I have been hitting up the metal dragons to buff my woefully underdeveloped dark team in preparation for Zeus. I will probably have 25-30 metal kings later today. My question is where I should focus them to have the most effect.
Potential candidates:
Level 50 Hera - I don't have one of the divine onyx masks needed to evolve her, could spend tomorrow trying to farm it somewhere, but that isn't a common drop. 3.5 kings to get her back to pre-evolved stats and more to go past that.
Starting level Hera - Good stats, another Gravity user. Not sure if I want 3, since that 3rd one isn't doing near as much damage to Zeus. Could be useful for Chimeras, though. 9.5 kings to get to level 50.
Level 30 Hades - No Mythlits right now, but could try tomorrow. 7 kings to max and 6 more for ~1000 ATK.
Max skill Vampire Lord, level 35 - 18.5 kings to level 70. Would need to farm Dub-amelit tomorrow and a Mystic Mask on Saturday before tackling Zeus.
Level 38 and 40 Chaos Dragon Knights, both skill level 1 - 8 kings each would add another 100 ATK and 300 HP to both. Can farm for skill ups right now, but the odds haven't been good for me so far. If I spent all day tomorrow, maybe could get one down to 7 turns.
Level 14 Mechdragon Hadar - Skill is only moderately useful for extra damage and pre-Zeus fights. 9 kings to gain 1000 HP and 300 ATK.
Level 4 Darkdragon Vritra - 6 kings to get to 2200 HP and ~1000 ATK. His active skill is probably useless since if I get hit that hard I am going to die anyways and return with full HP. But as a leader, he gets 2x dragons and gods. Would pair well with the two CDKs, Hadar, Hera, and would make a high level Zeus attack for 6x damage.
Level 30 Thanatos x2 - Would need a lot of luck to get the materials to evolve one or both tomorrow. Needs 12 kings to get to ~1000 ATK, HP drags down the whole team. Useful skill, but I can sub a level 45 Echidna instead.
Level 21 Loki God of Guile - Good leader for early stages, great one-time burst skill for Zeus. 10 kings to get to ~1000 ATK.
I can also throw in Rainbow Keepers, but offense is the best defense for Zeus. I'm trying to spend less than 20 stones on Zeus, but I'm not sure how realistic that is. I will be pairing with the highest level Zeus I find on my friend list on Saturday (already have a couple).
So, thoughts, anyone?