Quickly glanced the Buzzfeed story. Isn't this the thing that was rumored months ago? Him being monitored in weird sex acts?
trump's next tweet gonna be mad awkward
The thing about contact between Moscow and Trump team went around before the election, even with some analyzing of data streams. Didn't get picked up by a lot of media though. Maybe different now that the CIA and FBI take it seriously.
This seems kind like they're trying too hard to the point of sounding stupid. Like when a prosecutor goes overboard trying to discredit someone and they're like "TELL US ABOUT THE SATANIC RITUALS!". I mean, I suppose I should believe anything at this point but come on.
I hope the Religious Right sleeps well at night.
Impeachment is for things you do while in office. Trump has not assumed office yet.
Who cares if it's fake, people believing fake shit is why Trump is President. Fight fire with pee.
that really doesnt sound real. who is the source giving them this intel when they couldnt produce anything definitive before
You gotta feel bad for Trump if he does get to walk in the Presidential bedroom after all this: Obama needs to leave an A4 with a small smilie, no just aand let Trump's mind break itself trying to figure out what he did to the bed/room/house days before Trump moved in.
trump's next tweet gonna be mad awkward
Impeachment is for things you do while in office. Trump has not assumed office yet.
im sure this was asked but im too lazy to go read it.
Is this treason?
The Catholic Church disagrees. Oh wait...I bet they are the most perverted fucking people in the WORLD. The most devout and judgmental are usually the cruelest sinners, no?
shit sounds fake as hell...also Trump is a germophobe....so why would he let prostitutes pee on him?
Impeachment is for things you do while in office. Trump has not assumed office yet.
it all makes sense now
naaahh this don't sound true at all
I wonder what happens if/when TRUMP gets removed. Blood on the streets?
If you think Trump hiring prostitutes to piss on Obama's bed is too petty, remember when he brought in Bill Clinton's alleged rape victims to sit with him at the debates?
shit sounds fake as hell...also Trump is a germophobe....so why would he let prostitutes pee on him?
shit sounds fake as hell...also Trump is a germophobe....so why would he let prostitutes pee on him?
shit sounds fake as hell...also Trump is a germophobe....so why would he let prostitutes pee on him?
I wonder what happens if/when TRUMP gets removed. Blood on the streets?