We are getting a steady flow of information.This is Watergate-esque. It's outright treason, even ignoring the pee stuff.
We are getting a steady flow of information.This is Watergate-esque. It's outright treason, even ignoring the pee stuff.
Back what up? That things posted on an anonymous website that has clear motives to defend Trump might not be trustworthy?So everything has been faked by 4chan? care to back that up?
You know people live in different time zones.look at the date guys, its fake.
This is embarrassing. There's very little chance any of this is real at all. Imagine if it was any other president elect. What a shit show. :/
Holy shit. Wow. Thanks for the summary.
I so badly want to hear Jack Tapper say the words "golden shower" lololol
Believe things posted on 4chan brehs
Is this treason? If so, what will happen?
So it sounds like the document is real, but the claims are not verified?
In his comments on Monday, Mr Peskov said Russia "categorically denied that Moscow had been involved in any hacking attacks".
"Groundless accusations which are not supported by anything are being rehearsed in an amateurish, unprofessional way. We don't know what information they are actually relying on."
The claims amounted to a "witch-hunt", he added.
what the fuck is going on
can i wake up yet
This is embarrassing. There's very little chance any of this is real at all. Imagine if it was any other president elect. What a shit show. :/
From Russia's response two days ago:
That messaging.
That phrasing.
In Eastern USA, the time matches up.look at the date guys, its fake.
I so badly want to hear Jack Tapper say the words "golden shower" lololol
Jesus.From Russia's response two days ago:
That messaging.
That phrasing.
4chan comment is simply this
No idea if it's banned to link to that place but the comment above is real from 2016. It's hardly convincing though. I seriously doubt a troll message board can pull off something like this.
Google it or if someone lets me know it is okay to link to 4chan I will.
America needs a do over on its election.
Based on...what?
From Russia with Piss
I'm actually kinda disappointed it's only a watersports, come on Donald you're freakier than that.
Back what up? That things posted on an anonymous website that has clear motives to defend Trump might not be trustworthy?