What are you guys doing with your regular metal dragons? Looking for something efficient. I can't level my guys up with them because at this point it's just too expensive.
What are you guys doing with your regular metal dragons? Looking for something efficient. I can't level my guys up with them because at this point it's just too expensive.
Jeez, just browsing the Chinese wiki, there are a ton of monsters we don't have. Some I can understand due to licensing issues, like the Final Fantasy or Taiko no Tatsujin stuff, but then I see stuff like unicorns and griffins? And a crapload of healers. And Champlain. How much of this can we expect with 5.0?
What are you guys doing with your regular metal dragons? Looking for something efficient. I can't level my guys up with them because at this point it's just too expensive.
not farming them. I've ignored Metal Dragons for a while now. Would rather focus on other 'farming'. Doing other dungeons costs less stamina, while still dropping fodder.
Jeez, just browsing the Chinese wiki, there are a ton of monsters we don't have. Some I can understand due to licensing issues, like the Final Fantasy or Taiko no Tatsujin stuff, but then I see stuff like unicorns and griffins? And a crapload of healers. And Champlain. How much of this can we expect with 5.0?
metal and gold pengdras can't come soon enough. Will that be in our first update as well? I hope so.
I usually do ignore them and only farm coloreds for Pengdra's. I decided to gamble on metal since I don't have much better to do and after 5 runs no kings
metal and gold pengdras can't come soon enough. Will that be in our first update as well? I hope so.
Got my amaterasu Ohkami to 93 now but it took so long and cost a ton since it's mostly off colored Pengdras and dragons.
I have a (unleveled) Parvati if you want to add.A gaffer added me today and i had to reject. I think name was Ne0z. If that was you, sorry. I only have a few slots and i need to save them for lakshmi / parvati friends right now. But after the 5.0 update i plan to upgrade to the max 150 friends, and then would be happy to add you back
What are you guys doing with your extra lil' dragons? I just got my fourth lil' black.
What are you guys doing with your extra lil' dragons? I just got my fourth lil' black.
I'm slowly trying to get full evolves of 2 of each ripper. It's probably overkill but I see getting the bonus damage to be a big boon if the color is right.
I have a Lakshmi and plan to build a water based team around her. Feel free to add me 307.846,202
Double resist is needed for Rust Mech Master. I used Chaos Devil Dragon (leader), Light Mech, Echidna, Siren, Rainbow Keeper and water/dark Neptune (leader)What's the suggested team/stats for tackling the Technical - Master rust mechdragon?
I've completed Expert normal without much trouble using Siren/Odin.
Same question, I suppose, for Master sky dragon?
You need dual dark 50% resist and most likely a rainbow keeper and Siren.What's the suggested team/stats for tackling the Technical - Master rust mechdragon?
I've completed Expert normal without much trouble using Siren/Odin.
Same question, I suppose, for Master sky dragon?
What's the suggested team/stats for tackling the Technical - Master rust mechdragon?
I've completed Expert normal without much trouble using Siren/Odin.
Same question, I suppose, for Master sky dragon?
What's the suggested team/stats for tackling the Technical - Master rust mechdragon?
Rainbow Keeper
rainbow keeper
Rainbow Keeper
Two weeks straight of 2x Drop % on Tuesday dungeon and I still haven't managed to get a single Rainbow Keeper.
Shit, the only thing I'm missing for the Rust Mech master run is the Rainbow Keeper. :/
As I collect more mech dragons, the need for 2nd rippers seem less and less worth it. Not to mention that as you get to the later dungeons, their value becomes less and less.
Actually, a strong orb switcher can be more powerful because a nice chain of matches can equal >20k if he is an opposing color.
Shit, the only thing I'm missing for the Rust Mech master run is the Rainbow Keeper. :/
Two weeks straight of 2x Drop % on Tuesday dungeon and I still haven't managed to get a single Rainbow Keeper.
OMFGWTFBBQ the Rust Mech finally dropped. Expert level.
Now good luck fitting his 50 team cost into a workable team.
Jokes on you!![]()
YEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Finally maxed his skill! I don't EVER want to evolve a Baddie again
On the other hand, I just failed Expert Room of Mask because I'm an idiot. Urgh. It must be because I'm tired.
Unlike the Dragon Guardian dungeon we just had, Mystic Flame Knight doesn't have its own dungeon where you can easily farm it. It only shows up in 4 special dungeons: the current dungeon, Hera, Fire Mech dungeon that already passed, and the Flamedragon Muspelheim dungeon. There's no telling when any of those other dungeons are going to come around, so if you really want one right now, I'd try to get one. Though, the Flamedragon Muspelheim dungeon is the one most people were expecting instead of the Sky Dragon dungeon we have now. So, maybe it'll come around in the next rotation. I think that dungeon would have the highest drop rate for MFKs, since the wiki doesn't label it as a rare drop, but just a normal drop.Anyone know if it's worth farming the skydragon dungeon for a Mystic Flame Knight, or is it too rare a drop to bother?
Yup. Specifically, 3 Metal Dragons maxes out a Pengdra. Though, I only farm Metal Dragons when I have a bunch of box space and/or a bunch of Pengdras to feed. My box is full, waiting for Plant day, so I'm not touching the Metal dungeon since I'll just end up having to sell all the standard Dragons for basically nothing.Fodder for your fodder!What are you guys doing with your regular metal dragons? Looking for something efficient. I can't level my guys up with them because at this point it's just too expensive.
Fuse or sell any extras you don't need. Personally, I'm raising a second and third one to up to level 1 CDDs. They're gonna go into my Perseverance team for farming the final Zeus dungeon.What are you guys doing with your extra lil' dragons? I just got my fourth lil' black.
They're just really good monsters in general once leveled-up, so I'd definitely keep at least 2 of each color. Apparently, once the update hits, Blue Odin's skill changes from 20x ATK in Light damage to 50x ATK in Dark damage. It didn't make sense to me why Green Odin was 6* while Blue Odin was 7*, but with that change to active skills, it makes the difference between both much clearer.Odin's are so rare I can't bring myself to feed my second one to the other.![]()
I'm really starting to see this, too. I normally run one of two teams.
Great Valk (L)
Great Valk
Great Valk (FL)
I'm seeing that it's a lot better to use Siren to change red to hearts, then use Valk to change all hearts to Light, then let loose a huge amount of damage with the three Valks. It's just so much faster than waiting for the Ripper and Mech to charge skills.
Yup. Specifically, 3 Metal Dragons maxes out a Pengdra. Though, I only farm Metal Dragons when I have a bunch of box space and/or a bunch of Pengdras to feed. My box is full, waiting for Plant day, so I'm not touching the Metal dungeon since I'll just end up having to sell all the standard Dragons for basically nothing.
What's the suggested team/stats for tackling the Technical - Master rust mechdragon?
I've completed Expert normal without much trouble using Siren/Odin.
Same question, I suppose, for Master sky dragon?
guys, which one is a better level for farming mermaid at the moment? Mermaid Forest in Neptune Glacier or Voice of the Siren in Sea Cave Mercury or Banquet of Temptation in Polar Knight Tower? I have been running them over 10 times each and no drop... I thought I better concentrate on just one level and then go at it until it drops..
Also, I want me some Succubus and Shadow of Destruction - Expert is my best bet?
Oh. I don't farm Metal Dragon Dungeons specifically to feed Pengdras. Just saying that's the only time I actually touch that dungeon, since I have something to absorb those otherwise useless Metal Dragons. I agree, Oceanus Falls is a better farm spot in general. Definitely my favorite spot as I've attested to before. I switch between that and Ocean of Heaven if I need Mystic Masks, specifically. But if you're trying to level up a Dark monster as quickly as possible with no regard to exp or gold, nothing's faster than the Metal Dragon dungeon. I'm speaking as someone who buys and spends stones on stamina, though. For someone playing for free or spending minimal money, it's not efficient at all. It's purely for the speed-leveling factor.When you have a bunch of pengdras to feed, it's better to run Oceanus Falls 3rd stage. You get good exp, you can STILL get kings, the monsters that drop there will max out a pengdra with just 1 of them, and you can get + eggs.
Also I would just like to mention, that if you have a Siren I highly suggest you start skilling her up. The 2x skill up event ends tomorrow and it makes a BIG difference in my experience. I've managed to max skill my Siren and Vampire Lord this last week
Oh. I don't farm Metal Dragon Dungeons specifically to feed Pengdras. Just saying that's the only time I actually touch that dungeon, since I have something to absorb those otherwise useless Metal Dragons. I agree, Oceanus Falls is a better farm spot in general. Definitely my favorite spot as I've attested to before. I switch between that and Ocean of Heaven if I need Mystic Masks, specifically. But if you're trying to level up a Dark monster as quickly as possible with no regard to exp or gold, nothing's faster than the Metal Dragon dungeon. I'm speaking as someone who buys and spends stones on stamina, though. For someone playing for free or spending minimal money, it's not efficient at all. It's purely for the speed-leveling factor.
Also I would just like to mention, that if you have a Siren I highly suggest you start skilling her up. The 2x skill up event ends tomorrow and it makes a BIG difference in my experience. I've managed to max skill my Siren and Vampire Lord this last week
Ra and Anubis (5+colors and 10+combo, respectively) are widely considered the worst of the Egyptian gods because of how difficult their skills are to proc.This is the first time I've actually looked at the Egyptian Gods, don't they all seem to suck? Their leader skills don't seem powerful enough for how inconsistent and luck based they are. Getting 10+ combos or even 4 different elements is mostly luck driven and their actual skills seem subpar. Am I missing something?
This is the first time I've actually looked at the Egyptian Gods, don't they all seem to suck? Their leader skills don't seem powerful enough for how inconsistent and luck based they are. Getting 10+ combos or even 4 different elements is mostly luck driven and their actual skills seem subpar. Am I missing something?
I suppose but there will be instances where 4+ combos simply aren't possible so I just feel a static increase is better compounded with the fact that ADK's skill is way more versatile and useful than Isis or Bastet's, they just seem underpowered compared to Hindu and Greek Gods. But I've never used them maybe there are better applications I'm just not seeing.Ra and Anubis (5+colors and 10+combo, respectively) are widely considered the worst of the Egyptian gods because of how difficult their skills are to proc.
I got a Horus on my friends list and I'd say I activated his leader ability manually about 20% of the time and accidentally about 10% of the time. If I had a Horus out too that'd be a 16x damage modifier.
Bastet and Isis are super easy to activate. Consider that an ADK gives the same amount of buff as Bastet, but only to one type of monster, which constrains the types of teams you can build. Now consider that you can get that same buff but for any team for the low cost of a 4+ combo.