Give me enough time, a whiteboard, and your undivided attention, and I can make a strong case for how Heath Ledger's death completely changed the whole entertainment industry.

and all of this made me realize that at one point in my life, i was "that crazy crackhead" to someone out there who happened to notice me.
I think what's worse are people who buy into this bullshit that what kind of person you are is dictated by some random 20 year span or so when you were born. Right there next to astrology.I honestly can't say whether boomers or gen z are worse. Both of them ruin everything they touch. Really getting sick and tired of gen z whining their way into making everything media related bad, even when none of them have a hand in creating any of it.
Fridge make senseLast night I has to change my Xbox batteries. Didnt have any so I went to buy some today.
But.... I cant seem to remember where I put that "holder" that clicks over them...drives my crazy. You know when you're looking in your fridge you're out of options.... Hate that shit Lol/No Lol
a burglar app to suggest the optimum time to rob a house
the bar is really low for video game podcasts/videos/youtube channels/etc.I really don't understand the appeal of videogamedunkey and why he's so popular.
His comedy is extremely repetitive and relies so heavily on a voice that isn't even funny to begin with.
And every time he's being more serious and people criticize him or even so much as disagrees with him he just hides behind '' lol I am a comedian u can't take me srsly '' even tho he clearly was.
His own audience does it too even if they in the previous breath acknowledged that he was being serious.
I just rly don't get it.
Burglar King. Steal it your way.
Come friend, stay awhile and listenThis morning as I was making our coffee, it occurred to me that, though we make such a big deal about our high-techie phones, consoles, etc., man, this $20 coffee maker from Wallyworld takes my cold water from the fridge, and literally in about two seconds starts turning it into piping-hot coffee. And this type of technology has been around for decades and decades. Fuckin' wow!
That kinda describes most of my nights before work. I have to be in at 4 am, wake at 11-12, and wonder if I should just get up and make coffee. I'm on vacation now, and sleep like a baby. But on work nights, I'm anxious about everything I have to do the next day. Eh...It’s 4am here and I have to be up at 6. I’m just weighing up the pros and cons of even bothering to attempt to sleep.
This was my pitch for the subway interview I had recently. My 'would you kill someone for a sandwich?' presentation was not well received.I had a dream we lived in a world with no laws, nations, guns or any other projectile weapons. Everyone just fended for themselves with melee weapons and animals (eagles with iron claws, dogs with steal coated teeth etc)
I woke up thinking that would be an amazing place to live. Every day would be exciting and full of danger.
If I were you, I would.Given the opportunity to go back and do it all over again... Would I?
I would be conflicted on the whole idea as I was always average in every single way. To this day I'm average in earnings and everywhere else.If I were you, I would.
Are they?Birthdays are days that I loathe the most, you have plenty of people that speak to you on the same day once a year, to say asanine things like, have a great day! Plus you don't have to get a yearly reminder that your best years are passed you. Fuck I hate it.
Yes.Are they?
And I just learnt that the ‘club’ in club sandwich stands for Chicken Lettuce Under Bacon.
My mind is blown.