If you guys haven't learned from xelios yet, then I doubt there is much our warnings can do for ya.
Also im a bit different from xelios in that im still not really worried about how much ive spent, but i just started a new job this week and that actually forced me away from the ipad for a significant amount of time, and i just kinda found myself not really caring about missing metal dragons, or dragon plants, or whatever. Not because im getting burnt out or anything, but more just because im liking my new job so much that i just kinda forgot about pad alot.
Congrats on the new job and liking it more than P&D! I've found myself happier since getting away from the game. My boyfriend and I drove a few hours to the Memphis Zoo yesterday to see the giant pandas and the weather was perfect, and it's good to just enjoy life without thinking about getting back to the iPad or being tempted by the phone I'm carrying at all times. I also learned there are only four zoos in the US with giant pandas, so it's always cool to have the opportunity to see them in person.
So then what does this have to do with P&D? Quitting P&D wasn't due to financial issues, but because it was disrupting my life and keeping me from doing ordinary things like the above. It was about acknowledging I had an addiction, the fact I'm psychologically prone to such behavior and that I was being targeted specifically, and mustering up the willpower to beat that. That I'd spent so much on one game in such a short period was just a gigantic red flag.
So I don't know your personality well enough to know whether being not really worried is an okay thing or a bad thing, but yes, most people are different from me; they can play in moderation and still do other things in life without thinking about getting back to the game. I'm jointly financially comfortable but at the same time have issues with spending for dopamine release, which is why this happened and why I'm upwards of 3,000 count on Steam. So while I could have very well continued with my habits in P&D, it wouldn't have been a positive step psychologically or in being honest with myself.
The reason I tell/told my story in this thread (besides seeing myself occasionally mentioned here as an example of something negative) is because I know there are other people like me on GAF and I know the game is geared towards providing them that dopamine release in exchange for their undivided attention and money. If, by "learning from xelios" as Adam put it, they take a step back and look at the situation and anything positive comes of it--whether it be in the manner it helped me or prolonging their enjoyment of the game by slowing them from buying their way to the "end" of the game--then I'm happy.
TL;DR: People do get addictions and they feel especially alone and confused when it's something so unusual, and I want them to realize they aren't and can overcome it, whether through willful moderation or complete disassociation.
Since most people here are psychologically healthy individuals simply enjoying a game this post will seem quite emo, but that's just another part of being open with the subject of addictions, and especially non-traditional ones; dealing with the shame/guilt/embarrassment. Anyway, I'm happy to see posts like this (you enjoying work enough to forget the game a while) and I still enjoy watching what you guys are up to with the new patch. Since I really liked the sense of community for this game it's much more difficult for me to let go of that than it was the game. =)