cmon gilmore you got this
cmon gilmore you got this
This is a phenomenal OP
Sad to hear Trump isn't there- wonder if they will just go after Cruz instead.
This is only my 2nd time watching the 2nd tier debate and both of them featured Jim Gilmore. Are - we connected?
Frothy getting angry.
I wonder if Trump's pubes look like the hair on his head.He would suck Trump's dick for a shout out
Is this the debate? There's no tension without Trump.
Kid table. Debate is in 2 hours.
Carlie bringing out the take our country back line to end every question like she did the last debate.
Take our country back.
Thomas wasted that $25.
It's open season on Trump. The winner will be whoever takes the best shot.
So, tonight's drinking game is thus:
You drink every time someone mentions Trump, Clinton, Reagan or anything factually inaccurate.