Having no luck on flame knights today. 6 runs and no drops. Not sure if I'm gonna spend a stone to run it. I'm already gonna be spending plenty on super metals. It's really gonna hurt using 3 supers just to evolve Zaerog.
I actually forgot about my toys and Titans. I probably SHOULD run Expert more. My bad (good call!).
That being said, what the hell do I do with Porings?
What drops in expert that will skill up the toy dragons? I don't think that's correct.
Most strategies do that because once she gets below 40%, she's hitting for 28k a hit, 50% of the time. That is a ton of damage! Getting enough hp/rcv/resist to survive that would be very difficult.Hi guys, with the upcoming goddess descended dungeon, does anyone here know if it's possible without a gravity team?
I've got HQ Persephone, vamp, rainbow knights (x4), siren the enchantress, echidna, abyss neptune and SoD lucifer friends
However, none of them are particularly high level I will be trying to farm the heavy metal dungeon today for a few level ups. I'm wanting to attempt the legendary dungeon and score a golem (valk would be a bonus).
My main concern is that most strategies seem to be to nuke her when she's below a certain threshold, and I don't have access to all of those nukes (gravity), but some reading seems to suggest it's possible to whittle her down if you have the right HP and healing ability.
blue slime skills up shardan
yellow slime skills up angelion
Only real surprise there is that Persephone actually made it onto the most used list.04 Aug Update
Everyone loves statistics! Do you want to know who the most used leaders are?
We have the top 30 player picked monsters on friend finder!
- Top 30 of players favorite owned pets.
- Rank Chart is updated.
When you want to skill up a monster is it best to wait till you have 5 monsters to feed? or can one or two have the same(poor) odds?
I gotta say, trying out Horus with poring tower has really improved my ability to match 4 orbs. Definitely gonna be using Horus more now.
Really doesn't make a difference. If you feed one or 5 each feeder has the exact same chance to skill up. I've fed 2 poring to Valk and gotten 2 skill ups, i've fed numerous sets of 5 to mobs and gotten nothing. You just have to look at it statistically, it probably takes an average of 20-30 to max a mob (maybe more?). The only time I feed 1 at a time is when it's the last skill up.
I can't say it enough in this thread, Horus teams are NOT inconsistent or lucky. The more you play and practice the better you'll get with him. It becomes second nature and you usually have a path of 4 mapped before the next wave shows up.
Most strategies do that because once she gets below 40%, she's hitting for 28k a hit, 50% of the time. That is a ton of damage! Getting enough hp/rcv/resist to survive that would be very difficult.
Having a Valk is nice, but I'd recommend holding off on her if you aren't ready, and go farm a couple of heras on Wednesday (?) and then next time she comes around, you'll be able to handle the encounter. Up to you, though.![]()
Back in the day I did Mythical Valk with this team. Think it was 5 stones but Legend is much easier.Any strats for Legend Valk to the poor souls who don't own a Horus, Ra or Lucifer. (OK with using these as helpers)
Going to attempt Legend Valk with the Blue Noel poverty team mentioned here:!
Seems really fraudulent and I don't know what the win condition is considering Resurrection. We'll see.
Really doesn't make a difference. If you feed one or 5 each feeder has the exact same chance to skill up. I've fed 2 poring to Valk and gotten 2 skill ups, i've fed numerous sets of 5 to mobs and gotten nothing. You just have to look at it statistically, it probably takes an average of 20-30 to max a mob (maybe more?). The only time I feed 1 at a time is when it's the last skill up.
I can't say it enough in this thread, Horus teams are NOT inconsistent or lucky. The more you play and practice the better you'll get with him. It becomes second nature and you usually have a path of 4 mapped before the next wave shows up.
Question about Raph: when he makes all the orbs hearts, do they pop right away, or can you use a heart changer to change them all to something else?Anyone with a max level LD Raphael? I'm going to try and tank Valkyrie hard and see how long it takes. As long I don't get unlucky with no hearts or double Ralphael binded, I don't think I should die... I hope.
349, 953, 226
Question about Raph: when he makes all the orbs hearts, do they pop right away, or can you use a heart changer to change them all to something else?
Also, I saw your Zaerog earlier, atlantaguy. Good shit!
Also, thanks everyone, for answering all my questions and stuff, so far. I know I haven't really acknowledged the responses, but I appreciate them all.
alright I went 0 for 15 on MFK skillsup during the whole 2 weeks the dungeon was open. All were done in the 2x window. Awesome.
GungHo profits are up.
I knew PAD was popular, but almost 5 million dollars a day is ridiculous. However, the revenue is slowing down and the "phenomenon is slowing down."
I just tried wood dragon dungeon on int, but I'm not sure how to handle the no healing thing. Any advice would be appreciated.
edit: i just realized siren's active still works, healed to full at 8/10. Yay me!
edit 2: Then I get 1-shot by the boss. gg
Going to attempt Legend Valk with the Blue Noel poverty team mentioned here:!
Seems really fraudulent and I don't know what the win condition is considering Resurrection. We'll see.
I am also going with a Blue Noel team. I have:
Blue Noel - max level
Awoken Hera-Is - level 60
Siren the Enchanter - level 70, max skill
Abyss Neptune - level 70
Awoken Blue Odin - level 50 (picked him up in last week's godfest)
with a Gabriel helper I should have around 50,000 hp and 10,000 rcv. Gravity and Blue Odin's nuke should speed up the battle with Valkyrie.
Took a Lucifer team into Valkyrie Mythical. 2 Heras, Zeus, and PEKKA. The plan was to take out one demon with skills, stall, then one shot Valkyrie. Unfortunately, since I had to use PEKKA instead of a carbuncle, my RCV was a little low. So I couldn't quite keep up with the Evil Slashes. Had to spend a couple stones. Then I wasn't quite able to charge my skills in time, and who does Valkyrie bind? Both my leaders. So there was another stone. I'll take down legend later and get one back.
I'm running legend now with Archdemon Lucifer instead of PEKKA. Echidna would have probably been a good idea as well. The hit in HP might mean the demon would have still been problematic, but her delay might solve that.Why not use echidna? I just 0-stoned it with 2x Luci, 3 grav and echidna.
2 grav on golem then grind down.
2x morning star on one demon (echidna if needed) then charge skills and grind the other demon down. Make sure to charge all skills before entering last stage. Then pop echida, 3x grav and morning star heal up and the other one to finish her off.
Side note: Had the perfect valk run. Golem dropped and got skill up, +egg on demon and valk drop
Edit: Sorry, didn't see that you were running mythical
Edit2: Running the numbers on valk mythical. With 2x Luci, Zeus and 2x grav Valk will have 39hp left. Should be doable
It's like a 0.5-1% chance to drop on Intermediate; not atypical.Well I managed to beat wood dragon int, with siren+odin team, but he didnt drop. oh well.