Sorry, I got rid of my green ripper which would probably be more useful for you at your low level, but I put up my max level Ceres for you. Check for my invite. Good luck!Anyone with a green resist Dragon I can use? Im not giving up on this expert dungeon
dude, people are lucky if they make it to 1 day on my list
Yes. That's a key strategy for tough mono-color dungeons.Do resists stack? Ie: double green resist = 1/4 damage?
Yes. That's a key strategy for tough mono-color dungeons.
Doesn't matter.For skilling up ADK do you guys recommend one at a time or as many as possible at a time?
For skilling up ADK do you guys recommend one at a time or as many as possible at a time?
2 MSK in one run!!No skill up
Fixed.Thanks! Also, the search box doesn't work on the home page for me, but it works in the main site.
Fixed.I think there's an error on all the specific dungeon pages that lists the exp/stamina wrong. Instead of exp/stamina the number shown is exp/# of battles.
Congrats! You're welcome. ADK will be a nice addition to your collection. You can use him as a leader with your Dragons, but I see you also have a nice collection of other Wood monsters going. You can make a mono-green team and use ADK as one of the sub-members.After an awfully long boss fight, I got my first MSK hells yea. Thanks for the assist!
They should be correct. Can you provide the error example please?
oh it's the mission page. I thought u guys talking about the "" before.If you go into any specific mission page, for example "Gate to the Mystic Land", the number next to Exp/Sta at the top of the page is not correct. I think it's showing experience per number of battles, which wouldn't affect some of the earlier dungeons because the number of battles and stamina cost is the same. It's not a huge deal, just something i noticed.
You know in our quest to make these super parties?
I realized something kinda funny.
You really don't need any of them.
I finally got a Valk during my God Fest pulls and made a Valk healer team. (I already have 2 sirens, 2 Enchiladas and a lilith)
The team is impressive. Attack not as strong as ADK but strong enough and ridicules healing/defense with double Siren or double Enchilada. HP kinda low and I might actually sub Lilith (By far the most useless of the healers) with some high HP character.
Started my Freyr team. Freyr, Fire Swordman, Titan, Echilada, Fire Mech, partner Mars. Pretty freakin strong, Amazing HP, OK recovery.
At the end though I just went back to my resist dragon + healer and adk team.
Valk team is great but the low hp sucks and I only have 2 valks in my friend list. Freyr team is even better IMO but I only had one Mars on my friend list.
Plus whats the point of killing fast when you're limited for stamina? So instead of playing 30 minuted every 8 hours now I'm playing 15-20 minutes every eight hours.
Am excited for those Hell dungeons now though.
Yeah, it's not like these new gods will help me clear previously unbeaten content that I couldn't do with my old teamsThough I do admit it's fun to go back to the puzzle-aspect of the game when you have to make 3 or 4 matches.
Side note: I have an evolved Freyr if you need additional fire buddies. Not sure if we are already amigos or not, but I can put her up whenever you need. I'm lacking fire leader friends as well. Everyone's an ADK!
We're already friends I think. I've been using your high stats evolved odin for a while already.
I also have a side account with a shiva but that's too low level that we probably won't even see each other
I stopped counting. Just gonna have to run with a SL1 ADK for the foreseeable future.epic failure day for me, fed 12 stone knights, no skillups
epic failure day for me, fed 12 stone knights, no skillups
Well, doing some cleaning of awol friends in the list, it was a blood bath, looks like a lots of people got burnt out by the game. Got 10+ spots open, I usually will leave ADK, Flare Drall, or Archangel on. Just add the ID: 339,944,203
So, I paid my 50 stamina and started the Master Sky Dragon of Light dungeon. Out of habit, I allow myself to take a few hits for the first few rounds as I charge my skills and clear the board of garbage orbs. It wasn't until I got within 1 shot of death that I realized no Hearts were falling, and I had forgotten the Sky Dragon dungeons were No RCV. "Fuck!" I was only halfway through the dungeon, and I couldn't survive a single hit the rest of way...
That won't get you many friends![]()
I've been using my usual ADK team for it all day. Very quick and easy, usually oneshot the bosses.
That won't get you many friends
Edit : how much does the Light Skydragon hit for w/ resist? Need to see if my Siren can do it w/ 600ish RCV. Don't have a 50% for light yet
Charging Rippers in round 1....accidently trigger a 14 combo.
4 Devils on the next level, they kill me on the 3rd round. Rippers charged as I die.
dat stamina loss