Except a good chunk of that they made up, I was actually curious and saw nothing about a sit in on tatooine
Wait, is the Jabba the Hutt movie real? I can't even tell anymore.
Wait, is the Jabba the Hutt movie real? I can't even tell anymore.
I can only assume they've stopped giving a fuck about reviewing movies they don't have a semblance of passion about.So is there a reason these guys haven't been reviewing movies on half in the bag?
So is there a reason these guys haven't been reviewing movies on half in the bag?
I think it has to be a recent movie that Mike and Jay both watched. And lately they haven't been able to work up the enthusiasm to get both of them into the theater to see the same movie. Just a sense I got from the way they were trading impressions at the start of the Annabelle HitB.So is there a reason these guys haven't been reviewing movies on half in the bag?
I haven't laughed that much at something in quite a while, the new Nerdcrew was hilarious
Them cracking up at some of the ridiculous jokes and Wookiepedia articles got me pretty good.
At first I thought that fire in the popcorn maker was an effect they added, but thought it looked a little too real until Rich put the R2 head on it to try and extinguish the flames, haha.
So is there a reason these guys haven't been reviewing movies on half in the bag?
I can only assume they've stopped giving a fuck about reviewing movies they don't have a semblance of passion about.
I would expect half in the bags for superhero films more than anything.
some dude at work was talking about getting off work and going to toys r us to buy the last jedi toys
very cool. very cool.
some dude at work was talking about getting off work and going to toys r us to buy the last jedi toys
very cool. very cool.
For his children, right
You're on a videogames forum, don't judge.
*thinking emoji*
New re:View coming up next. IT should be an interesting one
Superhero movies are their bread and butter for half in the bag. And horror movies is the closest they will likely get to watching their b movies in Hollywood nowadays*thinking emoji*
As an Asian dude, the commentary rang true for me. Granted, I obviously don't speak for every minority out there, but it expressed my problem with Hollywood diversity. It's good that there's more diversity, but I'm not going to applaud them when shit like the Ghost in the Shell movie happens(Picture of Rose and Finn from Last Jedi comes up)
RLM Crew: (Instantly start commenting on "minorities" in Star Wars)
(Picture of Rose and Finn from Last Jedi comes up)
RLM Crew: (Instantly start commenting on "minorities" in Star Wars)
I dunno how you can have an issue with their commentary, it's brutally honest because star wars for 30 years has had minorities, but every lead is a white male or female.
I accept the point they were making about Star Wars continuing to show a general version to casting a minority lead (even though Star Wars: Battlefront 2 recently announced it has an Indian female protagonist), but I can't help but feel RLM seems to have developed something of an obsession with talking constantly about the enthnicity of minoritiy actors, as opposed to the actual characters they're playing...whilst continuing to dismiss Lucasfilm's attempts to bring in a more inclusive range of cast-members as corporate pandering.
When you bring in Chinese cast members explicitly because your previous movie didn't do well enough in China, what can you possibly call that but corporate pandering?
When you bring in Chinese cast members explicitly because your previous movie didn't do well enough in China, what can you possibly call that but corporate pandering?
You could tell there was a fair amount of sincere fear and panic from Rich during a lot of that.
Like, Jay saw the latest "Apes" movie but he wasn't able to drag Mike along.
Mike saw Atomic Blonde, but Jay couldn't be bothered.
Jay watched Dunkirk. Mike didn't for whatever reason.Mike's a Nazi
Mike watched The Dark Tower, while Jay said "nope".
Jay was willing to endure The Emoji Movie to try and make an entertaining HitB, but Mike chickened out.
Anything out there similar to RE: view but in podcast form?
I haven't laughed that much at something in quite a while, the new Nerdcrew was hilarious
Them cracking up at some of the ridiculous jokes and Wookiepedia articles got me pretty good.
At first I thought that fire in the popcorn maker was an effect they added, but thought it looked a little too real until Rich put the R2 head on it to try and extinguish the flames, haha.
Is Nerd Crew replacing Half in the Bag??
I loved the gag with the fire in the Death Star popcorn machine (I would say I couldn't believe it was real, but I'm too cynical).