Saint Nic
Thankfully I have both Hero drops already. No need to blow stamina. When does 2x poring start? That will be my drain for the day.
Woh! There's a P&D topic in GAF! Awesome
Hey everyone, am new here, been busy with the guys in ACNL topic so I really didn't check anything else!
I've been playing P&D since April & I made a slow but continues progress.
Here's my main monsters:
& this is my ID code:
I'd love to make some strong new friends.
Also I need advice on how to start beating dungeons above Expert/Master level.
I struggle lots with master level dungeons, yet I barely pass them.
My HP is an issue too, even with my Plesios & Brachys being in their highest evolution & max. level my total HP is still around 12000
Any advice is welcomed : )
Could someone toss up an sod luci for me?
whooooo berserk #7
Woh! There's a P&D topic in GAF! Awesome
Hey everyone, am new here, been busy with the guys in ACNL topic so I really didn't check anything else!
I've been playing P&D since April & I made a slow but continues progress.
Here's my main monsters:[IMG]
& this is my ID code:
I'd love to make some strong new friends.
Also I need advice on how to start beating dungeons above Expert/Master level.
I struggle lots with master level dungeons, yet I barely pass them.
My HP is an issue too, even with my Plesios & Brachys being in their highest evolution & max. level my total HP is still around 12000
Any advice is welcomed : )[/QUOTE]
Since you have plenty of advice suggesting you start over, I'm going to give you some advice for in case you don't want to (especially since you're so high ranked already).
1) You have the beginning of a mono Fire Team with Uriel. Work on leveling him up/evolving him until he gets his x2 HP and x2 Rcv for fire monsters leader abilitys. Then you'll want to farm some new Fire team members, particularly an Naga and a Titan, and maybe Tyrannos to give you a x2 attack x2 recovery leader option to mix and match. I'd also work on your Flame Archer (for her fire enhance ability) and Volcano Dragon until you can get some better options (Phoenix/Ancient or Samurai Fire Dragons/REM). Make sure you make some friends with people who have Freyr, Ares, and Uriel so that you can multiply your fire teams HP, Attack, and Recovery further.
2) Work on farming the other Mystic Knights (Ice, Dark, Light, Grass), the Ripper Dragons (Ice, Light, Grass), and a Lilith (her poison ability will help you farm weekly evolution material dungeons, as well as dungeons with high defense/low HP bosses. In the mean time you can use a Ghostring). Once you have these monsters, you'll have the beginnings of a basic mono Water and mono Grass team with your Plesios and Brachys as leaders once you get a few more Grass or Water monsters (and some good Grass/Water leader friends). Have you done the gift exchange yet? You could possibly get your hands on a Pterra or a Spinon if you haven't, which would help you start up a mono light or dark team.
Anyway that's all the advice I have for now. But as others have said, try to save up stones and do some pulls during Godfests.
Run Polar Night Tower on weekends when it is 1.5x and you will get some mythlits.
I did that for 4 weekends and nothing yet,zero nada.
Anyone have a high level Gabriel I can use for heroes? I did it once but got a berserk instead of chu. :/
I run the first 3 technical dungeons regularly for pengdra and I'm swimming in mythlits. Maybe you can give it a try.
whooooo berserk #7
Where do I sign up and join the club?
Welcome to the thread.
Not to be harsh but you might want to reroll the next time a God event comes around if you don't find anything worthwhile with whatever stones you have at the time. Your box is all farmable mobs and nothing that is going to help you clear content easily at this point.
Welcome to the party.
I second Jody. I'm honestly curious how you made it that far with 7 monsters. It looks like you've had some bad luck, I'd strongly consider re-rolling during a godfest and aim for some of the higher tier monsters.
I am going to third Jody and Mboss in noting that this is quite an odd amalgamation of monsters. They don't particularly compliment each other. Well, it looks like you have beginning of a mono fire team but I am not seeing anything particularly top tier around whom you can easily build one. You should be striving to attain at least one solid monster in a future godfest or perhaps even start over the game again.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone : )Since you have plenty of advice suggesting you start over, I'm going to give you some advice for in case you don't want to (especially since you're so high ranked already).
1) You have the beginning of a mono Fire Team with Uriel. Work on leveling him up/evolving him until he gets his x2 HP and x2 Rcv for fire monsters leader abilitys. Then you'll want to farm some new Fire team members, particularly an Naga and a Titan, and maybe Tyrannos to give you a x2 attack x2 recovery leader option to mix and match. I'd also work on your Flame Archer (for her fire enhance ability) and Volcano Dragon until you can get some better options (Phoenix/Ancient or Samurai Fire Dragons/REM). Make sure you make some friends with people who have Freyr, Ares, and Uriel so that you can multiply your fire teams HP, Attack, and Recovery further.
2) Work on farming the other Mystic Knights (Ice, Dark, Light, Grass), the Ripper Dragons (Ice, Light, Grass), and a Lilith (her poison ability will help you farm weekly evolution material dungeons, as well as dungeons with high defense/low HP bosses. In the mean time you can use a Ghostring). Once you have these monsters, you'll have the beginnings of a basic mono Water and mono Grass team with your Plesios and Brachys as leaders once you get a few more Grass or Water monsters (and some good Grass/Water leader friends). Have you done the gift exchange yet? You could possibly get your hands on a Pterra or a Spinon if you haven't, which would help you start up a mono light or dark team.
Anyway that's all the advice I have for now. But as others have said, try to save up stones and do some pulls during Godfests.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone : )
Since some of you asked how I made it this far with my team, will :
-I already got 2 starter monsters; Plesiois & Brachys -so yes I used my friend gift- & maxed them to their final Ultimate Evo form & maxed their levels.
- Also got a Machine Golem Mk. III in one of the rare egg machine pulls, it helps me alot breaking the defense of my enemies.
- Lastly, I team up with partners who has Water Deity Holy Isis which helps me x3 my attack & use my water Siren, the Enchanter in my team to help me achieve a strong hit combo.
So far I managed to beat most daily dungeons, even some master leveled ones, Am up to Oceanus Falls in the normal dungeons & Shrine of Blazing Woods in Technical ones.
I appreciate your advice everyone, yet I need a 'tip' to start with.
For sure NO WAY I'd restart the game, not after 4 months of hard work & hitting level >100
Guess everyone here advices me to hit the rare egg machine once a godfest starts.
Any certain gods I should aim for? Certain type of gods?
Am pretty much a water-type fan, so I think I should aim for a Neptune?
Also how can I fix my HP issue? Being up to level 104 yet my team's HP is 12000 is pretty much frustrating : (
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone : )
Since some of you asked how I made it this far with my team, will :
-I already got 2 starter monsters; Plesiois & Brachys -so yes I used my friend gift- & maxed them to their final Ultimate Evo form & maxed their levels.
- Also got a Machine Golem Mk. III in one of the rare egg machine pulls, it helps me alot breaking the defense of my enemies.
- Lastly, I team up with partners who has Water Deity Holy Isis which helps me x3 my attack & use my water Siren, the Enchanter in my team to help me achieve a strong hit combo.
So far I managed to beat most daily dungeons, even some master leveled ones, Am up to Oceanus Falls in the normal dungeons & Shrine of Blazing Woods in Technical ones.
I appreciate your advice everyone, yet I need a 'tip' to start with.
For sure NO WAY I'd restart the game, not after 4 months of hard work & hitting level >100
Guess everyone here advices me to hit the rare egg machine once a godfest starts.
Any certain gods I should aim for? Certain type of gods?
Am pretty much a water-type fan, so I think I should aim for a Neptune?
Also how can I fix my HP issue? Being up to level 104 yet my team's HP is 12000 is pretty much frustrating : (
Why do I feel am a rare case here xD !I'm curious what else is lurking in your monster box beyond the scrollbar - could you post screens of the entire thing?
You can't really "aim" for a specific god beyond rolling when certain pantheons are boosted in the REM. Since you don't really have any strong starters you might as well follow the list in the OP; which favors Egyptian, Norse, New Greek, and Chinese.
Alternatively you can friend up as many Hermes and Artemis monsters as you can; they pair with your Plesios and Brachios respectively for a 4xATK/2xHP/2xRCV team.
Yes he does. He has Brachys, Plesios and Uriel so he can make good mono teams of each colour.Since you don't want to restart, you need to be willing to spend some money/save your stones if you have any hope of doing the Descended dungeons ever. You need a 2xHP/2xATK/2xRCV leader (two of the three) and pair with another similar leader. You can't make a typical 2/4/2, 4/2/2, 2/2/4 team because you don't have a monster to help make one.
Advice taken.The reason everyone is saying to restart is because you don't have any monsters that can act as a major leader for ANY mono teams, nor do you have any of the crazy combo monsters.
Since you don't want to restart, you need to be willing to spend some money/save your stones if you have any hope of doing the Descended dungeons ever. You need a 2xHP/2xATK/2xRCV leader (two of the three) and pair with another similar leader. You can't make a typical 2/4/2, 4/2/2, 2/2/4 team because you don't have a monster to help make one.
What you CAN do, is roll and hope for a Horus/Ra/Isis, SoD Luci, or any of the mono leads that give you 2/2 in a stat. Re-rolling is only nice because it gives a strong starting point. Horus, Ra, and SoD Luci are pretty much THE Descended dungeon monsters. Goemon is also incredible, but he's a Descended drop.
Pairing with an Isis is great for that 3x...But imagine if YOU had an Isis as well. That's 9x. Or a Horus for 12x? That's why you've received suggestions to restart.
Now if you're totally against it, that's fine...But wait for a Godfest and cross your fingers. That's about all you can do if you're not interested in re-rolling. Another option would be to backup your save and re-roll, play a bit, and see how that goes?
One other thing worth noting - your HP is low because your monster levels are likely very low. You need to pump them up. Also, you need a 2x HP leader to really hit nice HP numbers. It's not uncommon to roll a tank team with 50k+ HP...But you don't have the leaders for that at the moment.
I'll do that right away!Zero, your priority should be to put together an all green team with Brachys and Artemis leaders or an all blue team with Plesio and Hermes leaders. These are called 2/4/2 teams and are very powerful for Master level content, or even Legend.
My starters were worse than yours and I've cleared pretty much all content in the game so far.
Edit: You should also evolve that Stone knight, he will be an excellent leader for an all-dragon team.
Yes he does. He has Brachys, Plesios and Uriel so he can make good mono teams of each colour.
Zero, your priority should be to put together an all green team with Brachys and Artemis leaders or an all blue team with Plesio and Hermes leaders. These are called 2/4/2 teams and are very powerful for Master level content, or even Legend.
My starters were worse than yours and I've cleared pretty much all content in the game so far.
Edit: You should also evolve that Stone knight, he will be an excellent leader for an all-dragon team.
Are we friends? If so, I will put mine up.
I think yours may be the one I've been using.but if you can refresh him for me I need to try again. 2 berserks so far.
Added some GAF members, hope I get some accepts.
Won't be able to add @GAF next to my name since it's kinda long tho -.-
Thanks again everyone : )
fuck this game
Gabriel is up. Sorry, I was doing some mat farming with my Vamp team!
Welcome. Hope you stick around. I think it's good that you decided to stick with what you have so far. I find it pretty annoying that the most common advice people give in this thread to newcomers is: "You should reroll".
I would say if you intend to use the rare egg machine, make sure to only pull during godfests. In addition, start building a team to beat Hera. Here's a useful guide. Make sure you nab a ghostring from the Poring dungeon.
Also how can I fix my HP issue? Being up to level 104 yet my team's HP is 12000 is pretty much frustrating : (
I just accepted your request. I'm glad to see the community is still growing. If you ever need one of my leaders, feel free to send me a message in game. I'll do my best to respond as soon as possible.Added some GAF members, hope I get some accepts.
Won't be able to add @GAF next to my name since it's kinda long tho -.-
Thanks again everyone : )
Lol if you don't I'd probably "smack" you...imagine running that again and getting berserk. You will hate life.hey guys should i spend the stone to continue here i dont know if it's worth it
Dude, you should be going for Berserk #11. Forget about Highlander.hey guys should i spend the stone to continue here i dont know if it's worth it
I think this suits you better, Cosmo.
Well done lolHahaha so awesome!
fuck this game
I think this suits you better, Cosmo.
I think this suits you better, Cosmo.