll leave Hades up 'til the 2x events are done, good luck people.


Thanks, Xel for your Hades. Legend is a pain in the ass. Used two stones, but since that was a clear it was only a net of one stone used.



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Thanks, Xel for your Hades. Legend is a pain in the ass. Used two stones, but since that was a clear it was only a net of one stone used.

Wow, Legend. Nice job. Don't think I've ever actually attempted a legendary technical, and besides you I've only seen Cobalt and George? Maybe, unless I'm forgetting someone. I know the dark mech seemed to not hit as hard as the others, but what HP did you have for legendary?

Wow, Legend. Nice job. Don't think I've ever actually attempted a legendary technical, and besides you I've only seen Cobalt and George? Maybe, unless I'm forgetting someone. I know the dark mech seemed to not hit as hard as the others, but what HP did you have for legendary?

I did one of them on Legend, don't remember which. Probably Noble. Was stressful, but I beat it.

I think you'd be fine to be honest, all your stuff is way more levelled than mine.


I've done legend for noble and forest mech dragons. It's not hard with double resist leaders and one or two max skilled sirens. I haven't had to to do rust yet since I got a rust mechdragon off master.
It's been fun, Xelios. You've contributed a lot to the thread and PAD community here on GAF. Thank you! Your'e NEVER too invested to get out of anything, so do what you gotta do. I've got a big enough backlog of games to last me the rest of my life, but I still buy games, and have spent a ton on PAD with really no end in sight, yet. But everyone has to make his own decisions.

I too had an epiphany the other day. Saw a guy with a +297 Awoken Zeus, max level, who had spent quite a bit less than i have and was rank 245 or something. Turns out he only spends stones farming pengdras / + eggs. Stones spent refilling stamina apparently go a hell of a lot farther than stones spent on the rare egg machine. Since then, its become much easier not to pull the machine. And even if you spend stones like mad refilling stamina, you're inherently limited by how fast you can burn down a bar of stamina.

This alone has reduced the amount ive been spending on stones by a fairly significant margin. Its hard to even imagine going through 85 stones a month at this rate.
Yeah, up until the last god fest, I've made very good progress through the game without spending much money. Then god fest hit and I spent multiple times the amount I spent the whole month prior. I'll pull again on the 28th and maybe again during the next god fest after 5.0 hits. But other than those special events, I've only been using stones to refill stamina. I've finally hit the 100 stamina milestone, so each bar goes a long way, unless I'm blitzing a Jewel/Metal Dragon dungeon. I can do about 30 of those runs each hour that they appear. The only reason I've been farming so heavily is to level-up all the new monsters I pulled during god fest. Things were so much simpler when I only had like 8 rare monsters. lol



Wow, Legend. Nice job. Don't think I've ever actually attempted a legendary technical, and besides you I've only seen Cobalt and George? Maybe, unless I'm forgetting someone. I know the dark mech seemed to not hit as hard as the others, but what HP did you have for legendary?

HP was 13,xxx. 10,868 plus whatever your Hades has. I used CDD (L), 2x Rainbow Keeper, LHD, and Max Lvl Siren. It was rough. Had to heal almost to full after every Genocide Missile. It sucked when he started spamming it.
It's been fun, Xelios. You've contributed a lot to the thread and PAD community here on GAF. Thank you! Your'e NEVER too invested to get out of anything, so do what you gotta do. I've got a big enough backlog of games to last me the rest of my life, but I still buy games, and have spent a ton on PAD with really no end in sight, yet. But everyone has to make his own decisions.

Yeah, up until the last god fest, I've made very good progress through the game without spending much money. Then god fest hit and I spent multiple times the amount I spent the whole month prior. I'll pull again on the 28th and maybe again during the next god fest after 5.0 hits. But other than those special events, I've only been using stones to refill stamina. I've finally hit the 100 stamina milestone, so each bar goes a long way, unless I'm blitzing a Jewel/Metal Dragon dungeon. I can do about 30 of those runs each hour that they appear. The only reason I've been farming so heavily is to level-up all the new monsters I pulled during god fest. Things were so much simpler when I only had like 8 rare monsters. lol

Haha, yea, I feel you there. I just hit the 80 stamina threshold, and even that feels like a major accomplishment. Was even doing 2 runs of Master Mechdragon / bar of stamina, in case the first one didn't drop.

I guess I'm in the same boat as you. I've spent a ridiculous amount in the past month, but I'm not really ready to completely quit spending just yet. I'll probably pass on the 28th. I could use a Hades, Loki, Yomi, and Amaterasu, but aside from that I think I have almost every single good monster from the rare egg machine (missing Berserk and Cu Chulainn, but I'll pick those up when 2 Heroes comes back around). The 3 darks above would be nice, but considering how much team flexibility I have from the rest of my arsenal, I think I'll just deal with it. Or so i say right now, anyway, lol.

5.0, however, is a different story. My body is definitely ready.


Woohoo! Rust Mechdragon GET! Had to use a stone, though. His Genocide move almost killed me everytime he used it (and he KEPT. SPAMMING. IT) and one time I forgot to heal up completely. Whoops. But well worth it. YAY

I got super lucky it seems - he *never* did it.

As in I killed him, did the dungeon without using any stones, and when I got to him he never used Genocide. Hell he did Double Attack something like 3 times.

Regardless - I'm leveling up quite nicely with this, and I hope that expert red mechdragon will give great XP like the black one did. I could run through it VERRY quickly with my ADK + CDK + white/green/black rippers, if I had a friend with an ADK up I typically did most fights in a single match. That team is *ridiculous* and what's worse is they're so far from being fully leveled it's not even funny. Once I max them all I can't even imagine the damage I'll be dishing...

Now *all* I really, REALLY want is a lil red dragon, and I guess my wish should be granted since we're getting red mech, so I should be getting some, thankfully. Other than that, there's some gods I'd like (I wouldn't mind Shiva/Neptune/Odin/Orochi) but otherwise I have zero reason to do crazy pulls again - I'll do a bunch during the next godfest hoping I can get these at least one of these 4 and that'll be it. I have a Great Valk, an Ammy, a Parvati, an evolved Lakshmi and my current crazy team is almost done (I'm gonna level another ADK, another CDK and another green/black rippers and I'll be done, prepped for any situation).

Should be in for a fun week!


Just started this 2 days ago and really loving it. I just figured how to move gems around more efficiently to get good combinations. Already got the 3rd form of my starter, Plesios.

I have a Super Metal King Dragon and figure I can't evolve him or even level him up further, that's understandable. But I got an emerald Dragon, that's at max level at lvl 1 and I can't do anything with him. What gives?


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Just started this 2 days ago and really loving it. I just figured how to move gems around more efficiently to get good combinations. Already got the 3rd form of my starter, Plesios.

I have a Super Metal King Dragon and figure I can't evolve him or even level him up further, that's understandable. But I got an emerald Dragon, that's at max level at lvl 1 and I can't do anything with him. What gives?

Metal dragons of all colors are for feeding (power-up fusion) to your other monsters for experience. That's all they're good for. You get bonus experience if you feed it to a monster of the same element. You'd probably want to wait on using that super metal king until you have a good dark monster, not sure what you have so far.


Ah, I see. Good thing I used those other baby metal dragons to get my Starter to 3rd form then. So far, I've been using a Flame Fighter, Plesios, Alraune lvl 30, and Super King Dragon. I need a good light drop soon because I'm still rocking a yellow carbuncle =(
Finally evolved my Dragon Knight to an ADK. Working on my Dark Dragon Knight now. Gotta do something in between the damn rust mech not dropping!



Does anyone have a green ripper or other green-damage reducer with 900+ HP? I want to clear the expert dragon guardian before it disappears and have only an adept-level team.
Just started this 2 days ago and really loving it. I just figured how to move gems around more efficiently to get good combinations. Already got the 3rd form of my starter, Plesios.

I have a Super Metal King Dragon and figure I can't evolve him or even level him up further, that's understandable. But I got an emerald Dragon, that's at max level at lvl 1 and I can't do anything with him. What gives?

Edge. Turn away from this game while you can. It will suck you in. FG GAF will meet hear from you again.


I can't help but feel bad that I'm making Xelios leave the game D:

But you gotta do what's best for you. Good luck man.

On another note, finally got a decent pall pull: Super Metal King Dragon :eek:
So, looks like the teaser was wrong. We have the Sky Dragon of Flame dungeon, not the Legendary one. Already ran through all the difficulties. There are no technical dungeons, only normal ones, and they're way easier than the Mech dungeons we just had.


Feels like I'm not really going places here, only notable stuffs I got at level 70 is the icemechdragon I can't use (too high cost) and the evolved lil' blue dragon :\

Well you have a lot of good stuff that's just begging to be evolved: a green dragon, a dark dragon, a red dragon (that'll give you 3 more rippers right then and there), a Siren, a Dragon Knight... If you just evolve those you should be in a great position.

You also have an Echidna which is great, a Lilith, Verche (thoughI'm not sure how good he is)... Don't worry about it.

What I'm puzzled by is how you can get at level 70 with only 55 space. I'm 77, sitting on 150 boxes and even then I'm always strapped for space. It'll be hard to gather the materials to evolve your monsters efficiently enough if you don't have enough space.

As for myself, I've been complaining I never get any Lil Red Dragons.. I run skydragon adept and 4 drop in it. I think I'm set for my goals this week! :)


Well you have a lot of good stuff that's just begging to be evolved: a green dragon, a dark dragon, a red dragon (that'll give you 3 more rippers right then and there), a Siren, a Dragon Knight... If you just evolve those you should be in a great position.

You also have an Echidna which is great, a Lilith, Verche (thoughI'm not sure how good he is)... Don't worry about it.

What I'm puzzled by is how you can get at level 70 with only 55 space. I'm 77, sitting on 150 boxes and even then I'm always strapped for space. It'll be hard to gather the materials to evolve your monsters efficiently enough if you don't have enough space.

As for myself, I've been complaining I never get any Lil Red Dragons.. I run skydragon adept and 4 drop in it. I think I'm set for my goals this week! :)

Guess I'll spend more into boxes next time. Less time wasting on box management.


‎[US] Metal Dragon Schedule (15 Stamina) 2/25/2013 PST

Check your 3rd digit on the left of your ID as it classifies which group you belong to (A: 0,5) (B: 1,6) (C:2,7) (D:3,8) (E:4,9)

A: 9:00 14:00 19:00
B: 10:00 15:00 20:00
C: 11:00 16:00 21:00
D: 12:00 17:00 22:00
E: 8:00 13:00 18:00


He hits for around 2160 per turn with 50% DR.

theres no RCV orbs so you'll want either
- a healer who can heal that much
- a healer who can heal around that much + echidna
- a healer who can heal around that much + siren

or something like that


Ugh. I have been trying to get a lil' blue dragon all weekend. I can not get it to drop from the PAL machine, nor a dungeon.
Whenever I get a lil' dragon, I tend to get the same one a day later. White, black, blue so far, two each within a day of each other from PAL. Just got a lil' red, so I'll probably get another lil' red tomorrow. Maybe you'll luck out and get two blues in a row.
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