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Red Dead Redemption 2 PC [OT] - “Vengeance is an idiot's game”


So I'm right on the verge of buying a new graphics card for this game. From a performance to price ratio in the range I'm looking (400-500), it seems that the RTX 2070 Super is the best pick. Do any of you guys have this card, or do your recommend something different?
So I'm right on the verge of buying a new graphics card for this game. From a performance to price ratio in the range I'm looking (400-500), it seems that the RTX 2070 Super is the best pick. Do any of you guys have this card, or do your recommend something different?

Looks good just don't do SLI or you'll be getting headaches from all the crashing.



Finally Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC is coming to Steam on December 5.

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I gave up on this game on PS4. The combination of 30 fps, heavy motion blur and vaseline filter was unbearable to me. And i always felt i was spending too much time on horseback moving from A to B just to have a few minutes of meaningful action. I loved the setting, story and characters though.

I double dipped on PC as i usually do. And... Now i love the game. Higher framerate, fov slider. Man, i love this stuff. And i could actually see what was i shooting at.
But the game was pretty much broken at first. I could barely play it. Constant crashes at startup. But it's better now. Though it still crashes from time to time.

Let me talk about the things i still hate about the game first. The control scheme, aim assist and mission design.

Aim assist and control layout are completely archaic. It's like Rockstar's being frozen in 2010. Aim assist is snap to target or nothing at all. I tried to find the sweet spot but i just couldn't.

I would completely rework the control scheme if i could. D-pad is mostly wasted. No way to quickly switch weapons. Schizophrenic context buttons. Sometimes you interact with (xbox controller) X, sometimes it's Y, sometimes it's R2. Too much reliance on weapon/item wheel.
Movement is clunky. Sometimes when i press against cover Arthur will climb over it and awkwardly get shot. And what the fuck is this shit of having to keep pressing A to run. Yeah, i know you can change it to toggle with L3. But it shouldn't be a thing in the first place. If you could watch me playing you'd see me constantly yelling at Arthur. "What the fuck are you doing?!?"

The game often switches your weapons or force you to use ones you don't want. In one mission i was using a pump action shotgun. Then Dutch threw me a double barrel shotgun and it replaced my pump action one. It was overwriten.
I spend money customizing my weapons just to find mid mission that the game replaced it with a cattleman revolver.

Mission design is too restrictive. In one mission i had to kill this beast. I brought my rifle. But if i tried to use it i'd immediately fail. Game forced me to use a revolver instead. In another mission i had to kill this nasty wolf. But if you shoot it before it's appropriate you do no damage.

I still spend a long time crossing the map on my horse. But my mindset changed a little. I'll camp, hunt, rob people or explore instead of making a bee line to my next objective. BUT i still wish fast travel was more convenient.

I really want to see how the story ends. I remember the names of every character and their stories. Rockstar made a damn good job making them all feel alive.

I don't know what else to say. RDR2 is the worst GOTY i've ever played. It's an amazing game. Production value through the roof. But it has some annoying flaws.
Finished chapter 6 last night.

RIP Arthur Morgan
He was a good man.

What a journey.

Post chapter 6

It's weird how you can continue stranger quests years later with John as if he's always been there. Met the two brothers competing over a lady, and they even called John by name. I know it's a game but my immersion suffers.


I gave up on this game on PS4. The combination of 30 fps, heavy motion blur and vaseline filter was unbearable to me. And i always felt i was spending too much time on horseback moving from A to B just to have a few minutes of meaningful action. I loved the setting, story and characters though.

I double dipped on PC as i usually do. And... Now i love the game. Higher framerate, fov slider. Man, i love this stuff. And i could actually see what was i shooting at.
But the game was pretty much broken at first. I could barely play it. Constant crashes at startup. But it's better now. Though it still crashes from time to time.

Let me talk about the things i still hate about the game first. The control scheme, aim assist and mission design.

Aim assist and control layout are completely archaic. It's like Rockstar's being frozen in 2010. Aim assist is snap to target or nothing at all. I tried to find the sweet spot but i just couldn't.

I would completely rework the control scheme if i could. D-pad is mostly wasted. No way to quickly switch weapons. Schizophrenic context buttons. Sometimes you interact with (xbox controller) X, sometimes it's Y, sometimes it's R2. Too much reliance on weapon/item wheel.
Movement is clunky. Sometimes when i press against cover Arthur will climb over it and awkwardly get shot. And what the fuck is this shit of having to keep pressing A to run. Yeah, i know you can change it to toggle with L3. But it shouldn't be a thing in the first place. If you could watch me playing you'd see me constantly yelling at Arthur. "What the fuck are you doing?!?"

The game often switches your weapons or force you to use ones you don't want. In one mission i was using a pump action shotgun. Then Dutch threw me a double barrel shotgun and it replaced my pump action one. It was overwriten.
I spend money customizing my weapons just to find mid mission that the game replaced it with a cattleman revolver.

Mission design is too restrictive. In one mission i had to kill this beast. I brought my rifle. But if i tried to use it i'd immediately fail. Game forced me to use a revolver instead. In another mission i had to kill this nasty wolf. But if you shoot it before it's appropriate you do no damage.

I still spend a long time crossing the map on my horse. But my mindset changed a little. I'll camp, hunt, rob people or explore instead of making a bee line to my next objective. BUT i still wish fast travel was more convenient.

I really want to see how the story ends. I remember the names of every character and their stories. Rockstar made a damn good job making them all feel alive.

I don't know what else to say. RDR2 is the worst GOTY i've ever played. It's an amazing game. Production value through the roof. But it has some annoying flaws.

Sounds like you’ve got a bad case of the hyperboles there.
Love. Hate. lots of passion. But the game is about Story not gameplay, so criticising it for things it’s not trying to achieve isn’t exactly fair. I understand your complaints about mission design being restrictive, but given that the rest of the game is very free, I think that is a fair price to pay. But I don’t really understand the vitriol.

Game works like this — Do whatever the hell you want, delve into the story whichever way you want, but when you play the missions, play them out the way the story forces you too — as It‘a a small price to pay.

... And strangely realistic. I certainly live my life that way. — I’m free, but when I work I try and do what I’m told Or pay the price, so it feels believable to me.
It;s a superb game— As long as you don’t try and play it as a shoot em up, One or the only games I’ve played that genuinely puts story ahead of the action.
Sounds like you’ve got a bad case of the hyperboles there.
Love. Hate. lots of passion. But the game is about Story not gameplay, so criticising it for things it’s not trying to achieve isn’t exactly fair. I understand your complaints about mission design being restrictive, but given that the rest of the game is very free, I think that is a fair price to pay. But I don’t really understand the vitriol.

Game works like this — Do whatever the hell you want, delve into the story whichever way you want, but when you play the missions, play them out the way the story forces you too — as It‘a a small price to pay.

... And strangely realistic. I certainly live my life that way. — I’m free, but when I work I try and do what I’m told Or pay the price, so it feels believable to me.
It;s a superb game— As long as you don’t try and play it as a shoot em up, One or the only games I’ve played that genuinely puts story ahead of the action.
Well, it should be about story and gameplay since it's a game, not a movie.

I don't like when gameplay keeps fighting against my enjoyment. I know it's not a twitch shooter but considering you spend a significant amount of time shooting things i wish gunplay was more fluid.

I don't mind restrictions when it makes sense. I'll give you another exemple. Sniper uphill. Objective was to advance from cover to cover. But i could see the sniper and had a clear shot. It didn't register though.
I had to move from rock to rock until the game said "ok, now kill him". I hate shit like this.
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NeoGAFs Kent Brockman


Gold Member
just about to start on PC. all i want to ask is should i be playing with my XB1 controller or keyboard/mouse?

i'm excited for 60fps but the controls felt awful on PS4. does the game feel better with kb/m?
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So now that people have had time to tinker with it, what settings would you guys say the PS4 and Xbone are running the game on?


A bit surprised by the games performence on Steam so far. Being beaten in the charts and player counts by a 10yo 360 game (46k in Halo Reach, 18k ingmae in Red Dead)
Maybe people are waiting for patches.
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"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."

It makes sense for Rockstar to remaster RDR1 for PC and next gen considering how most of the map is done, the plot, voice acting, etc, and it all runs on their new next gen engine that RDR2 runs on. It would sell a couple million easy.


Gold Member
So now that people have had time to tinker with it, what settings would you guys say the PS4 and Xbone are running the game on?
i watched a digital foundry video where they tried to match the Xbox settings (not sure if it was the S or X model) and they couldn't lower some of the settings enough to match it but generally it ran similar to a mix of mostly medium/low settings (if i remember right). i'll try find it and link it.

edit: think it's this one
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I gave up on this game on PS4. The combination of 30 fps, heavy motion blur and vaseline filter was unbearable to me. And i always felt i was spending too much time on horseback moving from A to B just to have a few minutes of meaningful action. I loved the setting, story and characters though.

I double dipped on PC as i usually do. And... Now i love the game. Higher framerate, fov slider. Man, i love this stuff. And i could actually see what was i shooting at.
But the game was pretty much broken at first. I could barely play it. Constant crashes at startup. But it's better now. Though it still crashes from time to time.

Let me talk about the things i still hate about the game first. The control scheme, aim assist and mission design.

Aim assist and control layout are completely archaic. It's like Rockstar's being frozen in 2010. Aim assist is snap to target or nothing at all. I tried to find the sweet spot but i just couldn't.

I would completely rework the control scheme if i could. D-pad is mostly wasted. No way to quickly switch weapons. Schizophrenic context buttons. Sometimes you interact with (xbox controller) X, sometimes it's Y, sometimes it's R2. Too much reliance on weapon/item wheel.
Movement is clunky. Sometimes when i press against cover Arthur will climb over it and awkwardly get shot. And what the fuck is this shit of having to keep pressing A to run. Yeah, i know you can change it to toggle with L3. But it shouldn't be a thing in the first place. If you could watch me playing you'd see me constantly yelling at Arthur. "What the fuck are you doing?!?"

The game often switches your weapons or force you to use ones you don't want. In one mission i was using a pump action shotgun. Then Dutch threw me a double barrel shotgun and it replaced my pump action one. It was overwriten.
I spend money customizing my weapons just to find mid mission that the game replaced it with a cattleman revolver.

Mission design is too restrictive. In one mission i had to kill this beast. I brought my rifle. But if i tried to use it i'd immediately fail. Game forced me to use a revolver instead. In another mission i had to kill this nasty wolf. But if you shoot it before it's appropriate you do no damage.

I still spend a long time crossing the map on my horse. But my mindset changed a little. I'll camp, hunt, rob people or explore instead of making a bee line to my next objective. BUT i still wish fast travel was more convenient.

I really want to see how the story ends. I remember the names of every character and their stories. Rockstar made a damn good job making them all feel alive.

I don't know what else to say. RDR2 is the worst GOTY i've ever played. It's an amazing game. Production value through the roof. But it has some annoying flaws.
Add it as a nonsteam game and use gyroscope on your dual shock 4 or steam controller then turn off all aim assist.


Gold Member
I swear every time Rockstar patches the game, the game performs *worse* for me and fucks up all my settings. Grrrrr


I have this game on PS4/XboxOneX and on PC.

I love the PC's 60 fps but the console problems are still present. The game is/has the most immersive world, but I really hate when I have to try 5 times to pick an item.

Some of the things that I really hate are the terrible NPC ... even on the PC version. I wish the PS3 gen hair for fixed for the PC..
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Picked this up recently when it hit Steam, though I've only really had the time to finally get into it during the Christmas Break. Gotta say visually it's pretty fantastic, even running on my rather antiquated i7 and GF 1070Ti. Performance has generally been pretty decent (I'm running it at 1920x1080 for more bells and whistles versus 2560x1440). PC does sound like it's about to take off at times though and I'm wary of playing for super long stretches versus and hour here and there.

My only real beef is with the fact that you can't save whilst on a mission and invariably there's a good trek involved before you even see any action, which is kind of frustrating if you're a bit of a medal hunter like me. Also, I'm not a fan of the way the game gatekeeps you on certain things like the Deadeye ability. I'd have liked that early on versus a couple of missions in.

Still early days (in the midst of Chapter 2 so it's all gravy).


It's been running well for me, but the grindy design is getting to me. The hunting for camp upgrades while only being able to carry one animal carcass on your horse is really getting to me.
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It's been running well for me, but the grindy design is getting to me. The hunting for camp upgrades while only being able to carry one animal carcass on your horse is really getting to me.

Yep there are several annoying little things like this that piss me off. Even pressing the right buttons to kill an animal, pick it up, stow it on horse then take it off is a pain in the ass. Whoever came up with the controls for this game needs shooting (playing on PC with mouse + keybo)

I have this game on PS4/XboxOneX and on PC.

I love the PC's 60 fps but the console problems are still present. The game is/has the most immersive world, but I really hate when I have to try 5 times to pick an item.

Some of the things that I really hate are the terrible NPC ... even on the PC version. I wish the PS3 gen hair for fixed for the PC..

Yes again the controls are fucking stupid. Why when I look into my player or horse/animal menu or other menus do I have to exit about 3 screens to get back into the fucking game?

Visually, really impressive, but not mind blowing. It has the hint of old current gen consoles about it.

Overrall, after getting to about 30% complete, it's a really good game. I would love it more if it had a more appealing setting to my tastes. I actually like Westerns a little, but it can't compete with other settings (more sci-fi or fantasy) that I prefer. Like I was playing TLOU Remastered this weekend with the family, and I find that world much more compelling and it has a greater sense of escapism for me.
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Does anybody else have this strange black shadow like flashing going on randomly? This happens for me in both dx 12 and vulkan.

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I beat the game entirely last night. I had a bunch of graphical issues. It is probably one of the most buggy games that I have played. There are so many strange visual bugs I came across.


I did happen to me a few times, usually after loading a save. Restarting the game fixed it though.
Do you mean reboot the game completely or just go back to main menu and then reload save? This happens totally randomly for me. I can play for 15 minutes without it happening and then it appears. I can't seem to be able to reproduce it.
Do you mean reboot the game completely or just go back to main menu and then reload save? This happens totally randomly for me. I can play for 15 minutes without it happening and then it appears. I can't seem to be able to reproduce it.

Quitting to windows desktop yes and then running the game again. Your's sound a bit more severe though. Have you installed the latest hotfix driver yet?

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Gold Member
I just started chapter 4 today. Arrived at Saint Denis. I was excited to get there but I hate it. Usually I like when I arrive at a busy city but just don't like it. Arthur feels so out of place and I guess that's the point. It's just so cramped and I can't ride my horse about without running into something.

Got myself a new horse (Black Arabian for ~$900), a couple new pistols, and some fancy new duds.

I've pretty much given up hunting. It's just so tedious and it only rewards you with cosmetic items. I did some challenges and got some upgrades but I can't for the life of me hunt a damn rabbit! Lol I need 5 perfect pelts. All the different gun types confuse me too so can never remember what one I use for certain critters.

I'm just focusing on the story and when I need a break I'll go get up to no good...play some poker, Rob a house, fishing, killing n looting... I can't be arsed focusing on challenges, hunting, crafting, etc.

At the camp some women came up to me saying I hadn't contributed in a while. Fuck you...I had to spend $220 just for you ungrateful idiots to contribute more. I bought you a bloody fishing boat, upgrade ya damn chicken house, I donated loads of valuable items and have donated thousands. I was so mad.
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*edit* ignore this. Was going to ask about tuning settings, but turns out it actually runs quite well now!

Only about an hour in, but I absolutely love the game already so far. Can't believe it seems to have been received with such lukewarm feelings on PC. (But let's see, might be too early to pass judgement yet)
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So umm,i bought the game for 30 euros but it still run like absolute and total shit on my pc even after following the guide on yt for the best settings.

I have a 2070super and a 8600k both stock and 16gb ddr4 3200 and i can't achieve 1440p60 no matter the settings, i have a shitload of things on medium, some stuff on high and some stuff on ultra but the framerate is absolutely all over the place with slow down of 15 frames sometimes...usually i stay between 60 and 50 frames but it's pretty wild and frankly unplayable for me.

There is some secret stuff to do outside of the in game settings?

I'm using riva tuner to lock the framerate and the vsync from the nvidia control panel, no ingame vsynk or triple buffering.

I'm following these guide for the settings, do you have something better?!

The game is very poorly optimized and the narrative that ultra settings are future proof is bullshit, the yt guy clearly show how almost nothing change between ultra and high most of the times, sometimes even ultra to medium is barely a loss in fidelity.

Can someone help?
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