Where do the ninjas come from? My lack of Chu Chu for my green team has me looking at Sarutobi as an option.
They're all Gacha only for now.Where do the ninjas come from? My lack of Chu Chu for my green team has me looking at Sarutobi as an option.
They're all Gacha only for now.
The generic looking ninjas dudes drop from the Goemon dungeon much like the mystic knights do from Hera's but I'm not sure about that.
The list of first pulls changes somewhat due to the 5.0 monsters. Emalde wrote up a gigantic wall of text detailing the new tier list but I'm just going to paraphrase himWhat are the 10 most sought after Gacha pulls in 5.0?
Most notably, the Norse gods are now a very good start because when paired with a Greek god they grant 2x HP, 4x ATK, 2x RCV. I suspect once 5.1 hits that they'll become become more valuable due to them gaining dual typing.Emalde" post="413246061 said:Top Tier: Isis, Horus, Bastet, Ares, Hermes, Artemis, Apollo, Persephone, Viper Orochi, Shiva, Lakshmi, Parvati, Freyr, Freyja, Idunn & Idunna, Loki, Odin [Green Odin]
Okay Tier: Hades, Neptune, Ceres, Venus, Yomi, Amaterasu, Vritra, Thor, Valkyrie
Sick of Rerolling: Minerva, Indra, Odin the War Deity [Blue Odin], Siegfried the Blue Champion, Cu Chulainn the Green Spear, Ancient Dragon Knight
The list of first pulls changes somewhat due to the 5.0 monsters. Emalde wrote up a gigantic wall of text detailing the new tier list but I'm just going to paraphrase him
Most notably, the Norse gods are now a very good start because when paired with a Greek god they grant 2x HP, 4x ATK, 2x RCV. I suspect once 5.1 hits that they'll become become more valuable due to them gaining dual typing.
Hades and neptune are niche monsters useful only in certain situations - ceres has very optimized stats for a green team. Archangel is criticized for her skill since sirens skill is better and fills the same purpose. Archangel's stats are very low compared to ceres.
True, except for RCV. Ceres is kinda low on that until the very end. Well, low compared to Alraune/Archangel.Hades and neptune are niche monsters useful only in certain situations - ceres has very optimized stats for a green team. Archangel is criticized for her skill since sirens skill is better and fills the same purpose. Archangel's stats are very low compared to ceres.
If so, hopefully not until I've had time to get more stones.Do you guys think it's likely that there will be another godfest with the release of the patch?
They seemed very easy until I got wrecked by the chimera bosses on the third stage of CoSitA, my team really wasn't set up for that fight though.Do the tech dungeons get any harder as they progress? Any Leviathan-type BS waiting for me?
It really depends on the teams you've already assembled. That list is biased towards monsters you can build a team around late game. Bastet ain't gonna do shit for you if you have an ADK team but will easily sub into a Parvaty or as a new leader paired with another Bastet. As previously mentioned the Sengoku work as fantastic subs in a monocolor party because of their orb change ability.Does any of this change if, for example, we consider all monsters, and not just starting monsters? I have like 85% of the gacha for our current version, so are there any monsters that aren't on your list that are top tier for me but maybe not for starters?
It really depends on the teams you've already assembled. That list is biased towards monsters you can build a team around late game. Bastet ain't gonna do shit for you if you have an ADK team but will easily sub into a Parvaty or as a new leader paired with another Bastet. As previously mentioned the Sengoku work as fantastic subs in a monocolor party because of their orb change ability.
You know best what your party lacks, so maybe I should have just posted the skills of the new monsters lol
So, I noticed you guys have multiple teams (is there an option to unlock this?). Around what level are multiple teams required? (ADK for example)
I'm rank 24 atm and with the help of some guys here, I got a team with a leader Siren (lvl 1), Pterados (lvl 1), Dragon Knight (lvl 21), Tyrannos (24) and Black Knight (lvl 11, but want to get rid of it asap, it's my weakest monster).
Just wondering, do you farm older dungeons from a specific type to level up your water, grass, lightmonsters etc? I have a couple of nice xp dragons but they're either dark or fire and I'm guessing I shouldn't wait for the dragon events just to farm xp (even though one king gives almost 100k xp with he same type).
Sorry if I'm bothering you guys with "newb" questions btw. A lot of "pro" people seem to link multiple teams, talk about what monsters should be where and what team you need for dungeon x and I feel like such a noob in comparison
Also, can't wait for 5.0!
No problem at all, we were all where you are at some point and others answered our noob questions to help us out.
For leveling up you want to hit the Metal dungeons. They've been altering lately between dark metal and tri color every other day. You'll also want to farm Pendragas from the technical dungeons. Tech dungeons open up after you defeat castle of Satan and once evolved they give 30k base experience. It's the most efficient way to level a red/blue/green mob. You'll also want to farm the Thursday dungeon for obtaining dragon plants to evolve the Pengdras.
If you haven't cleared Satan yet, just keep feeding like color mobs. It never hurts to go back to an older dungeon and farm some mobs like you mentioned. Try and do it for the daily 1.5x drop events (the 1.5x drop dungeons also have a higher chance of + monster drops). I'd also focus on box space in the early going. Having an extra 25 box spots is worth it over one possible crappy pull from the Gacha in my eyes.
Anyone have a list of all monsters that get new evolutions (regular or ultimate?) so far i know of:
Starter dragons (ultimate)
Vamp lord (regular)
Great valkyrie (regular)
Mystic knights (ultimate)
Gigas (regular)
Highlander (regular)
Berserk (regular)
Anything else? Do any of the skills / active skills change as a result of these evolutions?
Anyone have a list of all monsters that get new evolutions (regular or ultimate?) so far i know of:
Starter dragons (ultimate)
Vamp lord (regular)
Great valkyrie (regular)
Mystic knights (ultimate)
Gigas (regular)
Highlander (regular)
Berserk (regular)
Anything else? Do any of the skills / active skills change as a result of these evolutions?
In addition(most likely still incomplete list):To Cosmo Clock - the greek gods offer 2x HP/ATK (not atk/rcv, which is what norse gods offer)
CPP - mystic knights will not have an ultimate evolution in this patch. Devils get their next form, the heart>color set (valk bers gigas highlander vamp) get theirs, starter dragons, the first set of legendary dragons (ie; helheim)
Self colored ultimate evolutions (2x dark hades etc)
Man, not many healers out there anymore. Seems everyone has and is using the ADK.
It took 12 runs, but I finally got a Mermaid on the Master Blue Skydragon dungeon! I fed it 14 Goblins and got 2 skill-ups, which I'm okay with. What's the best place to farm for Goblins when factoring in stamina/exp?
I still can't farm Ocean Falls, even though ive cleared the levels. had to walk away from a round where I had a mystic mask and a +1 drop.
ugh no kidding, right? FULL of ADK's
So would you give a King Metal Dragon to my Dragon Knight (21)? It's not like I can use it at the moment anyway, I don't have any decent dark monster so the extra dark monster xp is useless.
And yeah, I spent a few stones on storage. Got 40 slots atm. Dungeon wise not at Satan yet, just completed the fire dungeon after Tower of Giants.
Just a little follow up on my teams. Here is my revised ADK team:
And here is what I think I would use for a Parvati team:
I do not have much saved up to feed these guys. I have 5 or 6 evolved green pendgras ready to go (with 1 more red and 1 more blue) as well as 5 maxed pendgras I just need to get some emerald dragons for later this afternoon.
Are there any obvious changes I should make? Does Ceres replace anyone on the Parvati team? What should I focus on leveling and how much?
You use ADK on both teams, so ubering that ADK benefits you more.Bumping. I have 10 evolved green pendgras with 20 more ready to be evolved (need some dragons but more importantly plants). What should I feed them to?
Whats required for the master waterdragon dungeon? Two damage reducers or damge reducer + healer?