Does anyone here have a high level Grodin I can use for Hera tomorrow? My friend ID is 353,755,205. First attempt at a descended, would love some help!
I have a level 70 Awoken Odin with 3479 hp. Is that enough for you?
Does anyone here have a high level Grodin I can use for Hera tomorrow? My friend ID is 353,755,205. First attempt at a descended, would love some help!
Sent you an invite. If I don't see your request here just send me an in game message and I'll put it up as soon as I see it. My Odin is max leveled.Does anyone here have a high level Grodin I can use for Hera tomorrow? My friend ID is 353,755,205. First attempt at a descended, would love some help!
I just got my first Hera, and zero-stoned it.
Now, to level it...![]()
Super King invasions are definitely active. Just finished my Super Ruby runs. Netted 12 Super Kings and 14 Kings in 12 runs. I ran Expert Porings every fourth run to use up my remaining stamina between refills. So I averaged less than 4min per run even with a quarter of the runs being the longer Poring dungeon.
Sent you an invite. If I don't see your request here just send me an in game message and I'll put it up as soon as I see it. My Odin is max leveled.
In fact, I'll leave him up overnight.
Congratulations, what team did you do it with?
Hey M.D any chance I could make use of that odin of yours for an attempt at Hera? Or if anyone else happens to have a Green Odin, I had a bit list of them but they just happened to swap out to green rippers... weird. My ID is 329 251 248
Awesome, thanks. Although I doubt my ability to get Hera, it will be fun attempting (going with a neptune+odin resist team but my siren and echidna aren't max level so it will be tough)
Wooo, beat Hera, but ended up using 5 stones due to bad heal orbs luck. Thanks k2@GAF for your godlike Odin.
Wow, time for a new thread and I can't believe I'm still in the top 10 posters of this thread and haven't posted here in months. I still watch you guys from time to time though (stalkerrrr), nice to see you're still having fun.
GungHo announcing a patch a whole month in advance?! madness
Congratulations, what team did you do it with?
Fed away my +250 Zeus. I was getting really angry that I never really used him and my Healer team was not relevant because I did not have any plus eggs on Valk. So there Zeus went.
I can now farm Hera with that team, and I doubt I will be regretting it at all.
What's the typical healer team to farm Hera with?
Blue Mystery Dragon apparently has Zeus's skill for water monsters. Might end up being pretty good especially since it only has 35 team cost as opposed to the recent trend of making them 9000000 cost.
I meant leader skill, so 3x ATK for Water mons while at 100% HP with probably leader swap as an active.So 35% gravity vs. Hera-Is's 30% gravity.
35 team cost vs. Hera-Is's 60 team cost.
Stats? There's no way it's good, or else that would be baffling.
Wow, lady luck got me good, I was expecting to 0 stones Hera, ended 5 stones. The heart just refused to show up. I guess I should have used one of the golem for defense instead of my pride Laphroaig.
CDD, Hera, Max Siren, Max Siren, Laphroaig, Odin.
At least I wasn't cheated out of the prized Golden Egg.
Wow, lady luck got me good, I was expecting to 0 stones Hera, ended 5 stones. The heart just refused to show up. I guess I should have used one of the golem for defense instead of my pride Laphroaig.
CDD, Hera, Max Siren, Max Siren, Laphroaig, Odin.
At least I wasn't cheated out of the prized Golden Egg.
Draggie on Master is easy with a monocolor team featuring an unevolved elemental and unbustied starter dragon as leaders. I took a Thanatos and whatever <=10 cost dark monsters happened to be lying around into it and hardly broke a sweat. Double Vamps is also common. I think Legendary would also be doable if my party was actually properly leveled up.
I'm more worried about the <=12 cost Tengu dungeon; for the difficulty jump all you really get for additional party options that I can tell are the fully evolved demons. Most of the successful parties in JP use monsters from either the Evangelion or Gunma collabs and obviously we don't have either of those.
Since Poring Tower has been very unkind to me since the 2x event over the weekend I decided to spend stamina until I cleared Queen of Gods. FINALLY did it with Goemon (horus/resolve/resist teams were close but couldnt do it). Goemon is a beast, only took me two tries. I wiped the first time on Hera due to a cascade heart match after Fireworks in round 6 that had me 200hp over 20%. Second run I one shot the dragon and one shot Hera.
I'm kicking myself for not spending a ton of stamina on Ruby dragons yesterday. I had the time wrong for Super king (1 in the morning, FU gungho) and missed out on a lot of experience.
There is a ton of potential with this team and is very easy to build. One thing I'm noticing is that you don't want to overlook RCV. Being able to stall to enable Firework and consistently heal yourself in the early rounds is very important. Here's what my team looks like right now:
Edit: Update my icon to honor the power of the Thief. Zeus is next.
Why do some folks use Blue King Slime on their Goemon team?
3x atk to physical, which affects goemon + titans. It's a poor man's substitute for phoenix/horus
Hadn't considered a Rider team; that might be possible if your team can down enough mobs to stall and charge up skills, cause they hit hard (which is why the HP multiplying elementals and Eva pilots and the high RCV Gunma mobs are prevalent). Also watch out for the will o' wisps on Round 4 who have 54,000 DEF and a few thousand HP; you will have to find some way to deal with them. Japan has a high HP green poisoner in Marlboro King and a 1 cost dark Evo mat who skills up Shiva while it seems like we'll have to make do with 4* Lilith.So, based on my monster box and only having 1 unevolved elemental (Lucky I guess), I get to run a Mono-Green!. Sylph, Earth gaurdian (Lvl 70 so 2.2k HP), marine Rider, and two not yet obtained monsters (or Puzzdroid & Dragonette...) I guess I should get cracking.
<= 12 Tengu teams? What about an Attacker teams? Something like Marine Rider, Fully Evo'd Demons and Mid Ninjas?
Aye - so I don't need to bother keeping mine if I've got Horus, right? A+ if so
I'm considering dropping Lucifer into my Goemon team. That way, I can keep my HP topped off until go time. And then it's go time.
Aye - so I don't need to bother keeping mine if I've got Horus, right? A+ if so