Gold Member
Let me guess, CUPHEAD was also a terrible game because of that one fella who couldn't get past the tutorial.

If only the player's ability was the only problem on show here, if only.
Let me guess, CUPHEAD was also a terrible game because of that one fella who couldn't get past the tutorial.
Looks like a video game not an interactive storyboard, that's an improvement over a lot of things you see.
The Division is of course a much superior game, but talking about the PvPvE element here.
I guess immersive sims don't pay the bills, I'm no longer arkane's target audience, oh well
I think the reality of the situation is that this game was green-lit before the acquisition and Bethesda needed to make a "popular" game.
well, I am not the one concerned about the direction of this game...Arkane fans are.So, to turn around the trend of them trying immersive/emergent gameplay in different games, only to have those games fail they. . .try another immersive/emergent game? How exactly does that work?
. . .talk about out of whack narratives.
I don't get how anyone at the studio can play this and not even consider that this game feels generic as hell. This feels like a game being made by a new and upcoming indie studio.
It was altered and cut down to fit Gamepass.
More fake concern. This game will score around 85 on metacritic more than likely. We all know it is because this game won’t ever come to PS5. I expect more of this fake concern with star field.
I don't see what is wrong with the footage other than the IGN guy running around and dying obviously because the red square transition.
It is a typical mini boss fight that comes out after certain conditions are met.
My eyesSays who?
Have you not been paying attention to Redfall at all? You don't see the downgrades from early videos?
Have you not been paying attention to Redfall at all? You don't see the downgrades from early videos?
It doesn't look bad it just looks like... too much.
It's a lot of colors and in your face stuff, fast paced and "blood pumping" type of gameplay. I'm just not into this kind of thing much anymore. I prefer simpler aesthetic and gameplay, without the adrenaline rush, shooter aspect. I get Back 4 Blood vibes from it, and that game was also a case of just way too much going on and I wound up hating it, even though I was super excited about it. I even made the OT for it here on GAF.
I dunno, I'm weird lol. For a lot of people those would all be positivesIt's just not a game for me. It doesn't look bad by any means though.
The IGN person playing the game really was awful and made the game look even less fun.I'm not into coop so nothing in that video looks fun to me. You are right. Just "too much". And if this is the essence of the game then I'll probably bail on it really quick, but I'm hopeful there is more stealth and tactics for a slower approach to this guns blazing all the time. I certainly hope there is a better way to take on bosses than to run, shoot, run some more. But I'm reserving judgement on all that until I get to play myself. These IGN guys running around haphazardly throwing and shooting just doesn't come across as a good example to me.
The IGN person playing the game really was awful and made the game look even less fun.
Having said that, I think that's how most average gamers play games. So -- as bad as it may look -- it's quite accurate to the real-world experience and example of how the game would play out for the majority of people.
Carefully curated and crafted videos where you're lining up enemies for perfect shots and abilities in a timely sequence of combos, on the other hand, are not a good example as they represent a gameplay experience that only the top 2% would end up having.
Based on what I'm seeing, I wouldn't call it an improvement over anything.
Carefully curated and crafted videos where you're lining up enemies for perfect shots and abilities in a timely sequence of combos, on the other hand, are not a good example as they represent a gameplay experience that only the top 2% would end up having.
well, I am not the one concerned about the direction of this game...Arkane fans are.
and this video doesn't show immersive/emergent/systems-driven gameplay.
it looks like something created inside the creation suite of Fortnite's
For some reason I never clocked that Layla could launch people using the phone booth (I certainly hope that's explained at some point; why it is a phone booth I mean) - certainly not enemies. Looks like Karnesis from DL honestly; curious if the skills themselves will be "customizable." Guess we'll see pretty shortly (there's gotta be another preview or deep dive event coming out - though it'll likely just be more hero videos).
. . .also I really hope that cutscene artstyle is in the game for their "cinematics." The ones in DL were fun.
they better deliver an 80+ MC or else the few defenders are not going to be enough to compensate for the overwhelming negativity that is going to ensue.More than a few "Arkane fans. . ." are also fine with what they've seen and are willing to give them the benefit of the doubt given their track record.
they better deliver an 80+ MC or else the few defenders are not going to be enough to compensate for the overwhelming negativity that is going to ensue.
and that wasn't enough.Immaterial.
Prey has metascore of 79.
I have only stopped trusting critics after playing it.
It needs to be good, that's all.
Let me guess, CUPHEAD was also a terrible game because of that one fella who couldn't get past the tutorial.
That's probably easy to do if you just make up nonsense about a game. REDFALL isn't and has never been advertised to be anything close to "The Division" least of all with PVP (like where do you even get that).
More fake concern. This game will score around 85 on metacritic more than likely. We all know it is because this game won’t ever come to PS5. I expect more of this fake concern with star field.
I don't see what is wrong with the footage other than the IGN guy running around and dying obviously because the red square transition.
It is a typical mini boss fight that comes out after certain conditions are met.
I don't think the graphics are really that bad. I get what you are saying, yes, majority of the title looks better. I believe it's just the art-style they choose. More stylistic rather than pushing some insane lighting techniques or whatever else. At the end of the gameplay is what matter, but sadly in Redfall's case that doesn't look too promising either.People are bashing the uninspired, generic gameplay (and rightly so), but what's going on with the graphics?
How is this a current-gen exclusive game when there are cross-gen games (HFW, Hogwart's Legacy, CP 2077, DL 2, SM:MM) that look 10x better than this?
...but what's going on with the graphics?
Well I do have higher standards so you're probably rightYou know what they say about everyone having an opinion... Certainly possible that Redfall simply isn't a game for your sensibilities.
I had some decently high hopes for this game but