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Redfall | Review Thread

What score do you think Redfall will get?

  • 0 -10%

    Votes: 8 1.3%
  • 10-20%

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • 20-30%

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • 30-40%

    Votes: 7 1.2%
  • 40-50%

    Votes: 27 4.5%
  • 50-60%

    Votes: 81 13.4%
  • 60-70%

    Votes: 239 39.6%
  • 70-80%

    Votes: 173 28.7%
  • 80-85%

    Votes: 44 7.3%
  • 85-90%

    Votes: 9 1.5%
  • 90-95%

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • 95-100%

    Votes: 11 1.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


That settles it for me. I'm getting a PS5. I thought xbox would be enough for my gaming needs, however I'm tired of the mediocrity with their first party output and most 3rd party games being superior on PS. Redfall is the straw that broke the camels back. I'll hang onto my Xbox as I want to believe they can release bangers, plus Gamepass really is the best deal in gaming, but so far it's disappointment after disappointment and I want the best gaming experience for my hard earned dollars. Feels like last Xbox One vs PS4 all over again.
I got a Series X at launch in 2020. Decided to get a PS5 and got it in January of this year because of so many great games on it. I know that it depends on a person's taste in games, but the PS5 feels like a premium blockbuster machine while the Xbox just feels very average. I still have the Series X, but the PS5 is significantly better primarily due to the games it offers. It's sad, because I loved the OG Xbox and Xbox 360 so much.
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Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Honestly? That is what I did. Only way I play Xbox games anymore is via pc gamepass. I had more use out of my STeam Deck in the six months i have had it than the last 10 years of Xbox One and Xbox Series X.
Seems like the way to go, and i have my ps5 for exclusives and big third party games I dont want to miss on my oled



Ryan Reynolds Wtf GIF

........actually just saw this. The fuck is this seriously


lmao. In fairness, Jimbo has tried. 2 years of cross gen games, dumb investments in GaaS studios who have yet to produce anything, greedy price increases on both software and hardware, and insanely dumb timed exclusives like Godfall, Deathloop and Ghostwire tokyo are stuff his predecessors would never tolerate. He's just been lucky that Sony first party is now almost as popular as Nintendo first party, and Sony has a brand that seems to be infallible to any kind of bad news. I was shocked to see sales go UP after the Activision acquisition. I had figured people wouldve begun switching before the deal ran into trouble.

I guess he does deserve some credit for it all seeing as how he's been in charge for a good 5 years now. He's somehow managed to buy Bungie, finally lock in Insomniac, Bluepoint, Housemarque, and several other studios like Nixxes for doing PC ports which frees up devs like Insomniac to focus on Playstation development. And of course, the sales speak for themselves. I guess both Philbo and I got this one wrong.
Idk if he's specifically responsible for these third party exclusives like Destruction all stars, forspoken, deathloop, etc. but whoever is, has been doing a terrible job.
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I made it an hour. Got to a fast travel marker and the game decided “you get 15 fps in this zone.”

I don’t understand how anyone gave it an 8.5/10 or a 4.5/5. It’s fucking awful.

Luigi Mario

Wolfeye studios, they made an immersive sim called weird west. It's pretty rough around the edges but the classic Arkane DNA is definitely there. There's a demo on steam if you want to try it, don't know about other platforms:

Is this the studio Raphael Colantonio formed with other former Arkane Lyon staff?
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Having seen all the footage floating around now I actually think IGN did a good job in that preview a few weeks ago.

Had I not spent the past hour playing this game, I’d have gone “the fuck? No way”. But I think I agree.


Finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the horrendous state of the game’s Achievements. Sadly, Redfall has a number of Achievements — at least ten from my count, and that’s a guess because a full Achievement list is currently hidden — that award Gamerscore in allotments of 17. At least one — and likely more — are missable, locked inside specific missions that can’t be replayed in single-player mode. One of the random-numbered Achievements is awarded very early on, and it’ll take players hours to get five of them to round their score back out. Be warned.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
What the fuck happened here. What a shame. I would really like to know why, and how a studio with such a good track record and so much talent turned out such a turd.

I’d love some sort of insider to come forward and give us the scoop. Hopefully this isn’t a sign of things to come because I really like Arkane.


I don't think it's great they were like 5 years in before realising they don't know what they are doing
Haha yeah i understood your point, just being the half full glass guy and hoping their return to "sealed" style as the say gives us Dishonored 3/Prey 2.
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THIS......is Microsoft first party?
I am sure at this point I am beginning to sound like a broken record, but that just goes to show how often stuff like this happens. So I will say it again....

And people wonder why I don't trust MS/Xbox.

Being happy that MS is trying to acquire any studio is literally like being happy that the guy that couldn't take off, fly and land the Cesena is the pilot of your flight in a Boeing 747.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Opencritic going from 65 "weak" to 66 "fair" seems sus

Meme Think GIF


Can’t wait to see IGN give this game a 10 just because someone has a hard-on for Arkane. Despite the studio producing copy/paste shit between this and Deathloop.

Time for them to go out of their comfort and make a third person action adventure game.


Gold Member
Can you play gamepass via steam natively or can you only stream

Sadly you can only stream. And streaming sucks. Super laggy in my part of the world, with 2-3 seconds of input lag. Not worth it to stream gamepass on my Steam Deck. I can play it natively on my PC though.

I think you can get gamepass native on the deck if you're willing to dual boot windows. If I'm not mistaken Topher Topher has his set up like that, but yeh I'd suggest asking in the deck OT because this is way off topic.
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Dr. Claus

I think you can get gamepass native on the deck if you're willing to dual boot windows. If I'm not mistaken Topher Topher has his set up like that, but yeh I'd suggest asking in the deck OT because this is way off topic.

Oh yes, you definitely can. But I don't dual boot so the only way I can do it is by Streaming.
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It's becoming extremely clear that Microsoft Gaming doesn't care about the image of their studios or the quality of the games they publish.

Nintendo nor Sony would have released this game in this state. They would have moved the project to a more competent team if they liked the game's potential.

Microsoft doesn't give a damn about their fans, their customers, or their teams. What a shitshow.
Its amazing what happens when the survival of your company relies on good quality products.
Screw antitrust. Microsoft's purchase of other studios should be blocked on the grounds that they simply don't know what the fuck to do with them.
Haha man I was just thinking that.

400 page document was just for public use. Behind closed doors, it was probably like “Phil- we know how this goes. You buy these studios, then fuck everything up. We can’t let you fuck up… candy crush. So, we will rule against it because of… *flips coin*… cloud or whatever its called.”
Considerably worse. I can barely believe how bad it is.
You aren't kidding. I can walk right up to enemies and they'll have a megaphone while looking up at the sky. I could sit there and play a round of golf before they notice me. One chick was aiming down the sites of a sniper rifle, and I just walked right up to her without her responding to me.

The gunplay and movement also feel stiff, and the npc characters are ugly and sometimes just grunt when you try to talk to them. Very unappealing stuff, but I'm not surprised because the developers have always been overrated in my book.
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Okay, I have been nice enough, but let me be honest for a moment: This looks like stinking shit, and whoever decided to publish this and push it in this state should be beaten with a bamboo stick! I feel offended...I've turned woke, congrats MS/Bethesda for offering me this horrifying sight...This looks like something we would have mocked on the PSN indie section, asking for Sony to better curate its store...This is not under-cooked, this is the scene of ingredients tossed on the floor...
Why would you release this? In-fuckin-comprehensible! 😐😐😐
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Gold Member
I was playing as a cryptid hunter and you can easily make headshots with a keyboard and mouse. The game does not make your aim shakey or anything.


Were most of these reviews on PC? I’m checking MrMatty and ACG and while it looks bad to play in their videos it seems better than how it played on my XSX (unplayable & nauseating)


Were most of these reviews on PC? I’m checking MrMatty and ACG and while it looks bad to play in their videos it seems better than how it played on my XSX (unplayable & nauseating)
Yeah, most of the video reviews I’ve seen including those two specifically said they got PC review codes.
I got a Series X at launch in 2020. Decided to get a PS5 and got it in January of this year because of so many great games on it. I know that it depends on a person's taste in games, but the PS5 feels like a premium blockbuster machine while the Xbox just feels very average. I still have the Series X, but the PS5 is significantly better primarily due to the games it offers. It's sad, because I loved the OG Xbox and Xbox 360 so much.
Peter Moore and Jim Allard were the reasons 360 era was great. Since they left, Xbox division has been a mess. I like the Xbox hardware and controllers. But in the last decade every game apart from Forza has been some sort of a disaster. Last gears and halo games were ok, but they won’t be remembered like the previous games in the series.


Weeb Underling
Smith was lead of the first Deus Ex though. Or is that now retroactively bad too, because 'PoLiTiCs iN mY ViDeO gAMeS'?
Deus Ex was not really a political work, and if it was, it's politics were not self defeating in the meta or actual sense.

In Deus Ex, different perspectives from around the world are given voice and sensible arguments. That's not to say that all are equal in the game, but there's at least a debate.

Modern game "politics" are little more than agit-prop. Nobody's going to defend Elizabeth Holmes, but I don't play games or engage in any fiction for direct allegory with no actual creativity.

I think it's great that Bethesda and a corp like MS let their lead dev express their personal perspective, no matter if its subtle or not (in this case not). Kinda refreshing.
Well, isn't that funny? Because Smith's bosses, both from Microsoft and Zenimax before, are rich people paying him his salary. It's been the case for the vast majority of his career. That's what I meant by self defeating in the meta sense.

I don't believe that that's what Redfall is about anyway. There's not enough story for it to be "about" anything. I think Smith was just given a line by opportunistc PR who saw an easy way to score brownie points with the activist press.


Weeb Underling
This. We want those baller AF early 360 years back.
The 360 heydays were short lived; they got in early, and they were moneyhstting games to fill out their library. The root of their current problems is that they don't understand game production. The 360 days might've seemed great early in that gen (and by the end of it, people could see the cracks), but the mentality they had back then set the seeds for what they're doing and not doing today.
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