A Serious Man
Trump believes the intelligence community leaked this, so that pretty much confirms it's validity as the actual report and not some 4chan prank.
He was asked to deny the alleged contact between his campaign and Russia during the election.
He didn't deny it, he dodged the question.
Here you go folks, there it is.
Dude, how can you live with hitching your trailer to that orange Manchurian cheeto? Seriously, have some self respect.
He was asked to deny the alleged contact between his campaign and Russia during the election.
He didn't deny it, he dodged the question.
Here you go folks, there it is.
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Domald Tromp Pounded In The Butt By The Handsome Russian T-Rex Who Also Peed On His Butt And Then Blackmailed Him With A Video Of His Butt Getting Peed On
Also anyone read it?
The deflection and subsequent ending of the press conference centered around whether his team was in contact with Russia are very, very telling.
Confirmation, not yet.
Right now:
1) Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen was not in Prague but a different Michael Cohen was.
2) NBC's Russian correspondent's source says the briefing was false, going against multiple reports and multiple other sources.
Keep digging folks. Keep. Digging.
lol, it's times like this being a mod must be awesome. Most of us do multi-tab on GAF and you do see some strange posts in topics where it's like yeah, you meant that thread![]()
A strategic goal of Russia is to promote anti-americanism in Japan
Just watched a clip...who the hell was clapping when CNN was called fake news? If it was another news organization they need to be dragged to hell and back.
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Domald Tromp Pounded In The Butt By The Handsome Russian T-Rex Who Also Peed On His Butt And Then Blackmailed Him With A Video Of His Butt Getting Peed On
Also anyone read it?
For point 1, it should be noted that Cohen meeting in Prague was already low confidence intel according to the report. The report explicitly mentions this.
If he isn't arrested along with others or at least not allowed to be President I will be surprised. He is rotten to the core, a liar, a danger to the US and the World and many other bad things.
9 days, come on!
Because Lord kept talking about the crazyness of the issue, you kept changing the topic to talk about its veracity. They're different.
I'm just gonna quote this part, which sum it up pretty well.
Conclusion. It IS crazy as a whole, but not so much when you take into account all of these factors that we've been seeing.
Not so difficult to understand.
Movie in the making
Did /pol/ meme to hard again?
How about Tommy Wiseau?I don't care if David Fincher directs it, I never want to relive this
The deflection and subsequent ending of the press conference centered around whether his team was in contact with Russia are very, very telling.
Confirmation, not yet.
Right now:
1) Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen was not in Prague but a different Michael Cohen was.
2) NBC's Russian correspondent's source says the briefing was false, going against multiple reports and multiple other sources.
Keep digging folks. Keep. Digging.
Was this book posted?
Domald Tromp Pounded In The Butt By The Handsome Russian T-Rex Who Also Peed On His Butt And Then Blackmailed Him With A Video Of His Butt Getting Peed On
Also anyone read it?
But worded carefully to imply falsehood.The NBC report said it was unvetted, not false.
The whole point is I disagree. I literally take issue with the concept of it being an objective truth that is easy to see. "IT IS CRAZY but really its not that crazy when ... " wut
There is nothing you could have possibly seen or heard during this election that would make it not shocking that Trump was exchanging information in secret meetings with Russia, making agreements to undercut NATO and brush Ukraine under the rug along with other shady deals, that they've been grooming him for 8+ years and are blackmailing him with compromising info.
You are just agreeing with him because you view things the same way. How the fuck is that not shocking to you unless its confirmation bias because of your opinion of Trump? You don't know anything we don't unless you are in the FBI or CIA. There has never been any sort of information or evidence to back any of these claims before, and sorry, Trump having a buddy buddy relationship with Russia does not make these things not crazy. This goes WAY further. Straight up treason.
And for the record, when youre saying like LF was that a theory might be true because it hasnt been debunked by claiming only one thing has been debunked so far, and that only the pee thing is even absurd, you are absolutely making a case for the report possibly being true, and you don't have to necessarily believe that it is or isn't. Im not even saying its 100% false, either. its just extremely likely to be fake, and my entire argument is not only that, but that it is indeed crazy af.
Nixon was one of the most politically astute and intelligent politicians/presidents of all time, and still in spite of that, he got his hand caught in the cookie jar and his ego destroyed him.
I just can't believe Trump will not similarly be driven insane, over reach in going after anyone in government he believes is conspiring against him, and destroy himself in the process.
Regardless of whether or not this report is true, Trump will absolutely be going after people who he sees as not "on his side", and break a shit ton of laws doing so.
Trump said at his press conference today he's a germophobe.
Here's a 2015 interview with The Hollywood Reporter:
The NBC report said it was unvetted, not false.
But worded carefully to imply falsehood.
My bad, yes.
Either way, the larger point I tried to make there is that the document Buzzfeed released is still, largely, in the clear and awaiting verification. The only thing proven, kinda, false is Michael Cohen being in Prague, which the document even lists as being a weak link anyway. And like I mentioned above, the fact that a Michael Cohen was in Prague only lends further credibility to this document.
I just want people here to take this calmly and not freak out over every move in this story until more verifications can happen.
This is strange. Nixon lost his 1960 presidential campaign. He lost a CA gubernatorial race. He campaigned for the Trump of his day, Barry Goldwater. He was notorious for using racial dogwhistles and he developed the racist southern strategy as president. In what sense is he politically astute and intelligent?
its been said countless times this election but man, those poor House of Cards writers must be stressed that real politics has out done them.
I guess you could literally just take this election and adapt it for the show and make it some sick commentary on the state of america.
This is strange. Nixon lost his 1960 presidential campaign. He lost a CA gubernatorial race. He campaigned for the Trump of his day, Barry Goldwater. He was notorious for using racial dogwhistles and he developed the racist southern strategy as president. In what sense is he politically astute and intelligent?
So, Trump's law firm just got the Russia Law Firm of the Year award.
I think, at this point, you are either intentionally being pig-headed about what is being said, or you truly cannot follow this conversation.
In the absolutely simplest of terms it boils down to this: A candidate ran his campaign with a very pro-Russia and pro-Putin bend, had the election influenced by Russia for them, has financial and staff ties to Russia, and is now taking direct action to potentially help Russia. It would not be shocking at all to learn this candidate had some ties to Russia that was influencing them in some way because this tie to Russia has been present from the beginning and now in the process of being enacted. Is the fact that we could potentially have a President-Elect in this situation. Yes, it's crazy, shocking, scary, all of the above. But is it shocking when you look back at said candidate's history and see just how embroiled he's been in Russian things and is taking moves that could actually benefit Russia? Not really, no.
Got us out of Vietnam. Moved our relationship with Russia from deterrence to detente. First president to recognize China. Did more for the environment than anyone since Teddy.
One of my most liberal history professors, who's been arrested for civil disobedience, told us with a straight face that Nixon would be considered the best postwar president if it wasn't for Watergate.
So, literally confirmation bias.
So, literally confirmation bias.