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Report: Borderlands 4 is being revealed on June 7th


Gold Member

It has been discovered via eXputer's contacts that 2K will offer Borderlands 4's first-ever reveal at the upcoming Summer Game Fest on June 7.

There is also a chance that the game gets formally announced before the event, followed by a better show of it during the showcase, but I cannot confirm that at this point.

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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
They should kill off Ava in the tutorial of BL4. Kind of feel like they are going to make Ava one of the playable characters. Would rather have Patricia Tannis as a VH then Ava.

They really soured their fanbase with Maya, Lilith, Presequel(treatment of Aurelia was awful) characters.

I ultimately preferred Borderlands when it was more about Vault Hunting then Cosmic Siren discourse.

It would be a far better story if it was collect starmaps across 8 planets to locate the super secret planet housing a megadungeon to find the ultimate treasure.

Really tired of the overreliance of Pandora.

Players really just want their Diablo with Guns back.


I'd love to get some info on the new Borderlands and I have accepted that it will be smothered in live service bullshit. I'm sure it will have a battlepass, storefront, "content roadmap", the whole deal.
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Still haven't played BL3 past the second planet.
They'll have to dig up Handsome Jack or something to even get me remotely interested.

BL3 probably could do with a "It was just a dream" or "Marcus made it up" kind of retcon.
Many IPs could use the old Dallas "Dream Season" retcon.


When it comes to something like this, I just hope the gameplay is fun with a friend and the story isn't terrible at best. $90 CAD is a lot for what I've mentioned, so... I doubt I'll dive headfirst into this.
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El Muerto

The movie comes out August 9th so i would imagine they would want the game to come out soon as the movie will hype sales.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Still haven't played BL3 past the second planet.
They'll have to dig up Handsome Jack or something to even get me remotely interested.
Narrative where your character isn't a sidepiece, coupled with good pacing and a rewarding endgame with BL1 atmosphere would go a long way.

Please let legendaries be legendaries again.

Also global release. None of that Epic Games Gatekeeping either.
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Narrative where your character isn't a sidepiece, coupled with good pacing and a rewarding endgame with BL1 atmosphere would go a long way.

Please let legendaries be legendaries again.

Also global release. None of that Epic Games Gatekeeping either.

Also, stop being so quick to nerf things. Some pieces of gear being “broken” or stupidly overpowered goes a long way to retaining playability. The quickness with which they nerfed items and talents into the ground in Borderlands 3 was a large reason why I didn’t play it much at end game. What was the point trying to farm a piece of gear to set up a build if you knew they’d turn around and just gut the entire build in a patch?

Power Pro

I still haven't played Borderlands 3 :messenger_persevering: All the negative feedback just keeps preventing me from getting around to it, yet I love Borderlands 1, 2 and even Pre-sequel.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Also, stop being so quick to nerf things. Some pieces of gear being “broken” or stupidly overpowered goes a long way to retaining playability. The quickness with which they nerfed items and talents into the ground in Borderlands 3 was a large reason why I didn’t play it much at end game. What was the point trying to farm a piece of gear to set up a build if you knew they’d turn around and just gut the entire build in a patch?
To this day people just want Borderlands 2 with BL1 loot tables and systems where even a grey weapon can be amazing. And when Legendaries dropped they were rare and gamechanging. Constant nerfing in BL3 or following a meta build in BL2(yay Slag) is very boring.

I very much was a fan of Eridian Weapons in BL1 and they never were used again.

Power Pro Power Pro Presequel was the true BL3. Especially Claptastic Voyage.
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Power Pro

To this day people just want Borderlands 2 with BL1 loot tables and systems where even a grey weapon can be amazing. And when Legendaries dropped they were rare and gamechanging. Constant nerfing in BL3 or following a meta build in BL2(yay Slag) is very boring.

I very much was a fan of Eridian Weapons in BL1 and they never were used again.

Power Pro Power Pro Presequel was the true BL3. Especially Claptastic Voyage.
Yeah...I love that earworm song quest lol


I am a closet furry. Don't you judge me.
I still haven't played Borderlands 3 :messenger_persevering: All the negative feedback just keeps preventing me from getting around to it, yet I love Borderlands 1, 2 and even Pre-sequel.
Don't listen to the haters, if you enjoyed b2 then go enjoy 3. I personally had a blast with it with co op buddies.

I missed out on a lot of games that I ended up loving because the internet said they were shit.


Man Gearbox needs some of that Borderlands 2 magic back
I think it will, the jaguar cpu in 8th gen consoles is just garbage, guns don't feel right, only cov that makes sense, other guns are garbage, many places you don't appreciate, they're just forgettable, unlike bl2.


Junior Member
Never played Borderlands 3 kinda didn't have the time back then is it worth jumping into now. Played the hell out of BL1 and BL2 with the DLC and all.
As someone who barely played Borderlands 1and hasn’t touched the rest, it seemed like the hype for and longevity of Borderlands 3 was nonexistent compared to the first two. What happened?


Never understood the appeal of these games. Feels like the most forced shit ever, and the bullet sponge bullshit just to have a million guns isn’t fun to me.

Bert Big Balls

Gold Member
Man Gearbox needs some of that Borderlands 2 magic back
Agreed. One of my favourite games of all time. It came at a time in my life where I had a ton of free time, and had been stuck playing shit like COD and other garbage in the PS3 era. BL2 was the first game I'd played in ages that was actually fun, and I got addicted to it. Did multiple playthroughs with different characters, most of the DLC, etc. Sure there was some stupid shit, but Handsome Jack was a fucking ridiculously good villain. The locations were amazing to explore, the variety of guns, the characters. I just love BL2 to death.

I remember watching the trailer for BL3 live, and was blown away. I can't believe how disappointing the game was though. While the gameplay was miles better than 2 with the QoL updates, the maps and locations sucked, a lot of the new characters sucked, the story sucked, and it just felt like a chore to play. Don't get me wrong, characters like Wainwright Jakobs and Typhon DeLeon were great, but the twins fucking sucked hard and Eva was horrid.

Also wasn't a fan of the city maps. It's borderlands, just give me some wastelands or some interesting places like Caustic Caverns or Eridium Blight. A lot of the time with BL3 it didn't feel like I was playing Borderlands. BL2 seems to have been lightning in a bottle and I'm terrified they're never going to match the quality of that game ever again.


As someone who barely played Borderlands 1and hasn’t touched the rest, it seemed like the hype for and longevity of Borderlands 3 was nonexistent compared to the first two. What happened?

To be honest, the actual gunplay of Borderlands 3 is, without a doubt, the best in the franchise. The shooting in the game felt super satisfying. Everything else… not so much.

Let’s start with looting, since it’s a looter shooter and all. 95% of the stuff you’d loot was pure and complete trash that just clogged your inventory or missed loot machine. This included a lot of the “legendaries”, which they made a lot more common. Then, even if you did get the god roll item you wanted for your class and spec, they’d turn around and swing the nerf bat wildly. So you’d spend an obscene amount of time farming for that one item you were hoping for, only to get it and have Gearbox go “oh, sorry, we decided that’s too OP now.” So a lot of us realized it wasn’t worth grinding endlessly when they’d just nerf items and builds Willy-nilly.

Then there was the writing. It’s the definition of trying too hard to recapture lightning in a bottle. The Calypso Twins were certainly no Handsome Jack, and the entire story centering around the Sirens rather than the vaults was meh. All of the planets had some fun highlights but most of them dragged on for no reason except to pad playtime.

Then there’s the way they did a bunch of the prior characters dirty with the way they wrote them or how they ended their stories. All while introducing one of the most god awful, annoying, child characters ever and elevating her to god tier status when it wasn’t earned, at all.

The mayhem level system was a novel idea but all it really did was push people into typical (and unfun) meta builds.

Some of the DLCs were fun for a run through. I personally enjoyed Bounty of Blood and Handsome Jack’s casino.

I would say it’s worth playing through entirely once, but definitely shut off your brain for a lot of it, pick Moze and let Iron Bear go Brrrrt!
*activates flame shield*

I liked Borderlands 3 for the most part.

Sure, Ava should die in a fire, and the bad guys were underwhelming. But the entire part on Eden-6 was peak Borderlands to me, and the DLCs are some of the best in the series (come on, dinosaur-riding samurai-cowboys?).
On the other hand, I mostly played Moze on an Ironbear build, so maybe I actually played Titanfall? Still super enjoyable, though.

I'd buy Tiny Tina's Wonderlands as it is 75% off right now, and Dragon Keep is the best Borderlands DLC bar none, but I already have way too many stuff to play (and Lego just delivered my Barad-Dur).

(PS: 2K and Gearbox are still woke wankers)


I enjoyed Tiny Tina's Wonderlands a heck of a lot more than I enjoyed Borderlands 3 mostly because, for as obnoxious as it all can still be, the writing didn't make me want to take a power drill to my fucking temples. If they want to keep moving forward with Borderlands, they really need to narrow in on writing that doesn't play like fucking nails on a chalkboard and that doesn't run over virtually every minute of gameplay.
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Gold Member
I'd bet they'll go even harder on the "subtle" messaging in the next one.
I could already barely bear it in BL3 and only finished it for completion's sake - well that and the writing just being horrible and missing almost all humor marks in general.

Likely pass on BL4 for me, unless somehow they manage to return to BL2 form.


After the shit humor in 3 I kinda don't want them to and I have little faith they get back to the Borderlands 2 humor.

Man I was hoping the big new Take Two reveal was Mafia 4.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'd bet they'll go even harder on the "subtle" messaging in the next one.
I could already barely bear it in BL3 and only finished it for completion's sake - well that and the writing just being horrible and missing almost all humor marks in general.

Likely pass on BL4 for me, unless somehow they manage to return to BL2 form.
Subtle? Some of it was straight in your face. Of course the fourth game is going to reverse when it comes to appealng Modern Audiences and The Message(s).

It's 2024 after all.


Gold Member
I am being brutally honest here: I'd rather see a new Duke Nukem game or Brothers in Arms from Gearbox then yet another Borderlands game. I feel that concept has been played out since Borderlands 2.


Gold Member
Subtle? Some of it was straight in your face. Of course the fourth game is going to reverse when it comes to appealng Modern Audiences and The Message(s).

It's 2024 after all.
Yeah, it was both.
But there was also stuff like practically every male character being either a complete doofus or evil, while the women were all of the talented, organized and "perfect" type. Not quite straight to your face, but that kind of approach modern writers seem to think is "subtle".
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